ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. Where an employee is to receive written discipline, the Employer shall notify the employee at a meeting. Prior to the meeting, the Employer will the employee of right to have a Representative of the Union in attendance. The reasons for the discipline shall be provided to the employee in sufficient detail that the employee may defendhimself against it. Discipline, including dismissal, shall be subject to just cause.
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. The Society may discharge, suspend, demote or otherwise discipline employees who have successfully completed their probationary period for just cause. Certain offenses are of such gravity and importance that the Society may impose the specific penalty of discharge. Where the dismissal of an employee is made the subject of a grievance which proceeds to arbitration and the dismissal is for one or more of these serious offenses, the Society shall be required to establish, on a balance of probabilities, that the Employee committed the offence. Where the Society establishes that the employee committed the offense, then the Arbitrator or Arbitration Board, as the case may be, shall not inquire into the penalty imposed. The offenses which are considered to warrant the treatment set out above are: Assaulting or abusing a Client or care member; Theft of property from a Client, care member or the Society. Nothing in this clause shall limit the Society in imposing discipline, up to and including discharge, for any other offense, subject to the other terms of this collective agreement. Whenever the Society formally imposes discipline, of at least the written warning level, on an employee, the employee shall have the right, upon request, to the presence of a union xxxxxxx. Where the Society decides to hold a meeting with an employee, to investigate a matter that may result in discipline or imposes discipline on an employee, the Society shall advise the employee of the purpose of the meeting in advance and shall further advise the employee of her right to request the presence of the union xxxxxxx at the meeting. If an employee is suspended or discharged, the Society shall notify the union in writing within working days following the date of suspension or discharge. All records of disciplinary action are to be removed from an employee’s personnel file eighteen (18) months from the date of discipline provided there has been no further disciplinary action during this eighteen (18) month period. Where an employee fails to report for a scheduled work assignment without notifying the Society in advance, unless such notice could not reasonably be given (it being understood that forgetting the assignment is not a reasonable excuse for failing to so notify) the Society may impose the following specific penalties: a one (1) working day suspension on the first occasion that the employee fails to report for work; and a three (3) working day suspension on the second occasion that th...
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. The parties agree that the Employer has the right to discipline and discharge for just cause. The purpose of discipline is corrective as opposed to punitive.
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. Of a meeting the an is held for the put pose discipline the will advise the employee concerned of his right to union representation and, when requested by the a Xxxxxxx or Chief Xxxxxxx shall invited by management to be present at said meetings. The agrees to as prior notice as circumstances permit to the Xxxxxxx or Chief Xxxxxxx concerned of any dismissal, suspension or demotion of. any employee for disciplinary reasons. The agrees to provide the and if by the his xxxxxxx., with written notification of the of , demotion and the reasons for at the time it is taken or soon thereafter Letters or of a disciplinary nature in an employee’s file shall normally cancelled after thirty-six months, unless during this thirty-six month the employee receives any additional disciplinary notices, Grievances Involving Interpretation, Alleged Violation or Dismissal Should any differences arise between the and the or any of members thereof employed by the as to the interpretation or alleged violation of any Of the of this Agreement or a , it is agreed that there shall no stoppage of work but a final and binding settlement of any such shall arrived at in the following manner: Within twenty working days from the aggrieved the or xxxxxxx (at the employee’s shall discuss the grievance with the employee’s immediate Supervisor If a a satisfactory us or settlement is not received within two working days, the employee may proceed to Step Within working days of the aggrieved action, the employee or his shall present the grievance in writing to person designated as the Second Level Manager concerned, stating the agreement provision allegedly violated. If a reply, satisfactory ad j or settlement is nut received within five working days from the date on which the grievance was presented at this step, the employee may proceed to Step Three. Within ten working days from the expiration of the day period referred to in Step Two, the employee or his representative may present his grievance in writing to the Department Bead. The disposition of the grievance at Step Two and replies must y the grievance . If a reply, a satisfactory adjustment or is not received within five working days the date on which the grievance was presented at this step, the employee may proceed to Step At this Step Three, the Union shall have the right to initiate a as to the interpretation or alleged violation of any terms of this Agreement or a directly affecting sever al or when more than one immediate supervisor is...
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. The Employer shall advise the employee in writing of its decision to discipline within ten (10) working days of its knowledge of the incident or completion of its investigation, whichever is later. Where the Employer presents an employee with a disciplinary letter, the employee may, at his option, request a Union xxxxxxx to be present at that time. In any event, the Union shall receive a copy of the disciplinary letter within three ( 3 ) working days thereafter. A disciplinary measure becomes null and void twenty-four
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. No employee who has completed his probationary period shall be disciplined except for just and sufficient cause. Where an employee is disciplined by suspension, without pay or by discharge, the Employer shall, within two (2) weeks of the suspension or discharge notify the employee, i n writing, by registered m a i l or by personal service, the reason for the suspension or discharge.
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. When employees are required to attend a where a disciplinary decision concerning them is to be taken by the Employer, or a representative of the Employer, the employees shall be given twenty-four (24) hours notice so that a representative of the Union may attend the meeting. The Employer shall notify the affected employee of their right to have Union Representation. When employees are to be suspended or discharged the Employer shall the employee in writing of the reasons for such suspension or discharge. No employee shall be dismissed without first being given notice in writing together with the reasons therefore, in sufficient detail that the employee may defend himself. This Article shall follow the provision of Article Adjustment of Disputes up to and including Arbitration.
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. Article Safety and health . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. In order of severity, the types of disciplinary action are:
ARTICLE DISCIPLINE. Regular Employees must have a Union Xxxxxxx present in the event of disciplinary action including verbal reprimands where these will become part of Employee’s disciplinary record. Discipline shall be issued to an Employee within twenty (20) working days of the incident coming to the attention of Management, or the time it ought reasonably to have come to Management‘s attention. letters of discipline shall be provided to the Unit Chairperson and copied to the area Business Representative. The Union with the consent of the Employee shall have access to the Employee’s personnel file providing twenty-four hours notice is given. All letters of suspension shall be automatically removed from the Employee’s personnel file whether paper or electronic thirty (30) months following the date of the incident provided no further incident of a similar nature involving suspension occurs within that time period. A copy of the removal letter shall be forwarded to the Unit Chairperson. Written letters of reprimand including verbal warnings that are documented will be removed from the file after twenty-four