DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. The University agrees to deduct on a biweekly basis the dues or assessments of the Association from the salary of each ASM.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. Association dues are a condition of employment for members. The President of the Association will inform the University in writing of the amount of dues and other such assessments that will be deducted monthly from members’ pay cheques. The University will deduct this amount from each pay cheque and remit the total to the Treasurer of the Association prior to the 10th day of the following calendar month. Each remittance will be accompanied by a list of members’ names along with type and amount of deduction made for each member.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. 34.01 The Board will deduct the regular monthly Association dues form the pay of each member who authorizes such deduction in writing. Amounts so deducted will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Association.
34.02 Authorization for deduction of the Association dues shall be made on copies of the following form: I, ……………………………………, hereby authorize the Cobourg Police Services Board to deduct from the pay due me each calendar month the sum of the monthly dues as certified by the Association and to pay the said sum to the Treasurer of the said Association. Date: ……………………………………… Signed: …………………………………………………..
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. 6 All employees covered under the terms of this Agreement may 7 voluntarily join the Association as a member.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. (a) Upon written direction from the Association, the Company shall deduct for each Pay Period, as per the Company’s designated payroll periods, from wages due and payable to each employee, such sum as may be uniformly assessed by the Association subject to the conditions set forth herein.
(b) The amount to be deducted shall be equivalent to the regular dues payment of the Association and shall not include initiation fees or special assessments. The calculation of the amount to be deducted shall not be changed during the term of Agreement except to conform with a change in the amount of regular dues of the Association in accordance with its constitutional provisions.
(c) Membership in the Association shall be available to any employee eligible under the Constitution of the Association on payment of the initiation or reinstatement fees uniformly required of all other such applicants by the Association.
(d) Membership in the Association shall not be denied for reason of race, national origin, color, or religion.
(e) Payroll deductions shall commence on the first period of the calendar month following completion of thirty (30) calendar days after date of hire in a position covered by this Agreement, but in no case shall deductions commence earlier than the payroll for the first Pay Period of the calendar month following completion of thirty (30) days after date of last entry into the Company.
(f) If the wages of an employee, payable on the payroll for the first Pay Period of any month, are insufficient to permit the deduction of a full amount of dues, no such deduction shall be made from the wages of such employee by the Company in such month. The Company shall not carry forward and deduct from any subsequent wages the dues not deducted in an earlier month, when the employee did not have sufficient wages payable to him on the designated payroll. The Company shall not be responsible for arrears.
(g) Only payroll deductions now and hereafter required by law, deduction of monies due or owing the Company, and deductions for provident funds shall be made from wages prior to the deduction of dues.
(h) The amount of dues so deducted from wages accompanied by a statement of deductions from individuals, shall be remitted by the Company to the Association, as may be mutually agreed by the Association and the Company not later than thirty (30) calendar days following the Pay Period in which deductions are made.
(i) The Company shall not be responsible financially or othe...
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. 25.01 The Employer shall deduct a sum equivalent to Association dues or assessments as authorized from time to time by the Association, from the pay of each employee and transmit the total amount of such deductions to the head office of the Association within a reasonable time after such deductions are made. The Association agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Employer from any liability arising out of the operation of this Article.
25.02 Together with each monthly dues payment, the Employer will provide a report to the Association indicating the names of the employees in respect of whom deductions have been made, the employee identification number or social insurance number, ministry, branch, work location description/work location (street address), work city, employment status (active, leave, terminated), jobclass code / abbreviated class title, employee class (unclassified, classified), home position indicator, continuous service date, benefit base salary (annualized payrate used for calculating benefits such as insurance premium) and any such other information as may be agreed. The report will be forwarded in current disk format unless the parties mutually agree to an alternate electronic format.
25.03 The Association shall advise the Employer in writing the amount of its dues and assessments. This amount shall continue to be deducted until changed by further written notice by the Association.
25.04 Subject to the jurisprudence of the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Association’s duty of fair representation, where an employee because of his or her religious conviction or religious belief objects to the paying of dues or other assessments to the Association, an amount equal to any initiation fee, dues or other assessments will be paid by the employee, or remitted by the Employer, to a charitable organization mutually agreed by the employee and the Association.
25.05 If a disagreement occurs between the Association and an employee regarding the application of 25.04, the matter will be referred to the OPP Grievance Board for resolution.
25.06 Association dues or assessments, or the equivalent amount, shall be itemized on the annual T-4 slip as annual membership dues for the Association.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. A. The Association shall notify the Town in writing of the amount of Association dues and service fees to be deducted from earnings of bargaining unit employees. The Town shall deduct, from the bi-weekly wages of employees, regular Association dues for those employees who sign authorization cards permitting such deduction, and a service fee for those employees who decline to sign such an authorization card. The Town shall remit to the Association monthly the amount of the dues so deducted, provided however no such deduction shall be made from any employee's wages, except when authorized by the employee on an appropriate form, a copy of which must be submitted to the Town. Such authorization shall be for the life of the agreement and shall be continued thereafter if an agreement exists between the Town and the Association. For those employees who do not elect to become members of the Association by signing said authorization and for probationary employees from the date of employment, the Town shall deduct a service fee (not to exceed membership dues). Said service fee is solely for the purpose of administering and negotiating the labor agreement and any individual paying said fee shall have the right to object and the Association shall have the obligation to justify said fee pursuant to the procedures outlined in Appendix B.
B. The Association shall indemnify and hold the Town harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, suits or other forms or liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Town for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this section or in reliance on any certification, notice or authorization furnished under the provisions of this section.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. The Minot Public School District shall continue to deduct dues from the members of the Minot Education Association in agreed upon installments and remit the same to the MEA, provided proper deduction authorization forms, signed by the teacher, are supplied to the District by the MEA.
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. 26.01 The Employer shall deduct Association dues, as authorized from time to time by the Association, from the pay of each employee and transmit the total amount of such deductions to the head office of the Association by electronic deposit on each pay. The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless from any liability arising out of the operation of this Article.
26.02 The Consolidated Dues/Fees Report shall continue to be submitted on a monthly basis.
(a) The Employer shall semi-annually provide to the Association a list of names of employees on behalf of whom dues are being deducted. In intervening months the Employer shall provide information to the Association which will permit it to keep such lists up to date.
(b) The Employer shall provide the Association with a monthly data file on Association dues. The data file shall contain the following information fields: Employee Name, Employee ID Number, Badge Number, Employment Status (i.e., active, leave with pay, leave without pay, terminated), Start and end dates for leaves, Start and end dates for fixed term contracts, Effective dates for terminations, Continuous Service Date, LTIP Reason (i.e., pending, approved, rehabilitation, reoccurrence), Full/Part Time Indicator, Uniform or Civilian, Employee Class (i.e., Regular, fixed-term), Sex, Geographic Work Location, Benefit Base Salary, Job Classification Code, Title and Category/Module, Payrate Amount and Code, Scheduled Hours, Class Schedule, Job Dues/Fees Code, Total Dues Deducted, Total Earnings, Home Position Indicator, Union Group, Change Indicator, and Reason Code.
(c) Information shall be made available to the Association on all employees on the Available for Redeployment List and the Health Reassignment List. The report will include the position title, classification and work location for the position. Regular reports will be made to the Association on a monthly basis in an electronic format agreed to by the parties such that the information can be sorted by the Detachment/Work Unit.
26.04 Subject to the jurisprudence of the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Association's duty of fair representation, where an employee because of his or her religious conviction or religious belief objects to the paying of dues or other assessments to the Association, an amount equal to any initiation fee, dues or other assessments will be paid by the employee, or remitted by the employer, to a charitable organization mutually agreed by the ...
DEDUCTION OF ASSOCIATION DUES. 27.01 The Employer shall deduct Association dues, as authorized from time to time by the Association, from the pay of each employee and transmit the total amount of such deductions to the head office of the Association within a reasonable time after such deductions are made. The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless from any liability arising out of the operation of this Article.
(a) The Employer shall semi-annually provide to the Association a list of names of employees on behalf of whom dues are being deducted. In intervening months the Employer shall provide information to the Association which will permit it to keep such lists up to date.
(b) The Employer shall provide the Association with a list of casual part-time employees on a quarterly basis.
27.03 Subject to the jurisprudence of the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Association's duty of fair representation, where an employee because of his or her religious conviction or religious belief objects to the paying of dues or other assessments to the Association, an amount equal to any initiation fee, dues or other assessments will be paid by the employee, or remitted by the employer, to a charitable organization mutually agreed by the employee and the Association.
27.04 If a disagreement occurs between the Association and an employee regarding the application of 27.03, the matter will be referred to the OPP Grievance Board for resolution.