Callback Pay. When an employee is called back to work after having completed their normal workday, they shall be granted a minimum of two (2) hours pay at time and one half. This provision shall not apply when the hours worked are an extension of the employee's workday.
Callback Pay. If an employee on call back resumes his/her regular work schedule on the day after call back, and if his/her regular schedule calls for him/her to come in within eight (8) hours after call back, the employee has the option to either not work or work at time and one-half until he/she has twelve (12) consecutive hours rest time. This provision may be waived on the request of said employees and the approval of the appointing officer or appropriate designated representative.
Callback Pay. Regular full-time employees who are called in to work on a scheduled day off and have a minimum of forty (40) non-overtime compensated hours in the work week, will be compensated at the overtime rate. In addition, they will receive four (4) hours of Callback pay at their straight-time rate of pay regardless of the length of the overtime shift or hours actually worked.
Callback Pay. When an employee has left the institution grounds and is called to return to the work station outside of regularly scheduled hours, they shall receive three (3) hours bonus pay at the employee’s regular rate of pay in addition to pay for time actually worked. Time worked beginning no more than two
Callback Pay. Whenever an employee is required by his authorized supervisor to return to work to perform unanticipated and unscheduled work assignments, usually of an emergency nature, such employee shall be entitled to receive call-back pay in a guaranteed minimum amount of three hours of overtime pay. A callback pay report shall be attached to the payroll voucher on which the callback pay is recorded. Such report shall include the reason for having the employee return to work, the actual number of hours worked by the employee, and the number of hours and the rate to be paid.
Callback Pay. Any nurse who is called back to work, while on call, will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the nurse’s regular rate of pay. When called back, the nurse will receive one and one-half (1½) times the nurse’s regular rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time worked, whichever is greater. Travel time to and from work shall not be considered time worked. The minimum callback hours shall not apply when the nurse reports for work in advance of the assigned shift.
8.3.1 A nurse not on call who is called in early on a scheduled day of work or is called in on a day off will be paid in accordance with Section 6.9,
Callback Pay. 10.5.1 An employee who is called back to work after completion of his/her regular shift shall receive callback pay as provided herein.
a. Unscheduled callback, regular work day: Two (2) hours plus time worked, all paid at time and one half (1½).
b. Unscheduled callback, on regular day off: Two (2) hours plus time worked, all paid at time and one half (1½), with a minimum of two (2) hours (on time worked).
c. Scheduled callbacks, regular work day: Time and one half (1½) on hours worked, no minimum hours.
d. Scheduled callbacks, regular day off: Minimum of two (2) hours at time and one half (1½).
10.5.2 For the purposes of interpreting this Section, the following definitions apply.
a. An unscheduled callback is defined as a requirement to return to work from off-duty and off-premises status with less than twelve (12) hours notice. It excludes overtime which is an extension of the regular shift – “holdover” overtime. It includes overtime which occurs on the “front end” of the regular shift only if no notice is given – the employee is told to report for duty early with no advance notice. All other overtime and call-ins are considered scheduled.
b. Regular workday callbacks are those which occur during the normal workweek – “between” the employees regularly scheduled workdays.
c. Day off callbacks shall be considered to be those which occur after midnight following the last day of work in the work week and before the scheduled start time on the first (1st) day of the next work week. For example, for a Monday- Friday, 8:00 – 5:00 employee, the qualifying period would be from midnight Friday to 8:00 AM Monday.
Callback Pay. Employees who are called to duty at a time they are not working shall be compensated a minimum compensation of two (2) hours at time and one-half rate of pay.
Callback Pay. As defined in NRS 286.025, Callback Pay will be administered in accordance with NAC 284.214.
Callback Pay. Employees assigned to be on call during the hours outside the employee’s scheduled shift shall be paid four dollars ($4.00) per hour. When called back, the employee shall receive time and one-half (1-1/2) for a minimum of three (3) hours in addition to on-call pay. Travel time to and from the hospital shall not be considered time worked. The minimum callback hours shall not apply when the employee reports for work in advance of an assigned shift. On-call hours shall not count toward seniority or benefit accrual. Employees on callback shall be provided with signal devices for the time the employee is on standby. Employees who are on low census shall not be required to be on standby for that low census shift.