Sick Leave Requests Sample Clauses
Sick Leave Requests. Any employee claiming sick leave shall complete a leave request as provided by the City of Onalaska on the scheduling/timesheet program.
Sick Leave Requests. An employee wishing to use more than their annual allotment of sick leave for family emergency situations may submit an application to the Catastrophic Review Committee for approval.
Sick Leave Requests. A) It is City policy for employees to report illnesses to supervisors or other department officials at the earliest possible moment. Employees who do not report to work and fail to notify their supervisor will be considered "AWOL" (absence without leave) and may not be paid for the time off.
B) The employee's immediate supervisor or department head may require medical certification of sick leave charged against any sick leave credits.
C) Medical certification may also be required to certify that the illness of a family member requires the immediate attention of the employee.
D) Medical certification of maternity-related sick leave must be obtained in the same manner and under the same conditions as certification for other sick leave.
Sick Leave Requests. Xxxx leave may be requested for the following reasons:
1. Illness, injury or pregnancy-related condition of the employee, or of a member of employee’s immediate family*;
2. Exposure of employee to a contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees;
3. Death of a member of the employee’s immediate family* (leave not to exceed five work days); or
4. Medical, psychological, dental or optical examinations or treatment of employee; or of a member of employee’s immediate family* where employee’s attendance is reasonably necessary. *For purposes of this Article, the “immediate family” of the employee includes only: spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son- in-law, stepmother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, step-son, step-daughter, legal guardian or other person who stands in the place of a parent.
Sick Leave Requests. Each employee requesting a sick day is required to notify the Director of Public Works, or his designee(s) of the need for such leave, and the nature of its use, as soon as possible before his/her scheduled starting time.
Sick Leave Requests. An employee wishing to use more than their annual allotment of sick leave for family emergency situations may submit an application to the Catastrophic Review Committee for approval. Review Committee: Catastrophic Leave shall be administered by a three (3) member committee, consisting of two teachers named by the Association, and one certificated administrator named by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or Designee. The District Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or Designee shall also serve on the committee as a non-voting member. Administration of the program will be through the Human Resources Department. Request for Leave and Review Process: A participant shall submit a Certificated Catastrophic Leave Application for Bank withdrawal, Direct Donation days, and/or Sick Leave along with the Sick Leave Direct Donation form(s) if applicable to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or Designee, and provide verification of the catastrophic injury or illness. Verification shall be made by a letter, dated and signed by the sick or injured person’s physician, indicating the incapacitating nature and probable duration of the illness or injury. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or Designee will then convene the committee, which will determine if the illness or injury meets the appropriate criteria and/or if additional verification is required. Employees may apply to the Catastrophic Leave Committee to utilize their accumulated sick leave for family emergency situations consistent with Catastrophic Leave guidelines.
Sick Leave Requests a. An employee must call personally to request the use of unscheduled sick leave unless physically unable to do so. Requests for sick leave must be called in to the on-duty Shift Supervisor (or designee) within two (2) hours prior to the employee's reporting time or as soon afterward as practicable. Employees on a letter of leave requirement may have additional reporting requirements.
b. In those cases where an employee is confined to his home or in a hospital for more than one day and cannot provide a tentative return date, the employee will call in everyday at least 2 hours before his scheduled start time to request leave for the day. If the employee was examined by a medical provider and the medical provider advises the employee to stay out a certain number of days, the employee will then contact the Employer and inform them as soon as practicable.
c. If a medical doctor certifies that an employee must be confined to his home or a hospital for an extended period due to medical incapacitation and the employee provides this information to the Employer (with an anticipated return to duty date certified by the doctor), the employee does not need to call in daily. However, if the employee cannot return to duty on the anticipated return to duty date, he must call in daily or provide updated medical documentation showing the need for further absence and the anticipated return to duty date.
Sick Leave Requests. 3.1. It is the responsibility of the Employee to submit a sick leave request to their Supervisor for a qualifying reason for consideration and approval or denial. It is the Employee’s responsibility to keep their Supervisor informed of their progress and to request additional leave as required, especially if the medical condition lasts longer than originally expected.
3.2. Xxxx leave requested for a qualifying reason shall be granted, if available, barring extraordinary mission requirements or suspected leave abuse.
3.3. Sick leave requests will be made by the Employee, or someone acting on the Employee's behalf in the event of incapacitation, to the Employee's Supervisor or the next Supervisor in the Employee's chain of command in the absence of the Employee's Supervisor.
3.4. Employees should schedule non-emergency medical, dental, optical, psychological, or alcohol/drug counseling appointments twenty four (24) hours in advance, as practicable, and should request sick leave twenty four (24) hours in advance of such appointments.
3.5. Requests for unanticipated sick leave shall be submitted prior to the beginning of the duty day but no later than two (2) hours after the tour of duty begins. An Employee who has not reported for duty or made a request for sick leave within two hours of the beginning of their shift will be carried in an Absence Without Authorized Leave (AWOL) status.
3.6. An Employee will not be penalized for inability to request sick leave when physically incapable of making a timely leave request due to incapacitation. Upon receipt of administratively acceptable documentation and a request for sick leave, the Employee's AWOL status will be converted to sick leave or an appropriate leave status.
3.7. If a request for sick leave is not granted, the Supervisor will notify the Employee as soon as possible.
3.8. Unless other arrangements have been made, requests for sick leave will be made on each day of absence.
Sick Leave Requests. Emergency sick leave requests shall be made by contacting the on duty Shift Commander. Scheduled sick leave requests shall be made via a TimePro request with notification made to the on duty shift commander.
Sick Leave Requests. 1. Emergency sick leave requests shall be made by contacting the on duty Shift Commander. Scheduled sick leave requests shall be made via a TimePro request with notification made to the on duty shift commander.
1. A certificate will be required for a single day absence only when there is a pattern of sick leave usage which indicates abuse, or whether there is other evidence indicating abuse.
2. As mutual protection for the Employer and the employee, the Fire Chief (or his/her designee) may require an employee to submit to a complete physical examination by a physician designated by the Employer prior to an employee's return to work. The cost of such physical examination is the responsibility of the employee, but may be paid for by the Employer upon the approval of the responsible City official.
3. The Fire Chief (or his/her designee) may require an employee who is off on sick leave to submit a physician's certificate which indicates the specific nature of the illness or injury and prognosis as to the earliest date when the employee will be able to return to work. The Fire Chief (or his/her designee) may require an employee to have the physician's certificate updated. Any cost(s) associated with providing a physician’s certificate are the responsibility of the employee.