CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. A. Unit employees shall receive the following annual clothing and equipment allowance, which shall be paid in equal installments on or about July 1 and January 1 of each contract year. 1. $1,500.00 per year B. The COUNTY will purchase appropriate soft body armor for Unit employees on an as needed basis once every five (5) years in an amount not to exceed $800.00 per unit. The Unit employees must purchase the soft body armor from a vendor approved by the department. If the cost of the soft body armor exceeds $800.00 for any reason the deputy will be responsible for the remainder of the cost. Newly hired deputies after July 1, 2014 are eligible for $800.00 and purchase of the soft body armor. However, if the newly hired deputy does not complete their probationary period or POST certification, the newly hired deputy must reimburse the COUNTY by amortizing the cost of the vest over a twelve (12) month period for the date of hire to date of termination and reimburse the remaining unamortized cost to the department upon separation. Reimbursement will be deducted from the employee’s final pay check. Soft body armor purchased by the COUNTY must be an approved NIJ (National Institute of Justice) rated soft body armor. Unit employees will be required to wear COUNTY purchased soft body armor, as a part of the deputy’s normal uniformed duties (i.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. A. Unit employees shall receive the following annual, clothing and equipment allowance, which shall be paid in equal installments or about July 1 and January 1 of each contract year. 1. Effective July 1, 2008 - $1,500 per year B. Effective July 1, 2014 Elko COUNTY will purchase appropriate soft body armor for Unit employees on an as needed basis once every five years in an amount not to exceed
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. Section 1. Effective upon the execution of this agreement, each non-probationary employee shall be entitled to an annual uniform allowance of $650.00 per year. The allowance shall be utilized for the purchase and maintenance of the uniform items as designated by the Fire Chief and Employer Policy and to be used in the performance of the employee duties and responsibilities. Section 2. This allowance is received via a separate check from Employer bi-annually in April and October of each year. Section 3. Probationary employees shall be supplied with all uniforms and equipment needed and will receive no clothing and equipment allowance throughout the probationary period. The provided clothing for all new hire employees includes: Two (2) Class B Shirts, two (2) pair of Nomex pants, four (4) department t-shirts, one (1) job shirt, one (1) multi-layer jacket, one (1) pair of boots, one (1) belt, one (1) ball cap, and one (1) winter cap. Any employee promoted from part time to full time will not receive a uniform allowance for the first year and will not be provided new uniforms. The employee and the employer shall assess the condition of the employee’s uniforms and the employee shall be provided with new uniforms as deemed necessary. Section 4. After execution of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, any further changes to the Employer Uniform Policy that result in any additional costs over and above the current cost of Nomex™ uniforms shall be borne by the Employer. If a change in Employer Uniform Policy results in a reduced cost for uniforms to employees, then there shall be no additional burden borne by the Employer. Section 5. After completion of the employees probationary period, the department shall provide the employee with a full Class A uniform at no cost to the employee. If the employee leaves their
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. Section 8.1 Effective January 1, 2000, existing employees are eligible for an allowance of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per year. Commencing on January 1, 2001, and on the first day of each calendar year thereafter, the allowance shall be adjusted by the percentage determined in accordance with the index described in Section 8.3, below. A newly hired employee shall be entitled, at any time during the first 18 months of his/her employment, reimbursement for the purchase price paid by him/her for clothing or equipment which complies with the list of approved clothing and equipment established by the MPRB. The MPRB reserves the right to approve uniforms and equipment for park police officers. The maximum amount for which reimbursement is allowed shall be equal to three (3) times the annual clothing and equipment allowance in effect at the commencement of the new employee’s employment. The reimbursement allowance shall be in lieu of the annual clothing and equipment allowance and, therefore, newly hired employees shall not be entitled to the clothing and equipment allowance until after the third anniversary of their employment. Such an employee shall be entitled to the prorated portion of the annual clothing and equipment allowance for the calendar year in which his/her third anniversary occurs. If an employee leaves his/her employment with the Park Police prior to his/her third anniversary, the MPRB is entitled to recover from the employee an amount equal to 1/36 of the reimbursement allowance received by the employee during his/her employment times the number of full months by which the employee fell short of attaining his/her 36 month anniversary. Section 8.2 The Director, Park Safety and Security shall, on or before May 1 of each year, submit to the MPRB for approval the name and rank of each employee on the payroll as of April 1 who is entitled to such an allowance. Such allowance shall be paid on or about June 1. Section 8.3 The Uniform Committee shall consist of three (3) persons selected by the Minneapolis Police Department and three (3) persons selected by the Federation. (The Park Police Federation Representative and a MPRB administrative representative are entitled to be members of this committee). The duties of the Uniform Committee shall include developing and maintaining a list of clothing and equipment which must be obtained in order to commence employment with the MPRB. Beginning in December, 2000, and continuing each December thereaft...
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. (a) Where the employer requires an employee to wear any special clothing or articles of clothing the employer must reimburse the employee for the cost of purchasing such clothing. The provisions of this clause do not apply where the employer pays for and/or provides the clothing required to be worn by the employee. (b) Where an employee is required to launder any clothing referred to in sub- clause 46.3(a) the employee will be paid an allowance of $9.49 per week or $1.90 per day, or where the uniform does not require ironing, $5.98 per week or $1.20 per day. (c) Where an employee is required to wear protective clothing or equipment such as hats and sunscreen lotion, goggles, aprons or gloves, the employer will either supply such clothing or equipment or reimburse the employee for the cost of their purchase. Reimbursement will be limited to reasonable costs incurred.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE where an employee would be entitled to a clothing and equipment allowance consistent with clause 15.2 of the Children’s Services Award 2010, the allowance will be provided as per the Award.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. Effective July 1, 2022, the Department and the Association agree that employees shall be paid a yearly clothing/equipment allowance of $2,100 on the second check in July. Motor officers and Mounted Patrol Unit officers will receive an additional $100 $200 per year for the purchase of specialty boots. This $100 $200 boot allowance will be paid once per year on the second check in July.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. The Employer is responsible for providing each member 2 sets of turnout gear that shall include: 1 SCBA face piece, 1 jacket, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of boots, 1 helmet (with shield), 1 hood, and 1 pair of gloves. Structural gear shall meet or exceed NFPA 1971 Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting. The Employer is responsible for providing each member appropriate forestry gear consisting of a pair of brush pants, a brush jacket, a brush hood, a brush helmet and a pair of appropriate brush gloves. All new employees shall receive 4 polo work shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of station boots, 1 job shirt and 1 three season jacket. Firefighters shall receive an annual clothing stipend of $1300 to be paid before end of calendar year. Any damaged or contaminated uniform part will be replaced upon inspection and approval by the Fire Chief or his designee.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. Section 1. Effective upon the execution of this agreement, each non-probationary employee shall be entitled to an annual uniform allowance of $650.00 per year. The allowance shall be utilized for the purchase and maintenance of the uniform items as designated by the Fire Chief and Employer Policy and to be used in the performance of the employee duties and responsibilities. 1. Complete dress uniform 2. Complete duty uniform including all necessary shirts, sweat shirts and jackets 3. Work dress shoes 4. Work boots 5. Belts 6. Socks 7. Tee shirts Items which may be purchased with the uniform allowance after required uniform items have been purchased and the employee’s uniform is in good condition for the up -coming year; 1. Leather fire boots 2. Flashlights
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE. A. All unit employees shall receive the following clothing and equipment allowance: $2,200.00 annually. Officers who perform a special assignment in the SWAT, Bike Patrol, K9, Honor Guard, and/or Bomb Squad shall receive an additional $200 annually. The extra pay is paid at that amount regardless whether or not the officer is assigned to one or all duties. B. One-half of the clothing and equipment allowance shall be paid on the final payroll date of June each year and the other one-half on the final payroll date of December of each year. C. In addition to Paragraph A, this article, new hires shall also receive an initial allowance of $1,000 at the time of hire, and an additional $500 at the successful completion of probation. D. If the City Council, the City Manager or the Police Chief mandates a major change of uniform, then all uniformed officers covered by this agreement shall be entitled to $600. Uniform changes suggested by the association and approved by the Police Chief shall not qualify for additional Uniform Allowance Payments. This shall not apply to any additions to the present uniform nor apply to any uniform supplier problems. E. The clothing and equipment allowance will be prorated to the date of termination for those employees who are terminated, resign, unable to perform the duties because of chronic or permanent disability, or die. F. For employees whose equipment is made unavailable to them due to evidentiary purposes, or in the event their equipment is stolen while it is being stored at a law enforcement facility, the department will reimburse officers for the required replacement equipment.