Transfers or Reassignments Sample Clauses
Transfers or Reassignments. In the event the layoff involves the transfer or reassignment of teachers, the change shall be made at the sole determination of the Superintendent.
Transfers or Reassignments. 1. In the determination of reassignments and transfers, the convenience and wishes of the individual paraprofessionals will be honored to the extent that these considerations do not conflict with the instructional requirements and best interests of the School System and the pupils. No assignment of new paraprofessionals shall be made until all transfer requests have been considered. When more than one (1) paraprofessional requesting transfer or reassignment may be favorably considered, system-wide seniority shall be the determining factor.
2. A list of paraprofessionals requesting transfers shall be supplied to the Union after the postings close.
3. The Office of the Superintendent shall make available to the Union, system-wide data indicating the names of persons who have been reassigned or transferred and the nature of the new assignment.
4. Following the Final posting, when a reduction in class size necessitates a transfer of a paraprofessional’s assignment, the affected employee shall displace the least senior person within a category of the employee’s choice. Transfers shall not occur until the Superintendent has determined the classroom needs. In the event that a new contractual position opens within the building, in the same category, the Superintendent may assign the closed employee to that new position until June at which time the employee may exercise their system-wide seniority rights. For the purpose of this section, category refers to either instructional paraprofessional, resource paraprofessional, or one-to-one paraprofessional. All paraprofessionals actively employed, including those returning from an authorized leave of absence, adversely affected by the closing of positions or prior transfers, must fully exercise their seniority rights at the time of posting of available positions. Failure to do so shall constitute a termination of seniority rights.
5. Any involuntary reassignment or transfer shall be made only after a meeting between the paraprofessional involved and the Superintendent and/or their designee, at which time the paraprofessional shall be notified of the reasons for the reassignment or transfer.
Transfers or Reassignments. In the event the layoff involves the transfer or reassignment of employees, the change shall be made at the sole determination of the Superintendent.
Transfers or Reassignments. A. Paraprofessionals who desire a change in assignment or who desire to transfer to another building for the next school year shall participate in the paraprofessional job pool (see description of the job pool) or apply directly to the online job postings when they are available.
B. No assignment of new personnel shall be made until all internal/currently employed paraprofessional who participate in the job pool have been placed.
C. Transfers or reassignments, whether voluntary or involuntary, shall not affect the employee's seniority
D. Should a student assigned to a 1:1 Paraprofessional move out of Salem or transition to an out-of-district program midyear, that 1:1 Paraprofessional will be assigned to a comparable position elsewhere in the district and will retain the same hourly compensation until the end of the school year, at which time the Paraprofessional may elect to remain in their assignment at the designated hourly compensation for that position, or they may elect to enter the Job Pool.
Transfers or Reassignments. 1. It is mutually recognized that the District will reassign or transfer individual employees to new or different assignments. No District-initiated transfer shall be made for arbitrary or capricious reasons.
2. The District will annually provide a form on which employees can request a change of teaching assignment. All such employee requests will state the reasons for the request and indicate the subject area, certification area, building or grade level desire. These forms will be applicable for the following school year only; they do not constitute any guarantee of selection.
3. When reassignments are made, the District will consider each employee’s preferred area of certification, qualifications, experiential background, frequency of prior reassignments and transfer request, if any.
4. A conference with the employee who may be reassigned will be held, when possible, sixty (60) days prior to the reassignment but in no event later than three
Transfers or Reassignments. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to the employees as soon as practical. Except in an emergency, such notice shall be given by the last regularly scheduled day of school. When an involuntary transfer becomes necessary, decisions shall be based upon the employee's area of experience, training, length of service with the district, and any relevant state and federal statutes and regulations. Opportunity shall be given for the employee to discuss the proposed transfer or reassignment with the superintendent. When the employee believes that the transfer or reassignment would be unjustified or unfair, he/she may appeal in compliance with established procedures. An employee being transferred or reassigned may request assignment to a vacancy that has been announced and shall be given preference over other equally qualified applicants.
Transfers or Reassignments. Pursuant to the provisions of this section the Superintendent may assign, transfer or reassign teachers, voluntarily or involuntarily, to a position(s) and/or a school(s) according to the operational needs of the School District and the educational needs of the students. The Parties recognize that transfer and reassignment of teachers, during the school year or at other times is sometimes necessary and/or desirable.
1. Teachers who desire to transfer to another building for the next school year shall avail themselves of the voluntary Annual Transfer process which will be outlined in the annual memorandum to teachers concerning voluntary transfers. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and/or the school or schools (in order of preference, if the teacher has preferences) to which he desires to be transferred.
2. The Annual Transfer process will commence no later than April 15 each year.
3. In the determination of reassignments and transfers, the convenience and wishes of the individual teacher will be honored to the extent that these considerations do not conflict with the instructional requirements and best interests of the school system and the pupils. No assignment of new teachers shall be made until all transfer requests have been considered.
4. Written acknowledgment shall be forwarded to the teacher upon receipt of the request for reassignment and/or transfer.
5. Notice of transfer shall be given to a teacher as soon as possible following the granting of the teacher's request.
6. When a reduction in the number of teachers in a school is necessary, qualified volunteers in the school will be considered first for transfer.
7. Any involuntary transfer shall be made only after a meeting between the teacher involved and the Chief of Human Resources and/or his/her designees, at which time the teacher shall be notified of the reason for the reassignment or transfer. If, in the opinion of the teacher, the decision of the Chief of Human Resources or his/her designee is arbitrary or capricious, the teacher may, within fifteen (15) school days of the aforementioned meeting, file with the Superintendent a written notice of appeal; the Superintendent shall hear the teacher's appeal within fifteen
Transfers or Reassignments. In the determination of requests for voluntary reassignment and/or transfer, the wishes of the Administrator shall be honored to the extent that the transfer does not conflict with the educational requirements and best interests of the school system. If an Administrator’s request for transfer or reassignment has been denied, the reason for such denial shall be stated, in writing, by the Superintendent. A renewal or subsequent request may be made in the following year under the conditions prescribed above.
Transfers or Reassignments. Although the Board and the Association recognize that some transfer of administrators from one school to another is unavoidable and in fact may be desirable, they also recognize that frequent transfers of administrators is disruptive of the educational process and interferes with optimum administrator performance. Therefore, it is agreed as follows:
A. An up-to-date listing of new and open positions shall be noticed on the School District’s website, published in the Job Posting List and posted in each school during the school year and in the Central Office during the summer.
B. All openings for positions covered by the Administrator’s contract shall be listed in the Job Posting List, on the job line and posted on the Manchester Public Schools website, and a job description and statement of qualifications posted in each school as far in advance of the appointment as possible. Postings will be for ten (10) work days during which Manchester administrators must state in writing their interest in the opening. Following the ten-day internal posting period, outside applicants may be sought. After June 1 of any year and during the summer months, posting will be for five (5) work days.
C. Changes in assignment which are involuntary shall be to a comparable position, if possible, and shall not be effected or announced without a prior personal conference between the administrator involved and the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, at which time the administrator shall be notified of the reasons for the transfer and confirmation shall be in writing. If an administrator is involuntarily transferred to a lower paying position for claimed reasons of discipline and/or incompetence, such transfer is subject to the grievance procedure.
D. Those administrators who desire a change in assignment outside of their own building shall file a written statement with the Office of the Superintendent. After reviewing the qualifications of the various candidates, within reason, it shall be the policy of the Administration to attempt to honor requests for such changes.
E. For published vacancies any transfer requests shall be directed in writing to the Central Office. Up to June 1st such written requests must be received within 10 calendar days after publication of the existing vacancy.
F. For vacancies published between June 1st and the opening of school in the fall, requests for transfer must be received within 5 work days after publication of the existing vacancy. However...
Transfers or Reassignments. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building shall file a written statement of such desire with the office of the Superintendent not later than March 1. Such statement shall include the grade and/or the subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and/or the school or schools (in order of preference, if the teacher has preferences) to which he/she desires to be transferred.
10.02.1 When necessary, teachers may be reassigned within a school by the principal, subject to review and approval by the Superintendent. Additionally, when necessary, teachers may be transferred between schools by the Superintendent to a comparable position for which that teacher is licensed and qualified.