SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Section 22.1. All employees shall earn sick leave credit at the rate of four and six-tenths (4.6) hours for each eighty (80) hours of completed service. Part-time employees accrue sick leave on a proportionate basis to the hours paid each pay period. Employees may use sick leave with the approval of the Director or designee utilizing the Employer designated process, (electronic process if available). Sick leave may be used by the employee for the following reasons: 1. Illness, injury, or pregnancy-related medical condition of the employee; 2. Exposure of an employee to a contagious disease which could be communicated to and jeopardize the health of the other employees; 3. Examination of the employee, including medical, psychological, dental, or optical examination by an appropriate practitioner; 4. Death of a member of the employee’s immediate family. Such usage shall be limited to a reasonably necessary time, not to exceed five (5) days;
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. EMERGENCY LEAVE, AND VEBA 8.1 Sick Leave – Sick leave shall be defined as paid time off from work for a qualifying reason under Article 8.1 of this Agreement. Employees shall accumulate sick leave credit at the rate of .046 hours for each hour on regular pay status as shown on the payroll, but not to exceed forty (40) hours per week. If an employee’s overall accrual rate falls below the accrual rate required by SMC 14.16 (Paid Sick and Safe Time) the employee shall be credited with sick leave hours so that the employee’s total sick leave earned per calendar year meets the minimum accrual requirements of SMC 14.16. New employees entering City service shall not be entitled to use sick leave with pay during the first thirty (30) days of employment but shall accrue sick leave credits during such thirty (30) day period. An employee is authorized to use paid sick leave for hours that the employee was scheduled to have worked for the following reasons: A. An absence resulting from an employee's mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; to accommodate the employee's need for medical diagnosis, care, treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition, or preventive care; or as otherwise required by SMC 14.16 and other applicable laws such as RCW 49.46.210; or B. To allow the employee to provide care for an eligible family member as defined by Seattle Municipal Code SMC 4.24.005 with a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or care for a family member who needs preventative medical care, or as otherwise required by SMC 14.16 and other applicable laws such as RCW 49.46.210; or C. When the employee's place of business has been closed by order of a public official for any health-related reason, or when an employee's child's school or place of care has been closed for such reason, or as otherwise required by SMC 14.16 and other applicable laws such as RCW 49.46.210. D. Absences that qualify for leave under the Domestic Violence Leave Act, Chapter 49.76
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. A. Each person employed by the Board shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay for each year under contract, which shall be credited at the rate of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) days per month up to an accumulation of two hundred and twenty (220) days. B. Sick leave may be used for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, or exposure to contagious disease, and for illness or injury to a member of the employee’ household or immediate family member. Immediate family shall be defined as the spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, or step-child of the employee With the approval of the Superintendent or designee, up to two (2) days of sick leave may be used due to illness or injury of anyone not listed above. C. Any accumulated sick leave of a person separated from any other public service with the state shall be transferable, up to the maximum stated in this section. This section is intended to supersede any conflicting provisions of Ohio Revised Code section 3319.141.. D. Employees who render part-time, per diem, or hourly service shall be entitled to sick leave for the time actually worked at the rate of the full-time employee after thirty (30) consecutive work days. E. If sick leave is taken by the employee for the employee’s own medical condition, after five
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. The term “consecutive days” for the purposes of calculating consecutive days worked for substitute and temporary employees shall be based on the work calendar of the absent employee. In the event a substitute or temporary continues to be employed for the same absent employee or in the same temporary position prior to and after a scheduled calendar break, then the last scheduled work date of the absent employee in one school year shall be consecutive to the first scheduled work date of the same absent employee in the next school year. Likewise, the last scheduled work date of the absent employee prior to a school break (i.e. winter or spring break) shall be consecutive to the first scheduled work date of the same absent employee following the scheduled school break. The District shall not deliberately interrupt the assignment of a substitute or temporary employee for the express purpose of breaking the assignment to avoid consecutive day pay, i.e. purposefully break an assignment at 19 or fewer days to avoid paying long-term pay on the 20th day.
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. For the purpose of this section, the termfamily member” shall be as defined in Section 10.4.2 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. 10.1 Every employee will accrue sick leave at the rate of 16 minutes per calendar day. Sick leave may be used in 15- minute increments. 10.2 Accrued, unused sick leave may be carried over to succeeding years, but will not be paid out when an employee’s employment with the city ends. 10.3 Sick leave will be administered consistent with state and federal law and shall be allowed for the following purposes: 1. Diagnosis, care or treatment of an existing health condition of, or preventative care for, an employee or an employee’s family member. 2. If the employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, for the purposes described in California Labor Code Sections 230(c) and 230.1(a), including obtaining relief (e.g., a restraining order), domestic violence services, or medical or mental health treatment. 10.4 The employee may request to use paid sick leave either orally or in writing. If the need for paid sick leave is foreseeable, the employee shall provide reasonable advance notification. If the need for paid sick leave is unforeseeable, the employee shall provide notice of the need for the leave as soon as practicable. If an employee separates from the city and is rehired by the city within one year from the date of separation, the employee’s previously accrued and unused sick leave shall be reinstated. 10.5 The employee must account for all sick leave hours requested via the city’s timekeeping system. Xxxx leave may not be taken as vacation time, nor compensated in cash at any time, except as provided for in this article. 10.6 Absences covered by workers’ compensation law, the pregnancy disability provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the California Family Rights Act, and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act will be administered according to requirements of those laws. 10.7 Time off to take a physical examination for induction into or recall to active duty with the Armed Forces will be handled in accordance with applicable state and federal law. 10.8 An employee making a blood donation without charge will be given reasonable time off for that purpose. No charge will be made against the employee’s sick leave or vacation when the absence is approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor. 10.9 During the first pay period of each fiscal year, any regular employee who has accru...
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. 16.1 After an employee has completed 6 months’ current continuous employment with his/her employer the employee shall be entitled to paid sick leave and bereavement leave in each subsequent 12 months period of employment. 16.2 If a situation arises where an employee is unable to report to work, the employee is to notify their immediate supervisor/manager at least 2 hours in advance of each shift reporting time or where this is not practical, as soon as possible. 16.3 Under this clause, an employee who works for an employer for more than 6 months’ current continuous service shall be entitled in each ensuing period of 12 months to ten days sick leave if the employee is sick or injured; or the employee’s spouse is sick or injured; or a person who depends on the employee for care is sick or injured. 16.4 An employee may carry over, to any subsequent 12-month period of employment up to 15 days unused sick leave to a maximum of 20 days entitlement in any year. 16.5 An employer may require an employee to provide proof of sickness or injury if the leave is for 3 or more consecutive calendar days or within 3 consecutive calendar days if the employer has reasonable grounds to suspect the sick leave being taken by the employee is not genuine. 16.6 An employee who qualifies for bereavement leave in accordance with 16.1 may take 3 days’ bereavement leave on the death of the employee’s spouse, parent, child, brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild, or spouse’s parent or on the occasion of a miscarriage or stillbirth (refer to Act). 16.7 On the death of any other person, if the employer accepts that the employee has suffered bereavement the employee shall be entitled to 1 days bereavement leave. The employer shall take into account the closeness of the association between the employee and the deceased person, whether the employee must take significant responsibility for all or any of the arrangements for the ceremonies relating to the death, and any cultural responsibilities in relation to the death. 16.8 The employer may in special circumstances grant additional sick leave or bereavement leave with or without pay at the employer’s sole discretion. 16.9 An employee shall not be entitled to paid sick leave or bereavement leave for any day an employee is being paid first week compensation by the employer or weekly compensation in terms of the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2001. 16.10 Sick leave and bereavement leave (excluding discretionary leav...
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. A. Each person employed by the Board shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay for each year under contract, which shall be credited at the rate of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) days per month up to an accumulation of two hundred and twenty (220) days. B. Sick leave may be used for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, or exposure to contagious disease, and for illness or injury to a member of the employee’ household or immediate family member. Immediate family shall be defined as the spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, father- in-law, mother-in-law, or step-child of the employee With the approval of the Superintendent or designee, up to two (2) days of sick leave may be used due to illness or injury of anyone not listed above. C. Any accumulated sick leave of a person separated from any other public service with the state shall be transferable, up to the maximum stated in this section. This section is intended to supersede any conflicting provisions of Ohio Revised Code section 3319.141.. D. Employees who render part-time, per diem, or hourly service shall be entitled to sick leave for the time actually worked at the rate of the full-time employee after thirty (30) consecutive work days. E. If sick leave is taken by the employee for the employee’s own medical condition, after five (5) cumulative days for the school year, the Board may require a signed statement from the employee’s treating physician explaining why the employee cannot perform his/her duties to justify the use of sick leave. If sick leave is taken for the medical condition of a member of the employee’s household or immediate family, the amount of sick leave that may be taken is limited to five (5) consecutive days, unless proper documentation is provided by a treating physician indicated the need for the employee to remain with the member of the employee’s household or immediate family beyond the five (5) days. Xxxx leave taken for the purpose of death in the of a member of the employee’s household or immediate family member is limited to five (5) days for each death. F. Two hundred sixty (260) days of sick leave may be accumulated with one-fourth (1/4) days severance pay. G. Members of the bargaining unit will be allowed to donate and transfer a maximum of three (3) days accumulated sick leave per year to a member or members who have exhausted their sick leave due to a catastrophic illness. Employees shall be permitted to utilize a m...
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. The term “consecutive days” for the purposes of calculating consecutive days worked for substitute and temporary employees shall be based on the calendar of the assignment. The assignment shall be consecutive to the first scheduled work date of a vacancy within the same classification excluding scheduled calendar breaks. The District shall not deliberately interrupt the assignment of a substitute or temporary employee for the express purpose of breaking the assignment to avoid consecutive day pay, i.e. purposefully break an assignment at 19 or fewer days to avoid paying long-term pay on the 20th day.
SICK LEAVE/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. All employees are entitled to a minimum of five days paid sick leave per year after six months of employment. Unused sick leave is retained and can accumulate up to 20 days. 8.1 In respect of absence due to sickness the employer may require the production of a Medical Certificate as proof if the sickness last three calendar days. 8.2 All employees are entitled to bereavement leave after six months employment. Up to three days paid leave on the death of an immediate family member. Up to one days paid leave in the event of a death outside the immediate family.