Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The network will be underpinned by a robust and well-established web-based e-community software platform, provided by Baigent Ltd, which will be a powerful tool both to support interactive working between the teams involved and in the spreading of excellence via dissemination, communication and networking activities both within the network, and to teams external to the network. Furthermore, this software enables members to connect with existing relevant pan-European food research and information networks. Overall EuroFIR will:
1. Identify key stakeholders (by type and identity) needing information from EuroFIR, establish contact and develop relationships
2. Establish key areas of interest for different stakeholder groups
3. Establish levels of knowledge and understanding for 2 (including, for citizens, the baseline audit)
4. Identify key research leaders within EuroFIR and elsewhere, share information on the above 1, 2 and 3 with them and encouraging all of them to address the stakeholder community
5. Recruit scientific experts and scientist-communicators from to assist with knowledge dissemination
6. Having established the preferred ways in which information can be received by the community, and the key areas of interest, address these within the communication strategies of EuroFIR to 'match' the stakeholders' pull with the science push
7. Use SA3.2 active team members to coordinate the cascade of information
8. Keep in contact with food composition databank research leaders to maximise the speed of transmission of quality information into the public domain, subject to peer review Within the network: Network members, through secure password access, will be able to: ➢ Utilise the communication tools to contact and interact with individuals, centres of excellence or groups within the network. These tools will facilitate the interactive working between the teams involved and will provide the platform for information sharing. ➢ View and upload documents held within the central repository, which is fundamental to the management of the flow of knowledge and to the management of the knowledge portfolio. The repository has a flexible and effective filing system, which is easily searchable. Quick and unheeded access to the knowledge generated will engender the successful dissemination of knowledge and, as a result, the exploitation of results generated within the network. ➢ Participate in special interest groups and forums within the network and post up entries an...
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The knowledge and information accumulated by the EGEE partners will be used to feed technical content to the Dissemination and Outreach activity. A major vehicle for the dissemination activity will be a lively and up- to-date EGEE central web site hosted at XXXXXX. This will be supplemented by focused email distribution lists and web based collaborative tools hosted at XXXXXX. The material will also be used as the source for the production of printed material that can be used to support conferences, workshops and training sessions. CERN will use the material in support of their contacts with the media. In order to give some exposure to the types of services that can be expected from EGEE, CERN and XXXXXX will develop a portal on the external web site giving demonstration access to a limited range of Grid.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. One of the four targeted euCognition activities is dedicated exclusively to outreach and, therefore, to the use and dissemination of knowledge. As set out in Section 7 – Detailed Implementation Plan – the Outreach activity includes nine tasks dedicated to using and disseminating knowledge. These are:
1) Six-monthly Meetings (T1.2)
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The knowledge and information accumulated by the EGEE partners will be used to feed technical content to the Dissemination and Outreach activity. A major vehicle for the dissemination activity will be a lively and up- to-date EGEE central web site hosted at XXXXXX. This will be supplemented by focused email distribution lists and web based collaborative tools hosted at XXXXXX. The material will also be used as the source for the production of printed material that can be used to support conferences, workshops and training sessions. CERN will use the material in support of their contacts with the media. In order to give some exposure to the types of services that can be expected from EGEE, CERN and XXXXXX will develop a portal on the external web site giving demonstration access to a limited range of Grid applications. The full plans for using the knowledge and information acquired in the EGEE project will be defined in the "Project Information Dissemination Plan", scheduled for delivery in month 3 and updated in month 9 of the project.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The management of knowledge will be achieved through the following: • The project web portal, maintained by the Project Coordination Office, constitutes the main mechanism for the effective dissemination of information and results of the project. The web pages will contain research papers, technical reports, information on training activities, course material, workshops, and advertisements of open positions. Training activities will be open for participants outside the project, thus providing also a platform for the broader dissemination of the results of the project. • Training activities, which are considered an important part of the project, and include: o Schools/Workshops: we envisage the organization of one research and training school per year, whose purpose is the training of PhD students and young researchers so that they will be introduced to the research areas related to robust and online optimization of large-scale systems. Schools are expected to draw participants from almost all participating sites. Topics will include both fundamental areas that are necessary as a background for the required research as well as state-of-the-art hot topics related to particular WPs. Schools will normally be complemented with workshops where researchers and students will present their current work. o Seminars/Mini-Courses: Participating sites will also organize seminars/mini-courses on specific topics related to their areas of interest. Such seminars/mini-courses would normally be addressed to smaller audiences than the schools. • Extensive publication and participation in high-quality international conferences as well as extensive publications to renowned international journals in the areas of Algorithms, Operations Research, and Artificial Intelligence.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The results of PREVENTCD will be disseminated beyond the consortium as described in WP7. Stakeholders and users are public health professionals, patients (through patients’ associations), researchers, regulatory bodies, governments, and the European Commission. These will be reached by a mix of communication measures like the website, newsletters, presentation at conferences and meetings, publications in journals, and new guidelines. The targeted dissemination ensures exploitation/use of the results in the public health sector. The results of PREVENTCD will, if appropriate, take the form of policy statements on a European Common Strategy to prevent CD. PREVENTCD will offer new, evidence-based, European Guidelines for early feeding practices, including gluten exposure and breast-feeding. Such results will be presented to the scientific community as a position paper and to the coeliac patients and the Europeans in general in the form of flyers and on-line publications. Regulations, rights and obligations with respect to prior knowledge (prior defined as preceding the date of contract signature) will adhere to standard regulations defined in the model contract.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. Exploitation plans will from the onset be closely coordinated with dissemination activities. Commercial exploitation will commence, as soon as the platform is operational and in parallel with the user test and evaluation.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. EXPReS activities will result in the generation of new knowledge. One of the aims of the consortium will be to disseminate such knowledge as widely as possible. EXPReS will have an Office for Public Outreach and a public website ran by the EXPReS Outreach Officer. The web-site will contain information on all of EXPReS’s activities; the public minutes of EXPReS meetings; the electronic proceedings of workshops arising from the networking activities; and lists of, and links to, preprints and publications arising from all EXPReS activities. All EXPReS partners will be actively encouraged to participate in international conferences and workshops (both in the astronomy and networking domains) and to give papers and posters at such meetings. The astronomers benefiting from the e-VLBI service will be encouraged to publish their scientific results in refereed astronomical journals (such as Astronomy & Astrophysics). Technical results arising from SA1, SA2 & JRA1 will also be published in appropriate engineering and/or scientific journals. The EXPReS Management Team (EMT) will develop and maintain an Intellectual Property (IP) register. This will be updated on a regular basis. IP will be a standing agenda item at the Board meetings. It will be a requirement that EXPReS and the EC-funding be acknowledged in all publications. All reasonable attempts will be made to ensure that a significant level of public outreach is maintained. This might be through public lectures at EXPReS facilities; the maintenance of the EXPReS website and interaction with amateur astronomical associations.
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. A Project WEB site, Management Database, e-Mail, Mailing lists, Templates for Meetings Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Reports and Costs statements are the basic tools that will be put in place for information bookkeeping and flow. Besides, a project website will be settled with security levels, in order to interface persons with the basic tools. The project activities’ meetings are key tools for the running of the project. They will be held either in presence, by phone conference or by videoconference. A calendar with the dates of ordinary meetings will be agreed yearly at the kick-off meeting and at the last meeting of the first year. Specific actions will be undertaken to successfully disseminate project results. These include: - Establishing close relationship with European Infrastructure projects such as EGEE and EGEE-2 and with Projects involved in the development of Grid infrastructures outside Europe (EELA, EUCHINAGRID, EUMEDGRID, etc.) A CYCLOPS contribution to the EGEE-II project conference and user forum will be assured - Monitor and follow up European and worldwide standards as they emerge within international bodies like the Global Grid Forum (GGF). Organization of and participation in conferences, workshops and knowledge dissemination events, so as to disseminate the project results to the potentially interested communities. In particular the Cyclops partners plan the: - Organization of a project open conference (in Italy, Roma – DPC) to be organized during the first year, to meet Grid, Civil Protection and GMES experts broaden the opportunities for dialogue and discuss the EGEE platform for Civil Protection applications also towards other national and transnational organization. - Organization of a mid-term project workshop to present the CYCLOPS objectives and first results. - Organization of a project final conference to present the results to many different communities: scientific and technological, Civil Protection, GMES and Earth Observation. - Co-ordination of dissemination activities by project partners in the academic and research communities of the participating countries. The project will facilitate the spread and exchange of technical expertise between all participating countries. The Project will also facilitate the exchange of information between the participating countries and the rest of the world, via close interactions with worldwide Grid efforts and projects. This interaction between the associated participants of the project is ...
Plan for using and disseminating knowledge. The network will be underpinned by a robust and well-established web-based e-community software platform, provided by Baigent Ltd, which will be a powerful tool both to support interactive working between the teams involved and in the spreading of excellence via dissemination, communication and networking activities both within the network, and to teams external to the network. Furthermore, this software enables members to connect with existing relevant pan-European food research and information networks. Overall EuroFIR will: