Part-Time to Full-Time Sample Clauses

Part-Time to Full-Time. The Parties understand and agree that the application of this provision entitles Employees to bumping rights only in the following circumstances:
Part-Time to Full-Time. The Board may hire Members on a part-time basis.
Part-Time to Full-Time. A teacher with a part-time assignment who, prior to March 1, requests full-time assignment commencing the following school year, will be treated as a full-time teacher for purposes of staffing and be given a full-time assignment, subject to the procedures in the Redundancy Article.
Part-Time to Full-Time. A teacher who has been teaching part-time during the term of this agreement shall notify his/her principal in writing prior to March 1 if he/she wishes to be assigned to full-time teaching in the next school year.
Part-Time to Full-Time. Part-time operators appointed to a full-time transit operator position or Metro+Plus operator position shall serve a six (6) month, calendar day, probationary period. Employment during the six (6) month calendar day probationary period may be terminated without recourse to the grievance procedure. However, the Employer shall not terminate probationary employees for the purpose of evading the terms and conditions of the Agreement or to discriminate against union members. The Employer agrees to provide the Union with written notification of discipline and/or termination during the probationary period.
Part-Time to Full-Time. If part-time positions are eliminated to create full-time positions, the part- time teachers shall be given priority consideration for the full-time position, then all other currently employed teachers will be considered.
Part-Time to Full-Time. Where a part time employee is transferred to a full time position within the Bargaining Unit, he shall carry his seniority into the Bargaining Unit on the basis of hours equals one (1) year.
Part-Time to Full-Time. (a) If part-time is two (2) or more shifts per week -no change except Life Insurance Policy will be $30,000.00. (b) If part-time was less than two (2) shifts per week: i) receive twelve percent (12%) in lieu of benefits up to the date of change; ii) other benefits available at the County expense after a three (3) month waiting period; iii) while serving this waiting period, the employee will receive eight percent (8%) in lieu of benefits.
Part-Time to Full-Time. Starting from the date of continuous service, one-half (2) of casual hours paid and all paid permanent part-time hours would be added together, divided by 1820 to convert to the year and nearest month to determine place on full-time seniority list. The permanent part-time employee shall be placed on trial for a period of eighty (80) days worked in their new full-time position. Conditional on satisfactory service, such trial shall be confirmed permanent after the period of eighty (80) days worked. In the event the employee proves unsatisfactory in the full-time position during the aforementioned trial period, they shall be returned to their former position without loss of seniority and at their former salary rate. Any other employee promoted or transferred because of the rearrangement of positions shall also be returned to their former position without loss of seniority and at their former salary rate. The employee shall not be allowed to take vacation during the trial period of said full- time employment. Thereafter, their full-time vacation entitlement shall be in accordance with their full-time seniority date.
Part-Time to Full-Time. A. Part-time employees moving to full-time employment shall receive one-half (1/2) of their part-time seniority for their vacation benefits only. They will be allowed time off for vacation during their first (1st) year of driving by mutual agreement. B. Upon obtaining seniority, any part-time employee requesting to be afforded the opportunity to be promoted to a full-time position must meet the following eligibility requirements. (1) With the exception where no part-time employee is available, they must be employed as a part-time worker for a period of one (1) year. (2) The only other requirements will be the same as any full-time employee that may be hired from any outside source (i.e. personal safe driving record and must pass DOT physical). (3) All jobs will be posted with a description of the workday, work- week, daily start time and a description of the type of work involved. The postings shall remain posted for ten (10) working days. The postings shall be displayed on the designated bid board. An announcement of each new posting shall be made at a PCM for all affected workgroups. The successful bidder shall be awarded the job within five (5) days fol- lowing the expiration of the ten (10) day posting period. Employees having bid and won multiple bids must select the job of their prefer- ence within twenty-four (24) hours of bid award notification. (4) Any dispute arising under this Section will be handled under the Settlement of Disputes Section.‌ C. No part-time employee receiving a higher rate of pay shall suf- fer a reduction of the hourly rate as a result of transferring to full- time. They will receive increases as provided in the classification scale of wages, Article XVII of the Rider. D. Part-time employees will work off the part-time employee sen- iority list. A. Part-time employees requesting to transfer to full-time must attend the Company’s Full-Time Orientation. This time does count towards full-time seniority and full-time benefits and is paid at the employees straight time rate of pay for the first eight (8) hours and time and one-half (1-1/2) beyond eight (8) hours. B. Road tests for part-time to full-time employees shall not be con- ducted in a cage car.