Professional Service Consultant agrees that all services and work performed under this agreement will be accomplished in a professional manner, in accordance with the accepted standards of Contractor’s profession.
Professional Services Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the rendering of or failure to render profes- sional services;
Professional Dues The school district will pay the annual dues for the Superintendent’s membership in the American Association of School Administrators, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and Nebraska Council of School Administrators. The Superintendent’s membership in other professional organizations will be considered annually and may be approved at the discretion of the school board.
Contract for Professional Services of Physicians Optometrists, and Registered Nurses
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT The parties’ support the principle of continuing training of teachers, participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel and participation in community educational projects.
Professional Services Fees You agree to pay us the professional services fees in the amounts set forth in the Investment Summary. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicing and Payment Policy. You acknowledge that the fees stated in the Investment Summary are good-faith estimates of the amount of time and materials required for your implementation. We will bill you the actual fees incurred based on the in-scope services provided to you. Any discrepancies in the total values set forth in the Investment Summary will be resolved by multiplying the applicable hourly rate by the quoted hours.
Professional Improvement Leave A teacher may be granted leave to be used for the teacher's professional improvement. Professional improvement days may be approved by the superintendent and used for the purpose of: 1. Visitation to view other instructional techniques or programs. 2. Conferences, workshops, or seminars conducted by colleges, universities, or vocational schools. The teacher planning to use a professional improvement day shall notify the principal at least one week in advance of the proposed absence. The teacher shall be required to file a written report with the principal within one (1) week of attendance at such event. Also, the teacher may/shall be requested to return with materials and/or information to be shared with other teachers. The expense of attending such visitation, conference, workshop, or seminar will be paid by the Board when the proper reimbursement applications are sent to the district office. In cases where attendance at a convention, workshop, seminar, or other educational activity is deemed to be of value only to the individual teacher, leave may be granted for attendance with either no expenses or limited expenses being underwritten by the district. In these cases, no written or verbal reports will be required.
Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.
Professional Rights A Pharmacist in his professional judgment may delay or refuse to fill or refill any prescription if there is reason to believe that such action would protect the health of the patient or where reasonable doubt exists as to the legality of said prescription or the legal use thereof, after first having established the fact by having consulted the prescriber if said prescriber is available.
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Teachers are expected to comply with reasonable rules, regulations, and directions adopted by the Board, or its representatives, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, provided that a teacher may reasonably refuse to carry out an order which threatens physical safety or well being or is professionally demeaning.