Joint Evaluation Committee Sample Clauses
Joint Evaluation Committee. The JEC will review the completed JEQ and assign factor ratings for any review initiated under Article 9.3. The JEC will consist of two members of the bargaining unit and one University representative. A minimum of two members (one from the bargaining unit and one from the University) will be required for a review. Committee members shall serve a two year term which may be renewed. The parties will ensure the Committee membership is staggered in order to maintain continuity and expertise.
Joint Evaluation Committee. A joint Selkirk College Faculty Association/Management Evaluation Committee will develop and review evaluation forms and procedures related to performance evaluation. The committee will consist of two members chosen by the College and two members chosen by the Association. Prior to submitting their recommendations to the Vice President Education for approval, the committee will consult with the Institutional Research office, which is responsible for managing the process of student evaluation of instruction.
Joint Evaluation Committee. The Board and the Union will reconvene a joint committee that shall meet quarterly on paid time, to review and mutually agree upon any modifications to the evaluation process. The committee shall consist of up to four (4) bargaining unit members and two (2) Union representatives and up to six (6) Board representatives.
Joint Evaluation Committee. (A) A Joint Evaluation Committee shall consist of two (2) Employees selected by the Union, and two (2) University employees selected by the Employer. The Joint Evaluation Committee shall use the Job Evaluation Manual, completed Job Evaluation Questionnaire, job description and Job Evaluation Factor Sheet with Weights in assessing all job positions. The Joint Evaluation Committee can also interview incumbents, supervisors, and managers to better understand the roles and responsibility of the position.
(B) The Joint Evaluation Committee shall choose one of the Employer representatives to act as a chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a vote.
(C) Decisions will be made by majority vote. Where the Joint Evaluation Committee is unable to render a majority decision, the matter will be referred to a mutually agreed third party whose decision shall be final. The third party shall be appointed within sixty (60) days of the date that the Joint Evaluation Committee is unable to render a majority decision.
(D) The Employer and the Union shall each pay one-half (1/2) the expenses of the third party.
Joint Evaluation Committee. A joint committee will convene annually to review the procedures for the formal evaluation of teachers and suggest modifications as deemed necessary. Composition of this committee will include equal representation from Teachers’ Council and the Administration. Committee members representing the Administration will be appointed by the Superintendent and committee members representing Teachers’ Council will be appointed by the Teachers’ Council President. Any joint recommendations for the revision of the Evaluation Program shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for approval. The parties acknowledge that the content and rating of such evaluations shall not be grieved. Furthermore, the parties do not intend for this agreement to alter the statutory status of pre-tenured educators or in any way authorize the reinstatement of a pre-tenured educator who has been dismissed. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude the District from conducting informal evaluations or additional formal evaluations from time to time.
Joint Evaluation Committee. (A) A Joint Evaluation Committee shall consist of two (2) Employees from the Bargaining Unit, who currently hold the positions of Vice-President Unit II and Chair of Unit II Negotiating Team, and two (2) University employees selected by the Employer. The Joint Evaluation Committee shall use the Job Evaluation Manual and Job Evaluation Factor Sheet with Weights in assessing all job positions.
(B) The Joint Evaluation Committee shall choose one of the Employer representatives to act as a chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a vote.
(C) Decisions will be made by majority vote. Where the Joint Evaluation Committee is unable to render a majority decision, the matter will be referred to a mutually agreed third party whose decision shall be final. The third party shall be appointed within sixty (60) days of the date that the Joint Evaluation Committee is unable to render a majority decision.
(D) The Employer and the Union shall each pay one-half (1/2) the expenses of the third party.
Joint Evaluation Committee. There shall be a Joint Evaluation Committee (“JEC”), which shall be comprised of a Union team and Board team, each having an equal number of no more than five
Joint Evaluation Committee. The mandate of the joint evaluation committee is to evaluate, according to the evaluation plan in effect, every new or modified position. The joint evaluation committee is comprised of two (2) representatives from each of the parties. The committee establishes its own operating rules.
(a) The effective date of the review of the salary category is:
(i) the date of the request for an existing position, or
(ii) the date the position is filled in the case of a new position.
(b) If the employee is assigned to such a new or modified category, before an agreement was reached regarding the salary rate, the new rate shall apply retroactively as of the day when the employee was assigned to the category.
(c) When reclassifying a position at a higher level, the employee shall be integrated at the level that provides an increase of at least four percent (4%). If the increase places the salary between two (2) levels, it is rounded up to the level immediately above.
(d) When reclassifying a position to a lower level, the rate of compensation of the salaried employee is not affected and for all intents and purposes, he or she retains the same level. This plan is referred to as the Salary Protection Status.
(e) The reclassification of the position to a lower level takes effect when the position becomes vacant. The employee benefits from pay increases until he/she reaches the maximum rate of the scale of his/her previous position.
(f) The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to transfer the employee to a position having a level equivalent to that of the former group and/or level of the position.
(g) If the employee declines, without good and sufficient reason, the offer of transfer in the same geographical area to another position, as described in paragraph (a) above, he/she is immediately remunerated according to the weekly rate of pay of the reclassified position.
Joint Evaluation Committee. The Parties shall convene a committee comprised of an equal number of bargaining unit employees, appointed by the Union building representative, and Passages management personnel to meet at least annually during the term of this Agreement to confer regarding teacher evaluation procedures and rubric. The Parties also shall convene a committee comprised of an equal number of bargaining unit employees, appointed by the Union building representative, and Passages management personnel to meet during the term of this Agreement to research, review and discuss alternative teacher evaluation procedures and rubrics.
Joint Evaluation Committee. There shall be a Joint Evaluation Committee (“JEC”), which shall be comprised of a Union team and Board team, each having an equal number of no more than four (4) people per team. The JEC shall review its established ground rules annually. The JEC shall reach decision through consensus, shall receive training on the state-adopted evaluation framework, including student growth measure training, on-site or at a local ESC and may utilize subcommittees or experts as needed to gather or provide information. The JEC shall keep minutes summarizing its meetings. The JEC is responsible for:
1. Reviewing the OTES and non-OTES evaluation procedures and instruments.
2. Annually reviewing and making a recommendation on the District Student Growth Measure Index. 3. Consulting with Student Growth Committee. 4. Making recommendations set forth throughout Article 22 Evaluation Guidelines.