Unplanned Overtime Sample Clauses
Unplanned Overtime. In making unplanned overtime assignments, the Employer shall first request volunteers by classification seniority from employees in the classification at the work location where the overtime is required:
(a) who are actually at work at the time such request is made where the requirement for overtime arises for that day; and
(b) If the employer cannot fulfil the requirement from full-time employees, volunteers shall be requested from part-time employees who are actually at work when the request is made; and
(c) paragraph (a) and (b) apply except where it is determined by the employer that there is a continuation of task which requires the employee who commenced the work to complete it, irrespective of any employee’s seniority. The continuation of task is determined as where the employee has been working on the task when the need for overtime arose and shall be defined as the completion of a single work assignment and all work associated with that work assignment providing the employee has already worked on the assignment since the beginning of the commencement of the last two hours of his/her regularly scheduled shift. (c) above, they must be able to complete the entire assignment, and overtime assignments will not be made which will knowingly result in less than eight (8) consecutive hours of rest at some point between each day’s work assignments. However, an employee in Station Operations is still eligible for overtime where because of acceptance of overtime there will be an overlap for cashing up/closing duties. If the Employer cannot fulfil its overtime requirements through volunteers, it may require employees to work overtime. In making any such compulsory overtime assignment, the junior employee in the classification at the work location where the overtime is required who is actually at work at the time such request is made will be assigned to work the overtime unless there are reasonable grounds for excusing the junior employee in which event the next most junior employee actually at work at the time the request is made shall be subject to the compulsory overtime assignment in accordance with the foregoing. The Unplanned Overtime Procedure only applies to employees present at the work location where the overtime work is required. See Article 24 - Call Back for employees called to work after they have left the Employer’s premises (i.e. not Planned Overtime).
Unplanned Overtime. 1. When management determines overtime needs to be worked, management will first ask the employees on shift if he/she is interested in working the overtime assignment. If that employee does not accept the overtime opportunity, management will contact other employees to volunteer to work the overtime.
2. If there are no volunteers to work overtime, management will assign mandatory overtime.
3. Mandatory overtime will be assigned on a rotation basis using the seniority list initially by inverse order. Movement to the bottom of the list requires an employee to work a minimum of four (4) hours during an overtime shift. Where the Institution requires an employee to work on a scheduled day off, work will be assigned in a block of time of no less than four (4) hours.
Unplanned Overtime. When management determines there is a need for overtime to be worked on the actual workday, management will offer the overtime opportunity to the employees working on shift on [a rotating basis based] on seniority which is defined as Agency time in classification.
Unplanned Overtime. (eg. Fire, Flood, Employee Illness, Not Returning from Turnaround) Unplanned overtime shall not be regularly used to offset staffing shortage.
(1) Overtime is offered to employees currently on shift in the required area.
(2) Should employees currently on shift in the required area turn down the overtime, then employees with the required qualifications currently on shift in the same job classification will be offered the extra overtime.
(3) Should no one accept the overtime, then employees who are on site and not working due to (e.g. days off, turnaround) and have expressed interest in working extra hours by signing the overtime sheet kept with each Department Manager will be offered the overtime.
(4) If no employees are available for the extra overtime then the most junior employees with the qualifications and abilities will be assigned the extra duties.
Unplanned Overtime a. When there is a need for unplanned overtime, the supervisor shall have the discretion to assign such overtime to an employee already on shift or to use the voluntary list.
b. In the case where the voluntary list is exhausted, the University will assign overtime work by rotation based on seniority among those employees on the same shift who normally perform the work involved.
c. For purposes of this Article, rotation based on seniority shall mean that when there are employees requesting to work the overtime, assignment of that overtime shall be based on greatest seniority; when no employee requests to work the overtime, assignment of that overtime shall be based on inverse order of seniority.
d. An employee who works voluntary overtime, or who is offered voluntary overtime and declines it, will not have another turn in the rotation until the relevant list is exhausted and the rotation reaches her or him again.
e. When assigning overtime by inverse seniority, the supervisor will consider the special needs of employees who have documented medical problems or substantiated childcare problems or other extraordinarily compelling circumstances. However, the University may, at its discretion, assign overtime work to employees irrespective of seniority who possess skills, knowledge, or abilities which are not possessed to the same degree by other employees in the department/division and which are necessary to perform the required work.
Unplanned Overtime. In making unplanned overtime assignments, the Employer shall first assign work by classification seniority from the employees who have submitted weekly unplanned overtime forms, full-time first and then part-time. If the employer cannot fulfil the requirement from drivers available from the volunteer list, then the Employer may request volunteers from any available driver to fill the work. If sufficient volunteers are not available, then the overtime work shall be assigned to the most junior driver(s) available (by classification seniority) at the required location and whose other assigned work would not interfere, unless there are sufficient grounds for excusing such driver(s). On Thursday of each week, a list will be posted which identifies all drivers who have submitted weekly volunteer forms. Drivers will be responsible to notify the Supervisor of Administration (or designee) of errors or omissions prior to noon each Friday.
Unplanned Overtime. (a) When management determines there is a need for overtime to be worked on the actual workday, management will offer the overtime opportunity to the employees working on shift on [a rotating basis based] on seniority which is defined as Agency time in classification.
(b) Management will offer the overtime work to the most senior Food Service Coordinator on shift first (1st). If this Food Service Coordinator turns down the overtime opportunity, then management will ask the next senior employee on shift.
Unplanned Overtime. An employee, who is required to work unplanned overtime, will work in accordance with clause 20.4.1(c) and will be released from work at the earliest opportunity without any loss of ordinary pay.
Unplanned Overtime. [moved from 1] Overtime shall be assigned based upon the employee's ability to perform the work and operational needs of the University.
Unplanned Overtime. Unplanned overtime is overtime that wasn’t identified prior to the 20th of the preceding month. Unplanned overtime will be filled by the following procedures.
1) The Watch Commander or Supervisor may request an employee extend their shift or come in early. If a volunteer cannot be identified to hold over or come in early, the rotational overtime list will be used. City of Palo Alto and PAPOA July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021
2) Employees interested in working unplanned overtime will be placed on a rotational overtime list in order of seniority. When an overtime shift is available, a manager or supervisor will call the next person on the list. If that person declines the opportunity, is not available, is already working, or takes the overtime, he/she will be placed at the bottom of the list. The lists will be continually updated in order to rotate the names. There will be separate lists for sergeants and officers/agents for unplanned overtime. A separate supervisory list will be maintained for agents interested in working supervisory overtime. Agents will be offered supervisory overtime positions only if no sergeants have accepted the opportunity.
3) If the watch commander or supervisor is unable to fill overtime through any of these procedures, he or she may order an individual to extend their shift, come in early, or come in on a day off. A log on those required to work mandatory overtime will be kept in the overtime book. Mandatory overtime should be rotated in order of reverse seniority.