Clerk Sample Clauses
Clerk. The Clerk shall record all proceedings of the Shareholders and the Trustees in books to be kept therefor, which books or a copy thereof shall be kept at the principal office of the Trust. In the absence of the Clerk from any meeting of the Shareholders or Trustees, an assistant Clerk, or if there be none or if he is absent, a temporary clerk chosen at such meeting shall record the proceedings thereof in the aforesaid books.
Clerk. The classification Clerk may be subdivided as follows: Clerical Worker - Employees who regularly devote not less than four hours per day to the writing and calculating incident to keeping records and accounts, rendition of bills, reports and statements, handling of correspondence and similar work. Machine Operator - Employees who regularly devote not less than four hours per day to the operation of office or station mechanical equipment requiring special skill and training, such as accounting, calculating, statistical and key punch machines, typewriters, dictaphone, telephones and other similar equipment. The foregoing shall not be construed to apply to: - Employees engaged in sorting bills, inserting and removing carbons, etc.; - Junior Clerks, or to other employees doing similar work; - Employees performing manual work not requiring clerical ability.
Clerk. The Clerk is appointed and removed by the Directors. The Clerk shall not be a Director or the Principal. However, if the Clerk fails to attend a meeting of the Trustee, the Trustees may appoint any one of their number or any other person to act as Clerk for the purposes of that meeting. • To work effectively with the Chair of Trustees, the other Trustees and the Principal to support the Trustees in conducting their business • To advise the Trustees on Constitutional and Procedural Matters, duties and powers • To convene meetings of the Trustees • To attend meetings of the Trustees and ensure minutes are taken • To maintain a register of members of the Trustees and report vacancies to the Trustees • To give and receive notices in accordance with relevant regulations • To perform such other functions as may be determined by the Trustees from time to time • To liaise with the Company Secretary
Clerk. 12.1 The Clerk shall be nominated by the Accountable Body from time to time. The Clerk in conjunction with the Secretariat is responsible for ;
(a) Organising and publishing dates of forthcoming meetings;
(b) Production, publication and distribution of agendas, reports and minutes of meetings;
(c) Ensuring representation at meeting;
12.2 Advising on the operation of the Accountability Board; and
12.3 Providing guidance to, and the recording of Committee Members' declarations of interest in accordance with the code of conduct and the Assurance Framework.
Clerk. Guess who I just saw being treated in the clinic downstairs? Coworker: Who? Clerk: It was TH, the guy who works in information systems! Coworker: I wonder what’s wrong with him? Clerk: Let’s see if I can find him in the electronic health information system so we can find out. I’ll keep you posted! Will the clerk violate the patient’s privacy? You are required to review and comply with the relevant privacy and IT security policies, including: • Acceptable Use Policy for County Information Technology Resources (DHS Policy 935.20) • Safeguards for Protected Health Information (DHS Policy 361.23) You are provided with these policies for acknowledgment during in-processing. These policies must also be reviewed each year as part of your Performance Evaluation. You are required to sign an agreement to abide by them. • The County’s information technology resources are the property of the County and are to be used for authorized business purposes only. • You are responsible for protecting all information created using County resources and your access is a privilege that may be modified or revoked at any time for abuse or misuse. • DHS may log, review, or monitor any data you have created, stored, accessed, sent, or received, and these activities may be subject to audit. Safeguards are actions that are taken to protect confidential information from accidental or intentional unauthorized viewing, acquisition, access, use, or disclosure. They can include administrative, physical, and technological steps to reduce the risk of improper access, use, or disclosure of PHI. Include the development of policies and procedures, providing privacy and security training, the development and implementation of a complaint and reporting process, and disciplinary actions for violations. Include securing buildings and equipment, as well as activities such as locking paper medical records in file cabinets or rooms, shredding paper records, and ensuring all exterior doors to buildings, other than designated entrances and exits are locked at all times. • Placing computers, copiers, and fax machines so they cannot be accessed or viewed by unauthorized persons. • Protecting computers and other electronic media and devices against theft or unauthorized access. • Maintaining servers and mainframes in a secure area where physical access is controlled. • Ensuring that all areas used to store PHI are properly secured and allow only authorized personnel to have access. • Limiting physical access...
Clerk is a person who works under supervision (sometimes with groups of children) doing a job that requires some office duties such as filing, typing, etc.,e.g. Office Clerk, or Library Clerk (duties described in original performance responsibilities).
Clerk. The duly authorized person who performs the duties of the Town Clerk of GILBERT.
Clerk. Section 1. The Superintendent, or designee, shall serve as clerk for School Committee meetings.
Section 2. The clerk shall be responsible for:
a. Preparing, filing and binding a correct record of the minutes of regular and special meetings of the School Committee.
b. At the direction of the School Committee, conducting correspondence for and in the name of the School Committee.
c. Safeguarding the old and current minutes of the School Committee.
d. Posting notices for public meetings and hearings.
e. Confirming appointments with persons scheduled to give reports and presentations to the School Committee or its subcommittees.
f. Maintaining the School Committee calendar.
g. Maintaining a record of pending and completed action items.
h. Reserving rooms for School Committee and subcommittee meetings and hearings.
i. Fulfilling any other functions or carrying out any other directives as voted on and directed by the School Committee. M.G.L. 71:36
Clerk. The Clerk or any duly appointed deputy shall keep and may imprint the seal of the Intergovernmental Agency; attest to all signatures and certify as to all proceedings and documentation of the Intergovernmental Agency; shall have such other powers and duties as designated in the Bylaws and as from time to time may be assigned to the Clerk by the Board of Directors, the Chairperson of the Board, and the Vice Chairperson of the Board; and shall in general perform all acts incident to the office of Clerk, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, the Chairperson, or the Vice Chairperson, as the case may be.
Clerk. Mr . Xx e s i d en t , 1110 was Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, The bill was introduced in January a bill introduced by Senators Abboud an d L a n d i s . (Read.) of this year, referred to the Xxxxxxx, C o m m e rc e a n d Ins u r ance Committee for public hearing. The bill was advanced to General Committee amendments pending. File. I do h av e Ba n k ing SPEAKER B A R R E TT : Sen at o r Ha r t n e tt, will you be handling the ball? E x c use me, Senator Xxxxxxx, on the amendment. M arch 8 , 1 9 8 8 LB 1110 SENATOR R E M M ERS : M r . Pre s i dent, m e m b ers of the Legislature, LB 1110 would enact the Stockholders Protection Act t o p ro vi d e certain p r otections f r o m ho s t ile c o r p orate t a k e overs . T he committee amendments were prepared as a white copy amendment and accordi n g l y w o u l d b e c ome t h e b i l l . Th x x xxxx t t ee amendments would add a new section declaring the intent of the bill. delete the definition o f beneficial ownership, clarify the definition o f a business combination, clarify t h e de f i n i tion o f iss u i n g p ublic co r p o r ation to p rov i d e fo r separate d e s c riptions, d omestic and foreign corporations, provide a new sec t io n fo r determination o f m ar k et value of stock and property other than cash or stock and provide for a special meeting of s tock h o l d e r s within 5 0 x x x x xx than 60 days,and clarify circumstances where t he act does not apply. I re m ind you a g a in , t h e wh i t e copy becomes the bill. I ' d urge you to adopt the amendment. SPEAKER X XXXXXX : T han k y ou . Di s c u s s i on o n t h e committee amendments? An y discussion? If n o t , those i n f av o r of t he adoption o f the comm i t tee amendments to 1110 please vote aye, opposed n a y . Pl e as e r xx x x x . CLERK: 2 6 a y es, 0 nays, Mr. Xxxxxxxxx, on the adoption of t he committee amendments. SPEAKER X X X X ETT : T h e c o m m ittee amendments are adopted . T o t he xxxx, Senator Xxxxxxxx, please. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Mr . S p e a k er, members of the b o d y , I wou l d like t o th a nk , before I begin, Senator Xxxxxxx for taking this as he r p r i o r i t y b i l l . I ' l l s i mp l y ex p l ai n t h e c ommi t t ee amendments. Wh ere th e i d ea came from was an article from the Wall Street Journal, d ated November...Wednesday, J u l y 1 , 198 7 , a nd t h a t i s whe r e the ide a c ame to me . I wo r k e d wi t h . . . we w orked with some legal counsels and so forth to develop it. T h e...