Recall Process Sample Clauses
Recall Process. A. If employees are to be rehired, the Board shall determine the number of the positions to be filled and the number of employees to be recalled. If rehiring takes place within one year, then the employee shall be rehired within area of certification in inverse order of reduction.
B. Laid off employees shall be notified of recall in writing by registered mail. The employee then has ten (l0) working days to notify the Board of their intent. After which time the Board will be relieved of any obligation to rehire said employee.
C. Within two (2) years of layoff, no new positions shall be added to the bargaining unit unless the certification area(s) of the new positions do not match those employees who were laid off or until the employees who were laid off have been recalled, refused, and/or failed to accept recall. It is the sole responsibility of the employee to keep a current mailing address on record with the Personnel Department.
D. The Board may not fail to recall a laid off employee in lieu of taking appropriate disciplinary action.
Recall Process. The Supplier may at its sole discretion: (a) recall any of the Products already sold to the Customer or its customers (and either refund or credit the Price paid or replace the Products with the same or substantially similar products); or (b) issue a notice to the Customer about the manner and use of any Product already sold to the Customer or its customers; and in each case, the Customer will fully and promptly cooperate with the instructions of the Supplier in the notice. The Customer will only be entitled to initiate a recall with its customers or any end users where it is acting on the express written instructions of the Supplier. 12. CONFIDENTIALITY 12.1 Each Receiving Party will hold all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party which it obtains under the Agreement, in strict confidence and will not disclose or authorise the disclosure of any Confidential Information except: (a) to its personnel and advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising the Receiving Party’s rights or carrying out its obligations under the Agreement; or (b) where and to the extent authorised to do so by the Disclosing Party; or (c) as required to do so by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority. Each Receiving Party will not use the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information for any other purpose.
Recall Process. A. A bargaining unit employee on the recall list shall be entitled to recall rights for a period of fourteen (14) months from the effective date of the layoff action. A copy of the recall list shall be provided to the Union, upon request. If a vacancy occurs in a classification, employees on the recall list shall be notified of such vacancies at the employee's mailing address or electronic address on file with the Human Resources Department. It shall be the responsibility of the affected employee to provide the Human Resources Department with a current mailing and/or electronic address and telephone number.
B. Restoration from the recall list shall be as follows:
1. If a vacancy occurs within the Court and the bargaining unit in the same classification held at the time of layoff, the employee on the recall list shall be restored upon recall.
2. On a county seniority basis, employees on the recall list shall be given first opportunity to be considered for non-promotional vacant bargaining unit positions in the Court for which they are qualified for prior to the vacancy being posted.
3. On a county seniority basis, employees on the recall list shall be considered for available job openings within the County for which they are qualified.
C. If an employee on the recall list declines or fails to respond to two (2) formal written offers to return to work in the former or comparable classification within seven (7) consecutive working days of the formal offer of recall, they shall be removed from the recall list. If an employee declines or fails to respond to an offer of a non-comparable classification, they shall retain recall rights for the balance of the recall period.
D. There shall be no probationary requirement for persons rehired into their former classification if the initial probationary period has been completed. Employees rehired into their former classification without having completed their initial probationary period shall serve the remainder of the probationary period upon rehire. A person on the recall list who is re-employed in a regular position with the Employer shall serve a probationary period of six (6) months. The probationary period may be extended in accordance with Article 4.
1. An employee who does not successfully complete the probationary period shall return to the recall list and shall remain on the recall list for the portion of their fourteen (14) months remaining at the time of re-hire.
Recall Process. The Supplier may at its sole discretion (or as directed by a Competent Authority):
(a) recall any of the Products already sold to the Customer or its customers (and either refund or credit the Price paid or replace the Products with the same or substantially similar products); or
(b) issue a notice to the Customer about the manner and use of any Product already sold to the Customer or its customers; and in each case, the Customer will fully and promptly cooperate with the instructions of the Supplier in the notice. The Customer will only be entitled to initiate a recall with its customers or any end users where it is acting on the express written instructions of the Supplier.
Recall Process. Employees will be recalled by job classification in the reverse order of the layoff.
Recall Process. 41.5.1 Continuing, Probationary and Tenured faculty members and Probationary and Permanent academic staff members retain recall rights for 24 months from the effective date of layoff.
41.5.2 Upon layoff, or at any time during the 24 month recall period, the member may elect to receive any severance pay to which the member is entitled under Article 42, and upon making that written election, the employment relationship is at an end.
41.5.3 At the end of the 24 month recall period, if the member has not been recalled, the employment relationship is at an end and the member becomes entitled to receive any severance pay to which the member is entitled under Article 42.
Recall Process. (a) Employees will be recalled in their job in the reverse order of their layoff.
(b) Employees shall be notified of recall by double registered mail. An employee being recalled must return to work within five days of receipt of the notice, except in the case of illness or injury. The Employer shall have the right to make alternate arrangements until the recalled employee is ready to return to work.
Recall Process. An officer with seniority, who has been laid off pursuant to the provisions of the above sections, shall be recalled to work, conditioned upon ability to perform the work available, in accordance with the reverse application of the procedure contained in the above section. Notice of recall shall be sent to the officer at the officer's last known address by registered or certified mail. If an officer fails to report to work within ten (10) days from the date of mailing of notice of recall, the officer shall be considered a quit. Extensions may be granted by the University in proper cases. Officers recalled after a layoff which lasted for one (1) year or more may be required to successfully pass a physical examination at the University's expense before the return to work.
Recall Process. 1) A Dispatcher with seniority, who has been laid off, shall be recalled to a vacant position in the bargaining unit in the reverse order of layoff, provided the Department has determined a need to fill that position, and provided further that the employee’s Dispatcher certification shall not have expired prior to the first work day in the recalled position.
2) Notice of recall shall be sent to the Dispatcher at the employee's last known address by registered or certified mail.
a) If the employee fails to report to work within ten (10) calendar days from the date of mailing of notice of recall, the Dispatcher shall be considered a quit.
b) Extensions may be granted by the University in proper cases.
3) Dispatchers recalled after a layoff which lasted for one (1) year or more will be required to successfully pass a physical examination at the University's expense before the return to work.
Recall Process. 1) A Sergeant with seniority, who has been laid off, shall be recalled to a vacant position in the bargaining unit in the reverse order of layoff, provided the Department has determined a need to fill that position, and provided further that the employee’s MCOLES certification shall not have expired prior to the first work day in the recalled position.
2) Notice of recall shall be sent to the Sergeant at the employee's last known address by registered or certified mail.
a) If the employee fails to report to work within ten (10) calendar days from the date of mailing of notice of recall, the Sergeant shall be considered a quit.
b) Extensions may be granted by the University in proper cases.
3) Sergeants recalled after a layoff which lasted for one (1) year or more will be required to successfully pass a physical examination at the University's expense before the return to work.