Association Released Time Sample Clauses

Association Released Time. 1. The Association shall exclusively receive time off from duties for the processing of grievances past Level I of the grievance procedure, Article V herein, for Association members who are designated as Association representatives, subject to the following conditions: a. Twenty-four (24) hours prior to release from duties for grievance processing, a designated representative shall inform the immediate supervisor in order that an adequate substitute may be obtained, if such is necessary; and b. That such time off shall be limited solely to representing a Grievant in a conference with management person beyond Level I, and in no way shall this limitation include use of such time for matters such as gathering information, interviewing witnesses, or preparing a presentation. 2. In addition, released time for Association business will be provided according to the following conditions: a. The Association may designate representatives who shall be entitled to a total of ten (10) days or its equivalent of released time per school year for conducting business pertinent to the Association. The Association is entitled to an additional 5 days for this purpose, for which it will pay to the District substitute costs. b. The Association may designate six (6) members to their bargaining team who shall be entitled to a reasonable amount of time for the purpose of negotiating with the Board and/or its designated representatives. c. The District shall grant paid leave, exclusive of all other paid or unpaid leave, to the President of the Association for two-fifths (2/5) time during the school year. The duty to defend under Government Code Section 810, et seq., will apply during that portion of the assignment when the President is working under the direction of the District. d. The District will provide the President of the Association an additional one-fifth (1/5) time leave of absence while serving as the President, according to the provisions and benefits of Education Code Section 22711 and 44987, and subject to the following conditions: (1) The Association will reimburse the District, on an agreed upon schedule, for one-fifth (1/5) of the costs of the President’s salary, retirement, benefits, and salary related costs. Failure to provide this reimbursement in a timely fashion will be grounds for the immediate termination of the leave. (2) The negotiating parties agree to reopen this item for negotiations on the successor agreement. Such re-opener negotiations shall be initi...
Association Released Time. The Employer shall provide up to a total of ten (10) working days per contract year of released time for unit members to attend a function of the Association such as conferences, training sessions and conventions. The Employer shall pay the first five (5) days of any substitute costs incurred. Substitute costs incurred for days six (6) through ten (10) shall be paid for by the Association. No more than two (2) unit members at any one time may utilize such release time unless approved by the Board or its designated representative.
Association Released Time. The Woodhaven-Brownstown Instructional Paraprofessional Association will be allocated six (6) days to be used by the president and/or designee(s) to attend Association conventions and conferences. Notification must be made in advance and on forms generally provided by the school district, if available. The Board, upon request of the Association president, shall arrange with the president’s and/or designee’s supervisor for release time to attend meetings requested by the Board.
Association Released Time. The extent to which paid released time is granted by the Employer to employees covered by this agreement to attend meetings and executive board meetings of the Local, City, State, Regional, and parent organizations shall be as follows: Paid leave shall become available on a fiscal year basis commencing July 1, 2001. One thousand two hundred fifty (1250) hours will be allocated for each fiscal year of the agreement. Such leave, as stated above, shall require prior approval of the CEO or designee and shall not be unreasonably denied. Unused paid leave time shall expire in full on June 30 of each year of this agreement. A written record of available and used paid leave time shall be kept by the CEO or designee. All approved requests for paid leave time for the above purposes shall be deducted from the available allocation of paid leave time and in no event will requests be approved in excess of time made available pursuant to the provisions of this system. Time used by unit members for attendance at meetings at the direction or request of the University shall not be deducted from the total yearly hours of paid Association Release Time set forth above.
Association Released Time. A. Release time each year will be available to the Association, provided for as follows: 1. The District shall provide 70 LHE of released time each year to the Association for on-going Association responsibilities. The Association shall determine the allocation of the release time between the academic sessions (fall, spring and summer). 2. The Association may purchase additional released time at the beyond contract LHE rate. The additional released time must conform with the limitations defined in 6.1.6. 3. The Association may purchase additional released time during the summer at the part-time LHE rate. The additional released time must conform with the limitation defined in 6.1.6. 4. Any purchased released time shall be paid by the Association within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the district invoice. 5. The President of the Association shall contact the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources thirty (30) days prior to the first day of instruction for any term during which released time is used in order to initiate the use of released time referred to in Section 1,2,3, and 4 above. B. The Association acknowledges that the released time specified in A1 and A3 above shall include the activities of the Association’s negotiating team. Negotiations will not be scheduled during an Association team member’s class period or scheduled work hours. C. This shall constitute “reasonable periods of release time” within the meaning of Government code section 3543.1(c).
Association Released Time. The District shall grant, to Association designated employee(s), up to one hundred and fifty (150) hours of paid released time each school year. All such leave is subject to approval of the Superintendent or designee. The Association shall designate such employees to conduct Association business or attend Association activities. The District will be reimbursed for all costs of release, except when release time, during the school day, is of mutual benefit to the Association and the District.
Association Released Time. 46 In order to provide proper representation of members of the bargaining unit, the Association President shall 47 be released up to full-time from regular employment to perform Association duties, to conduct Association 48 business, and/or to confer with the District or its representatives. The Association shall request released time, 49 if any, 30 days prior to the end of the semester preceding the one for which the leave is sought, except in cases 50 where such notice is not possible. 1 If the Association President remains a part-time employee, he/she will receive full salary and benefits as 2 though employed full-time. However, the Puyallup Education Association will reimburse the Puyallup School 3 District for the difference between what the Association President would have received as a part-time 4 employee and the amount the Puyallup School District actually pays in compensations and benefits, except 5 as specified below in items one (1) through three (3). 7 If the Association President has full-time release, the District will be reimbursed for all compensation paid by 8 the Puyallup School District during the period of release whether the full-time release is for the entire school 9 year or a portion of a school year. Any additional stipend the Association President receives, as determined 10 by the Association, shall be paid by the District as extended days and reimbursed by the Association.
Association Released Time. The Board shall allow the Association President or his/her designee forty (40) days released time from duties during the school year for the purpose of conducting business of the Association. Such released time shall be granted upon ten (10) workdays written notice from the President or with lesser notice at the Board's discretion if there is an emergency need to designate an alternate member to attend a meeting. The Board may deny an untimely request and any denial or approval of an untimely request is without precedent as to any other such request. Such released time must be taken in increments of no less than one-half (1/2) day. The Association shall reimburse the Board at a rate of sixty (60) percent of the President's or designee's salary or the current substitute rate, if a substitute is utilized.
Association Released Time. The Board shall allow the Association President and/or any designee 40 days released time from duties during the school year for the purpose of conducting business of the Association. These days may accumulate during the term of the Agreement for use during the Agreement. Unused days shall not “rollover” after the expiration of the Agreement. Such released time shall be granted upon fifteen
Association Released Time. The Association President and/or any duly elected delegates, that have voting credentials at the OEA R.A., shall each be granted one paid professional day of leave to attend the Fall Ohio Education Association Representative Assembly and one paid professional day of leave to attend the Spring Ohio Education Association Representative Assembly.