Equipment and Uniforms. Section 1 The Board agrees that all employees excluding Food Service Workers that are required to wear any kind of uniform as a condition of his/her continued employment, such uniform shall be furnished and maintained by the Board, free of charge at the standard required by the Board.
Section 2 Food Service Workers shall receive six (6) sets of uniforms (shirts, pants and head covering) annually that are provided by the Food Service Department. Food Service Department employees will be responsible for laundering their uniforms. Damaged uniforms will be repaired or replaced on an individual basis at no cost to the employee at the Director’s discretion. All Food Service Department personnel will receive an annual safety shoe payment of $100 that meets the department’s safety requirements.
Section 3 All District bargaining unit employees who are required to wear hard-toed safety shoes will receive an annual safety shoe payment of $100. All safety shoes must meet OSHA standards.
Section 4 The Board agrees to provide a two-way radio to all night custodians while they are working for the Board.
Section 5 All warehouse delivery vehicles shall be equipped with two-way radios.
Section 6 The Board will make available to all bus drivers the equipment and supplies to clean and wash buses.
Section 7 All vehicle mechanics shall receive an annual payment of $150 as a tool allowance.
Section 8 All transportation vehicle mechanics, fire alarm technicians and maintenance employees who are on call and ho carry an issued phone shall receive $20 per workday and $50 per non-workday.
Section 9 All transportation vehicle mechanics shall receive a maximum annual payment of $300 per year if he/she has earned certification as either a Master Repair Technician or a School Bus Inspector.
Section 10 All Custodian’s shall receive 6 (six) uniform shirts annually at no cost to the employee. Employee is responsible to launder and maintain the shirts. Damaged shirts will be repaired or replaced on an individual basis at no cost to the employee, at the discretion of the administrator. All custodial personnel will receive a $100 annual non-slip work/safety shoe allowance. Basic athletic shoes are not considered an acceptable non-slip work/safety shoe. Employees receiving this incentive will be required to wear a non-slip work/safety shoe as part of their uniform.
Equipment and Uniforms. The Mammoth Lakes Police Department takes pride in the professional standard presented by its employees and provides an equipment and uniform reimbursement program to ensure such professional standards are maintained. Upon hire, employees shall be provided with new, or like new, safety equipment, foul weather gear, and uniform items in accordance with department policy. Following initial issue, employees shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,300 per fiscal year to be used for the replacement, repair, purchase, cleaning, and maintenance of safety equipment, foul weather gear, and uniform items for law enforcement purposes to be used while on duty only, excluding firearms. At the completion of one (1) year of service, new employees shall be entitled to a pro-rata amount for the remainder of the fiscal year. Unexpended balances shall not roll over to the following fiscal year. Reimbursement shall be authorized at the discretion of the Town Manager, or designee, upon submittal of proof of purchase. Safety equipment, foul weather gear, and uniform items damaged in the course of duty (i.e. biohazard contamination) will be repaired or replaced by the Town. This excludes normal wear and tear, which is the responsibility of the employee. Employees may be required to replace equipment and uniform items at the discretion of the Chief of Police, or designee, if the item does not meet the professional appearance standard set forth by the department or does not meet safety requirements. Should the employee have exhausted their $1,300 balance, replacement of safety equipment, foul weather gear, and uniform items shall be at the employee’s own cost. Alterations and customizations beyond what is considered required by the department, shall not be paid for by the Town.
Equipment and Uniforms. SECTION 1. The City will furnish all required uniforms for sergeants, officers, and dispatchers. The standard minimum complement shall consist of: Sergeants and Officers:
Equipment and Uniforms. The Special Constable Employer shall supply Special Constables with uniforms that meet all applicable requirements under the Act and the regulations.
Equipment and Uniforms. 20.01 Upon commencement of employment, each new employee shall be supplied with the following clothing allotment:
Equipment and Uniforms. Public Safety Officers will be provided no less than five (5) uniform shirts, in their preference of short sleeve or long sleeve; five (5) pair of uniform pants, in their preference of short or long; and other required equipment. After the first year of employment in the public safety department, employees will be provided up to $400 annually for replacement uniforms, which could include acceptable footwear.
Equipment and Uniforms. Section 1. When an Employee is hired or promoted all uniforms required of Employees in the performance of their duties shall be furnished without cost to the Employees by the Employer and maintained in good, safe condition.
Section 2. The Employer shall maintain personal protective equipment (PPE) and all uniforms of the Employees. PPE shall be NFPA Compliant. P P E w i l l b e r e p l a c e d b y t h e E m p l o y e r a s i t b e c o m e s w o r n o r d a m a g e d . E m p l o y e e s m a y s u b m i t a r e q u e s t t o t h e F i r e C h i e f a t a n y t i m e f o r r e p l a c e m e n t a s n e e d e d f o r a n y P P E i t e m . T h e C h i e f s h a l l h a v e f i n a l s a y r e g a r d i n g a n y s u c h r e p l a c e m e n t . Items to be supplied by the Employer:
Equipment and Uniforms. Where the conditions of employment require the use of safety equipment listed below, the Employer shall make the following equipment available to employees for their use while under conditions which necessitate its use, at no cost to employees:
Equipment and Uniforms. 3.9-1 Equipment The Board is responsible for the methods, means and tools to perform tasks and the Board shall provide all tools and materials which are required to perform these tasks. Items lost or damaged in normal use will be replaced at the expense of the Board. All items remain the property of the Board and are not to be used away from work.
3.9-2 Uniforms The uniforms program will be assessed by the college each October. Work uniforms shall be provided by the Board to any employee the College deems to require a work uniform based on the nature of the job, such as those in Campus Operations, Shipping and Receiving, the Mail Room, the Children's Learning Center, and the Police Department. Other apparel will be provided on an as needed basis as determined by the college. The Association will be informed, in writing, of the uniforms provided for each department. Notification will be sent to the Association within 30 days of any anticipated changes. When provided, uniforms and other apparel must be worn. Maintenance of the uniforms provided will be the responsibility of the individual employee unless otherwise agreed to. A new employee, after completion of the probationary period, shall receive an initial issue of a minimum of four
Equipment and Uniforms a. The DJHL will provide appropriate team uniforms, including game jerseys, practise jerseys, pant shells and socks. Team uniforms (jerseys and pant shells) are the property of the DJHL and players will be responsible for the cost of any damage incurred while the uniform is in their possession. Socks will remain the property of the Player.
b. A $200 deposit is required for the team uniform. Deposits are to be made by post dated personal cheques, dated for April 12th, 2013. If the uniform is not returned by this date, or if the uniform is damaged beyond repair, the DJHL will cash the cheque(s) and purchase a replacement uniform.
c. Game jerseys are to be worn ONLY at approved team functions.
d. Game jerseys may only be worn during games and not during practice sessions. Players are to carry their game jerseys on hangers and protected from the elements with plastic covering or a garment bag. Game jerseys are not to be carried in the Player’s equipment bag.
e. Team uniforms shall be returned to the League Administrator by the Team Manager no more than 7 days following the final date of the Provincial Tournament. Any player not returning their team uniform shall be subject to clause 3.b above.
f. Any player, who causes unnecessary damages to a team uniform or other loaned equipment, as determined by the League Administrator, shall be suspended from all activities, including future tryouts, until the replacement cost has been paid.
g. Players may wear a name bar on their jersey, which must be purchased through the Team Manager and be sewn on jerseys (not glued or heat applied). The Team Manager will ensure that name bars are applied by a professional seamstress approved by the League Administrator. The cost of placing the name bar on the jersey and the cost of removing the name bar from the jersey, which is in addition to the League registration fee, must be paid to the Team Manager at the start of the season.
h. Players are required to wear DJHL approved hockey socks so that they match the jerseys. One set of socks will be provided at the start of the season. Replacement socks are the responsibility of the player.
i. Players must wear all the equipment as specified and required by Hockey Canada and Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador while on the ice or bench.
j. Equipment worn must be certified by the Canadian Standards Association if there is an applicable CSA equipment standard required by Hockey Canada.
k. All neck guards must be BNQ certified. The BNQ certif...