Clause No Sample Clauses

Clause No. Descriptor Applied Not used
Clause No shall be reviewed from time to time with changes in Rail movement arrangements with Railways.
Clause No. Subject Matter Page No. PART A - APPLICATION AND OPERATION OF AGREEMENT 2 1 Title 2 2 Arrangement 2 3 Definitions 4 4 Coverage 5 5 Relationship to PSEM Act and Awards 5 6 Omitted 5 7 Objectives of Agreement 5 8 Code of Conduct 6 9 Safety, Health, Welfare, Discrimination and Workloads 6 10 Employment Security 7 11 Redeployment and Redundancy 7 12 Period of Operation 8 13 No Extra Claims 8 PART B - CONSULTATION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9 14 Dispute Settlement Procedures 9 15 Joint Consultative Committee 10 16 Omitted 11 17 Introduction and Management of Change 11 18 Individual Flexible Working Arrangements 12 19 Variation to Working Arrangements for Groups of Employees 13 20 Work Life Balance Package 13 PART C - EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP AND RELATED MATTERS 16 21 Recognition of Prior Employment 16 22 Part-time Employment 16 23 Casual Employment 16 24 Apprentices 16 25 Use of Contractors 17 26 Probation 19 27 Termination 19 28 Omitted 20 29 Medicals 20 30 Training and Development 20 31 Timesheet Recording 20 32 Corporate Safety Initiative 21 33 Fitness for Work 21 34 Work Organisation 21 35 Remote Localities 22 36 Laundry Facilities 22 37 Union Related Matters 23 PART D - RATES OF PAY AND RELATED MATTERS 25 38 Rates of Pay 25 39 Adjustments in Salaries and Allowances 25 40 Payment of Salaries and Allowances 25 41 Omitted 25 42 Annualised Salaries 25 43 Technical Coordinator Salary Arrangements 25 44 Omitted 26 45 Pay Progression 26 46 Performance Achievement 26 47 Salary Sacrifice for Employer Superannuation 28 48 Salary Sacrifice Packaging 28 PART E - ALLOWANCES AND SPECIAL RATES 30 49 Industry Specific Skills Allowance 30 50 Dual Trade Market Allowance 30 51 Availability Allowance 30 52 Consolidated Disability Allowance 30 53 Extra Duty Allowance 31 54 Higher Duties Allowance 32 55 Professional Development Allowance 33 56 Pre-eminent Professional Allowance 34 57 HV Field Operator Allowance 34 58 Relocation Allowance 34 59 Relocation Expenses - Employment or Transfer 34 60 Team Leader Allowance 35 61 Travelling Allowance 35 62 Hardship Accommodation Allowance 36 63 Tool Allowance 36 64 Allowance for Damaged Clothes and Tools 36 65 Motor Vehicle Allowance 36 66 First Aid Allowance 36 PART F - HOURS OF WORK, SHIFT WORK, MEAL BREAKS AND OVERTIME 38 67 Hours of Work (Non-shift workers) 38 68 Rostered Days Off 39 69 Flexible Working Hours (Flexitime) 39 70 Work At Public Forums 40 71 Overtime 40 72 Call Out Arrangements 42 73 Relief for Regional Centres 43 74 Meal Br...
Clause No. Existing Clause Revised Clause
Clause No. 2.7.2 “RIGHTS OF BHEL” of GCC shall be amended as below: 10.1. To terminate the contract or withdraw portion of work and get it done through other agency, at the risk and cost of the contractor after due notice of a period of two weeks by BHEL in any of the following cases: (i) Contractor’s poor progress of the work vis-à-vis execution timeline as stipulated in the Contract, backlog attributable to contractor including unexecuted portion of work does not appear to be executable within balance available period considering its performance of execution. (ii) Withdrawal from or abandonment of the work by contractor before completion of the work as per contract. (iii) Non-completion of work by the Contractor within scheduled completion period as per Contract or as extended from time to time, for the reasons attributable to the contractor. (iv) Termination of Contract on account of any other reason (s) attributable to Contractor. (v) Assignment, transfer, subletting of Contract without BHEL’s written permission. (vi) Non-compliance to any contractual condition or any other default attributable to Contractor. 10.2. Risk & Cost Amount against Balance Work: Risk & Cost Amount = [(A-B) + (A x H/100)] Where, A= Value of Balance scope of Work (*) as per rates of new contract B= Value of Balance scope of Work (*) as per rates of old contract being paid to the contractor at the time of termination of contract i.e. inclusive of PVC & ORC, if any. H = Overhead Factor to be taken as 5 In case (A-B) is less than 0 (zero), value of (A-B) shall be taken as 0 (zero). * Balance scope of work (in case of termination of contract): Difference of Contract Quantities and Executed Quantities as on the date of issue of Letter for ‘Termination of Contract’, shall be taken as balance scope of Work for calculating risk & cost amount. Contract quantities are the quantities as per original contract. If, Contract has been amended, quantities as per amended Contract shall be considered as Contract Quantities. Items for which total quantities to be executed have exceeded the Contract Quantities based on drawings issued to contractor from time to time till issue of Termination letter, then for these items total Quantities as per issued drawings would be deemed to be contract quantities. Substitute/ extra items whose rates have already been approved would form part of contract quantities for this purpose. Substitute/ extra items which have been executed but rates have not been approved, would a...
Clause No. 6.4.2 & 6.6 of “Instructions to Bidders
Clause No. Action Details
Clause No. 2.7.9 “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES/PENALTY” of GCC shall be applicable for the reason other than that for Penalties applicable for this contract shall be in-line with Clause No. 2.