Faculty Facilities. The College will provide a faculty/staff dining area in the cafeteria building for the exclusive use of faculty and staff.
Faculty Facilities. The Board shall provide appropriate office space, and instructional materials for faculty members. Decisions related to instructional materials, instructional equipment or instructional technology shall be made by the appropriate Xxxx in consultation with the appropriate department faculty.
Faculty Facilities. The District will provide for its staff members a lounge area within each school building that is for their use. Staff lavatories shall be provided.
Faculty Facilities. A. Every effort will be made to reduce and keep at a minimum the noise level in the faculty office areas and adjoining corridor areas. Faculty members may request an office space reassignment to an available office area subject to preference according to seniority.
B. The College shall place on each faculty office door a nameplate and schedule holder for each faculty member in the office.
C. Each faculty member shall be provided with completely enclosed office space in a quiet area unless otherwise agreed.
D. Faculty offices shall be lockable and have telephone and shall normally house two faculty members. If the available office space can reasonable accommodate more than two faculty members, the College may assign additional faculty members to that office with the mutual consent of the Association. Where an office is to be assigned to only one faculty member, first preference shall be given according to seniority except where otherwise specified in this agreement. A faculty member may be assigned to a private office for health reasons.
E. Each faculty member shall be provided with a suitable desk, or a substitute acceptable to the faculty member, an appropriate swivel chair, bookcases with such additional shelving as requested and fits into the office, four drawer file cabinet and necessary supplies to perform his/her duties.
F. Adequate secretarial service shall be provided for all faculty.
G. Every effort will be made to have one (1) faculty lounge in each building of adequate size, suitable equipped and furnished and containing restrooms exclusively for faculty. The room size and the quality and quantity of furnishings of the existing faculty lounges shall not be diminished during the term of this Agreement.
H. All full-time faculty shall be provided with on-campus, free, reserved parking facilities.
I. Faculty members may make collect, credit card and/or toll-free telephone calls.
Faculty Facilities. The Employer shall make available in each school adequate lunchroom, rest room and lavatory facilities exclusively for teacher use and at least one (1) room, appropriately furnished, which shall be reserved for use as a faculty lounge. This lounge may be shared by other employees in the district. If teachers desire privacy, non-employees—parents, vendors, etc.—will be discouraged from using lounge facilities.
Faculty Facilities. The Board shall make every effort to provide adequate office space and equipment together with facilities for student conferences. Faculty lounges, dining facilities, parking areas and adequate secretarial services shall be provided for in the design and budget of new Colleges, except where the provision of such parking facilities requires a structure above or below ground. The City Colleges of Chicago as a public institution has the obligation to conform to safety requirements as determined by appropriate administrative and statutory law, in accordance with the overall provision in Article XII.
Faculty Facilities. A. An attempt will be made to continue to provide two-person offices for teaching faculty members housed in college buildings. Counselors will have one-person offices.
B. All attempts will be made to provide each faculty member with a telephone, computer, and email account.
C. Staff lounges will be provided in the LA, MS, BS, ET, AD and LB buildings.
D. Conference rooms will be provided in major academic buildings.
E. Parking at the main campus shall be provided at no cost for faculty members. Free access will be provided to both East and West staff parking lots. In the event that this policy of free access proves unworkable, the problem shall be resolved according to the provisions of Article II Section G. In addition, the Board will provide free parking space at all other locations at which instruction takes place on a regular basis.
F. A staff dining room will be maintained on the West Windsor Campus.
Faculty Facilities. A. The Board will make available, if possible, in new school construction, at least one room of appropriate size, adequately furnished and vented, which may be reserved for use as a faculty room. In presently utilized facilities, where feasible, a teacher's room will be provided.
B. Outside telephone lines shall be made available for teachers' use. The location of the phones shall be such as to insure privacy of conversation where physically possible.
C. Teachers shall have safe and healthful conditions under which to carry out their professional duties.
D. In an effort to support a healthy workplace for teachers, every October 1 and February 15 principals/supervisors will review daily schedules to ensure that within every three (3) consecutive hours provision is made for ten (10) minutes of restroom break for teachers in grade K-12.
E. The parties recognize the need for itinerant staff to have appropriate workspace in the buildings. The district will provide workspace that ensures privacy, minimizes disruptions and is balanced with the need to protect staff. In order to promote confidentiality and effective interaction with students, the District will provide the following:
1. Confidential phone and voice mail access.
2. Dedicated, lockable storage space accessible to each itinerant staff person at each work site they serve.
3. Computer with network and secure printer access. The following process is recommended for use at the building level to attempt to ensure that the above needs are addressed.
1. Each August itinerant staff assigned to the building, e.g., SLP, psychologists, OT/PT’s, nurses and social workers will meet with the principal/designee to identify itinerant workspace/equipment needs as described above for the ensuing year.
2. Itinerant staff will meet with the building principal/designee in the fall by mid-September to finalize actual space/equipment assignments or plans to provide the space/equipment.
3. The principal/designee and certificated staff may agree to include other building or itinerant staff in these meetings. In the event itinerant staff feel they do not have access to appropriate workspace and/or necessary equipment, the parties will attempt to resolve the issue in a problem-solving manner. If the concern is not resolved in a timely manner, the matter will be referred to the Superintendent’s designee.
Faculty Facilities. The Board shall endeavor to provide educational facilities and faculty lounges that conform to local and state health and safety codes. Bargaining unit members will be provided restroom facilities that are separate from those provided for students. As approved by the superintendent or designee, beverage-dispensing and coffee-making devices may be placed in a school building and made available to employees. A refrigerator will be provided for bargaining unit members’ use in each school building. If not already provided and if requested by the individual employees concerned, the Board will endeavor to make available the following:
1. For each employee a desk or work space and a file cabinet in at least one of the buildings where the employee is assigned to work.
2. Telephones, in at least the number indicated as follows, for bargaining unit members to use for conducting school business.
a. One telephone in each elementary school and middle school building b. Two telephones in each senior high school building
3. The number of teaching staff in a building will be taken into consideration when decisions are made to replace and/or add copy machines. Bargaining unit members shall have access to building copy machines. The use of copy machines utilized by office staff, special organizations or specific departments may be restricted at designated times.
4. When not being used for student instruction, computers will be made available in each building for bargaining member use. In cases where on-school property or street parking is not available for all employees who drive to school, if requested, the Board will endeavor to provide additional parking facilities in proximity to the assigned building.
Faculty Facilities. A. The Board will make available, if possible, in new school construction, at least one room of appropriate size, adequately furnished and vented, which may be reserved for use as a faculty room. In presently utilized facilities, where feasible, a teacher's room will be provided.
1. No secondary employee will be required to move room to room more than twice in five years.
B. Outside telephone lines shall be made available for teachers' use. The location of the phones shall be such as to insure privacy of conversation where physically possible.
C. Teachers shall have safe and healthful conditions under which to carry out their professional duties.
D. In an effort to support a healthy workplace for teachers, every October 1 and February 15 principals/supervisors will review daily schedules to ensure that within every three (3) consecutive hours provision is made for ten (10) minutes of restroom break for teachers in grade K-12.