Interagency Collaboration. 1. By September 1, 2013, the State will develop and implement one or more interagency agreements or memoranda of understanding between BHDDH, ORS, and RIDE designed to ensure the full implementation of this Interim Agreement that addresses:
Interagency Collaboration. 367 i. The SHPO and the ACHP will review the Annual Report and will provide 368 comments, if any, to the FS within 60 calendar days of receipt.
Interagency Collaboration. NCDHHS will ensure and promote cross-Divisional collaboration and will make best efforts to promote and pursue collaboration with other State agencies (Commerce, Public Instruction, etc.) to effectuate the provisions of the Department’s CIE Plan and this MOU, including without limitation, the establishment of an internal agreement among DMHDDSAS, DHB, DVRS, DSS, and DSOHF, and to the extent needed, interagency agreements with other state agencies.
Interagency Collaboration. Early proactive engagement of staff in HSE Divisions and the Child and Family Agency in the best interests of children and their families is a prerequisite for managing individual cases. Informal consultation for advice and direction in regard to specific expertise must be provided as appropriate by practitioners and colleagues in HSE Divisions and the Child and Family Agency. Where a practitioner has concerns or identifies a need for intervention from another Division or from the Child and Family Agency, she/he must liaise with the relevant practitioner and agree a process for engagement. In the event of specific issues such as High Court cases, HIQA inspections; Ombudsman recommendations, etc., the appropriate managers will act in collaboration to address the required service improvements. Experience identifies that most interagency issues can be resolved by this early engagement and it can also act as an early warning system which ensures that appropriate actions are taken. The emphasis here is on early engagement and requests for interagency discussions must be prioritised and a meeting arranged, if agreed to be appropriate, following discussion. Joint working is governed by the requirements of Children First. When issues of child welfare and protection arise, early engagement should be as immediate as the same working day where harm has occurred, or within one week where an emergency child protection plan is required or Court matters need to be addressed. The fundamental principle is that both organisations are committed to optimal engagement, in the best interests of the child, and the minimisation of avoidable pre-emption, by other parties regarding applications to the Court for direction. An interagency meeting can be called by any Division/ Child and Family Area to develop joint care plans and review processes. The process will include: Identification and agreement as to the Lead Agency and key co-ordinating professional Identification of treatment interventions that can be delivered If there is a need which cannot be met, to advise line management Where line management cannot resolve the issue e.g. due to lack of resources or some other impediment, the matter should be escalated to the next level in accordance with this protocol The Care Plan or an addendum thereto, should clearly show which Organisation/Division is dealing with each part of the intervention(s), the actual intervention/service being provided, resources, costs, and the fun...
Interagency Collaboration. A. Financial Responsibility GGRC and SELPA will operate within the provisions of the October 2004 State Interagency Agreement between the Department of Developmental Services and the California Department of Education. Due to the importance of provisions regarding “Payor of Last Resort”, those pertinent sections of the state interagency agreement are set forth below and incorporated herein by reference:
Interagency Collaboration. Collaborative Advocacy The Parties agree that:
Interagency Collaboration a. In order to xxxxxx cooperative relations, the Forest Service will invite Signatory Parties and any other interested parties to a review meeting every two years (biennial).
Interagency Collaboration. The Commissioner and the Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shall lead interagency efforts to collaborate with law enforcement and customs authorities of foreign countries to enforce intellectual property rights. (Pub. L. 114–125, title III, § 309, Feb. 24, 2016, 130 Stat. 153.) § 4349. Report on intellectual property rights en- forcement Not later than September 30, 2016, and annu- ally thereafter, the Commissioner and the Direc- tor of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce- ment shall jointly submit to the Committee on Finance of the Senate, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs of the Senate, and the Commit- tee on Homeland Security of the House of Rep- resentatives a report that contains the follow- ing:
Interagency Collaboration. 2.1. Maintain open communication and quarterly meetings on the state and local level to discuss the delivery of appropriate services for customers with physical or mental disabilities receiving Social Services.
Interagency Collaboration. 336 o. The SHPO and the ACHP will review the Annual Report and will provide comments, if 337 any, to the FS within 60 calendar days of receipt. 338 p. The FS and the SHPO shall meet annually to review the terms of this PA to determine 339 whether amendment or other action is appropriate. 340 q. The FS and the SHPO mutually agree that only qualified Heritage professionals who 341 are employed in a professional capacity have the responsibility and authority to 342 make recommendations to FS management regarding historic properties. 343 r. The SHPO agrees to use the NFS CRR in place of the Alaska Heritage Site Report 344 (AHSR) form and the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey (AHRS) form for new and 345 updated cultural resource information from the FS. The Alaska Region heritage staff 346 will transition to using the NFS CRR beginning with the implementation of the 347 updated FS database of record, Heritage 2.0. 348 s. The FS and SHPO will be mutually responsible for accuracy of their respective 349 records systems. 350 t. The FS and the SHPO mutually agree to share information regarding any new 351 cultural resources reported on FS lands. The SHPO agrees to notify the FS if any new 352 cultural resources on FS lands are reported to the SHPO from sources outside of the 353 FS. 354 u. Heritage professionals may conduct field surveys for cultural resources on State 355 lands and may collect the minimum amount of data needed to make a 356 determination of eligibility. Any collections remain the property of the State of 357 Alaska and shall be curated in an OHA approved repository. All such work is 358 conducted in a collaborative sense of shared stewardship responsibilities and will 359 not require FS Heritage professionals to obtain Alaska State Field Archaeology 360 Permits. 361 IX. Subsequent Programmatic Agreements 362 v. Upon execution of this PA, Forests and Districts are encouraged to consider 363 developing supplemental programmatic agreements for routine undertakings on 364 their districts that are not covered under the terms of this PA. 365 w. Programmatic Agreements negotiated between the Forests or Districts may be 366 independent of or supplemental to this PA. 367 x. Any MOA developed to resolve adverse effects for specific undertakings shall be 368 negotiated at the appropriate level of authority, and shall be independent of this PA. 369 X. Training 370 y. Heritage staff, including temporary or seasonal staff, shall receive training in the 371 proced...