Professional Rights Sample Clauses

Professional Rights. A Pharmacist in his professional judgment may delay or refuse to fill or refill any prescription if there is reason to believe that such action would protect the health of the patient or where reasonable doubt exists as to the legality of said prescription or the legal use thereof, after first having established the fact by having consulted the prescriber if said prescriber is available.
Professional Rights. A. No unit member shall be harassed, intimidated or coerced by the University as a result of the appropriate professional performance of assigned work. B. The University and the Association agree that unit members should have a work environment which is free of harassment and intimidation. Any unit member who believes there exists a hostile or intimidating work environment may file a grievance at Step 2 of the grievance procedure. C. No unit member shall be required to perform personal services by any University employee. Personal services are defined as providing support for activities that are not related to University business. D. When a unit member is assigned work by two (2) or more persons, it shall be the responsibility of the unit member’s supervisor(s) to resolve conflicts in assignments which may arise. E. No unit member shall be required by the University to contribute to fund raising campaigns.
Professional Rights. 1. Professional Development Committee as related to funding control (Note: see also Addendum B) 2. Committees 1. Professional Relations/Labour management
Professional Rights. 6.1 With respect to professional employment, the religious, political, and private life of any member of the bargaining unit shall not be grounds for disciplinary action except as it may directly prevent him/her from effectively performing properly assigned functions during the work day.
Professional Rights. Graduate student employees shall have reasonable latitude to exercise their professional judgment within their area of expertise in deciding how best to accomplish their assignments within the scope of the directions given by the individual's supervisor as well as fiscal and time constraints. In addition, graduate student employees shall receive appropriate acknowledgment of their projects or contributions to projects in such instances in which acknowledgment is customarily and publicly given by the University. Within the provisions of applicable laws and University policies and subject to paragraph one above, graduate student employees are entitled to freely express in their work environment their political beliefs and/or affiliations. However, they should be careful not to introduce matter unrelated to their subject persistently into their teaching. Nothing in this Article should be understood to abridge whatever rights of academic freedom the Trustees may allow to graduate student employees. The University shall compile and provide to GEO an annual report on the use of undergraduate teaching assistants. The first such report shall cover the 2000-01 academic year and shall be issued within six months of the signing of this Agreement.
Professional Rights. 5.1 The Employer agrees that all matters relating to the practice of nursing at Montana Mental Health Nursing Care Center will be in accordance with the Montana Nurse Practice Act, Addendum A and the Collective Bargaining for Nurses Act. 5.2 The Association, on behalf of its members, agrees to cooperate with the Employer to attain and maintain full efficiency and maximum patient care. The Employer recognizes that the nurses are professionals and have professional interests and concerns. 5.3 The authorized representatives of the Association or their representatives shall have access to the premises of the Employer in order to investigate or conduct Association business so long as the work of the employees does not become interrupted. 5.4 The Employer shall supply bulletin board spaces at least large enough to hold 2 8 1/2”x 11” documents in places mutually agreed by the Employer and the Union for the Union to post items pertinent to Union business. 5.5 Should an unsafe situation arise which requires immediate attention, an employee will follow the organizational chain of command. 5.6 If, a resident poses a significant threat of harm to self and or others, the nurse shall follow appropriate chain of command and the Employer will respond. 5.7 The Association may use the Employer’s facilities for Association meetings contingent on management approval for each request. Reasonable requests will not be denied. Approval or denial shall be provided no later than three (3) business days following the request. 5.8 A maximum of two (2) nurses may be allowed subject to staffing requirements, the ability to use two (2) days of their accrued leave during Fall and Spring to attend the annual meeting of the Association. The requests shall not be unreasonably denied. 5.9 The Employer shall provide just compensation for destruction of clothing, prosthetic devices or personal property when the loss or damage is caused as a result of aggressive patient behavior or a work- related accident or injury that is not the result of nurse negligence. Such loss must be reported to the immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Reimbursement will be a maximum of $75 for clothes, watches, etc. Eyeglasses will be replaced on a like for like basis. Employee should first submit claim for eyeglass replacement through Employer sponsored benefits if the Employee carries such benefit. The Employer agrees to compensate for the remainder of the uncovered benefit. 5.10 The Employer shall provide to ...
Professional Rights. Unit members shall be provided freedom in instruction and discussion and may introduce any relevant materials provided that the presentation is a balanced representation, supporting District core curriculum/state standards, and is consistent with the State Education Code.
Professional Rights. No reprisals of any kind will be taken by either party or by any member of the Administration against any party in interest, OAPSE representative, or any participant in the grievance procedure.
Professional Rights. 4.1 The Employer agrees that all matters relating to the practice of nursing at the Public Health and Human Services Department will be in accordance with the Montana Nurse Practice Act. 4.2 The Association, on behalf of its members, agrees to cooperate with the Employer to attain and maintain full efficiency. The Employer recognizes that the nurses are professionals and have professional interests and concerns. Nursing and nursing practice shall not be supervised exclusively by non-nursing supervisors and/or administrators. If requested by an employee, Employer will consult with a professional nurse within the department regarding the evaluation of nursing practices and nursing ethics. 4.3 The authorized representatives of the Montana Nurses Association shall have access to the premises of the Employer in order to investigate or conduct Association business so long as the work of the employees does not become interrupted. In addition, the Association representative will gain prior approval from the designated management official. It is further understood that, due to the sensitivity of some areas within the Employer's operations, it shall be management's prerogative to determine what specific areas shall be made accessible to the representative. 4.4 The Employer, within 30 days of the signing of this Agreement and quarterly, shall present the Association with a list of the names, mailing addresses, date of hire, job title and current rate of pay of employees covered by the terms of this Agreement. The Employer will provide the Association with a list of newly hired and terminated nurses each month. 4.5 The internal business of the local unit shall be conducted by the employees during their non-duty hours. Selected and local unit officers or appointees shall be allowed a reasonable amount of paid time to investigate and pursue formal grievances. 4.6 The Employer shall give the Association and local unit advance notice and an opportunity to comment on any layoff, including a list of the employees affected. The Employer shall ensure to the Association, the local unit and each employee reasonable access to an up-to-date policy manual of its rules, regulations, and policies on employment related matters. The Association and local unit shall be notified of any change or additions to personnel rules, regulations, and policies issued by the Employer sufficiently in advance to allow discussion and comment. 4.7 Whenever members of the local unit are scheduled by th...
Professional Rights. 4.1 With respect to professional employment, the religious, political, and private life of any member of the bargaining unit shall not be grounds for disciplinary action except as it may directly prevent him/her from effectively performing assigned functions during the work day or as it may expose the District to liability for the unit member to work with students. 4.2 Listening, recording, television, or other monitoring devices shall not be used by either the District or the unit member to violate each other’s rights. 4.3 A member of the bargaining unit who is an officer of a state, regional, or national educational organization, or who has been regularly elected by her/his local organization to represent the organization at a state, regional, or national convention, or who is on a program of such a convention or conference, may be excused without loss of salary to attend such convention. 4.4 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny any unit member his/her rights under the California Education Code or under other applicable state and federal law or constitution. 4.5 A unit member shall be entitled to representation by the Union on matters of employee/employer relations that may adversely affect him/her. 4.6 Each unit member shall, upon initial employment, receive a job description for his/her assignment. 4.7 No unit member shall be prohibited from accepting employment in two (2) or more of the District’s bargaining units. No combination of regular assignments may total more than forty (40) hours per week or have conflicting regular job schedules. 4.8 Upon request, a substitute may be provided for each absent unit member. 4.9 The District and Union shall form a joint committee, with equal representation, to examine and recommend appropriate in-service activities for unit members. 4.10 Whenever possible, United Support Personnel shall participate in the process of interviewing, selecting, training, and scheduling of United Support Personnel (USP).