POST AND BID Sample Clauses

POST AND BID a. Vacant Positions As management determines that Psychiatric Technician or Psychiatric Technician Assistant positions become available or vacant, they shall first be reviewed by the State to determine if, pursuant to the terms of this Section, the position is eligible for post and bid or is to be filled without posting. If the State determines to fill the position without posting, the position may be filled by hire, transfer, promotion or any other method allowed by the civil service system. Such positions may be advertised where appropriate, but will be filled through the sole discretion of the State. As positions become vacant and determinations are made by the State, the excess of non-posted positions over posted positions shall not exceed two (2) at any hospital or developmental center at any time. In no case shall more than 60% of the filled licensed Psychiatric Technician Series positions in a hospital/developmental center be held by employees through successful bids. b. Posted Positions Those positions which are determined to be posted shall be posted in a prominent place where such notices are customarily posted on each unit and, in addition, may be advertised in each hospital's/developmental center's publication. The posted notice shall be on a form designed for that purpose and shall include the following posting criteria: (1) Identification posting number (2) Level of position (3) Program and unit (or xxxx) or other assignment (4) Shift (5) Days off or rotation pattern and cycle (6) Time base (7) Deadline for bid submittal (8) Indication of an "incentive bid position" (9) Location where bid is to be submitted Each notice shall remain posted for no less than seven (7) calendar days. c. Bidding Employees may bid on the posted position by filling out a bid form provided by the State. Bid forms shall be submitted in triplicate with the employee submitting the original to the appropriate central office, a copy to the Association, and the employee retaining a copy. Bid forms shall include the identification posting number, the employee's name, classification, seniority points, current work location and business telephone number. The form must be dated and signed by the employee to indicate certification that the worksite has been visited. Posted positions shall be available for bid only to those employees in the civil service classification specified on the posted notice.
POST AND BID. A. This Article shall only apply to vacancies as defined in B below. B. A vacancy shall be deemed to exist when a position is unoccupied as a result of retirement, transfer, termination, resignation, death, reassignment, new position, promotion, change in tenure to permanent, or new funding and the employer decides to fill it.
POST AND BID. POST AND BID PLAN Section 14.1 Employees who have acceptable performance and attendance will have the opportunity to bid on any job within the bargaining unit after they have completed the following service requirements in their current position. The Company may waive these service requirements based on the needs of the business. The Company will give notice to the union if these service requirements are waived. A. All qualified candidates for the vacancy will be placed by seniority on a roster. B. Selection instruments, where appropriate, will be administered by qualified personnel designated by the Company. Positions may require interviews by the receiving department as a part of the selection process. C. Qualified employees may test two (2) times for positions requiring assessments. The second assessment will be allowed only after a minimum of twelve (12) months following the first assessment and with proof of developmental activities or training specific to areas identified as needing improvement. D. Unsuccessful candidates will be notified prior to the announcement that the job is filled. E. A former employee, who was separated from the company involuntarily due to a reduction in force who files an application for re-employment and meets the standards established by the company, will be given priority consideration for a period of two (2) years from the date of separation over other off the street applicants if all qualifications are equal. If an employee refuses a job offer that matches a bid that is on file, that bid shall be canceled and it, or any other bid that would include the same job title, work group, and location, may not be resubmitted for a period of one (1) year from the date of refusal. When an employee is selected for a position through the Post and Bid Process, the employee will be released from his/her current job within a reasonable period of time. An employee cannot be refused a job based on release date negotiations. An employee may elect to retreat to his/her former job within six
POST AND BID. 12.2.1. The Human Resource Services Division will post electronically a list of known vacancies for the following year. The Human Resources Services Division will electronically post an administrative circular prior to May Post opening and will notify all bargaining unit members via email when the May Post opens and when any positions are added to the May Post. The May Post shall be provided to the Association electronically and/or hard copy. The following timelines shall apply: a. The Post will begin no later than May 10. b. The Post shall include all known vacancies for the following year. From the date the Association receives its official copy on May 10, unit members will have a minimum of ten (10) calendar days to review and bid on posted positions. c. Following the close of the Post, Human Resource Services Division shall have ten (10) workdays to route qualified applicants to school/program administration. d. Upon selection by the school site/program, site/program administration will make immediate written notification to the selected unit member. e. A unit member who is to be transferred as a result of a bid shall be notified in writing by Human Resource Services Division by June 30. The list for the May Post will be provided to the Association electronically and/or hardcopy. Any vacancy filled by a leave replacement teacher (that is not being held for a unit member returning from leave of absence) after October 31 shall be posted during the following May posting period. Site selections shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that site administrators are provided with the names of eligible bidders by Human Resource Services Division. In cases where site selections are not made within the established timelines, the Human Resource Services Division will assign qualified unit members according to seniority. Positions available immediately following the May Post shall first be offered in seniority order to qualified unit members who are in priority consideration status. Human Resources will implement the following process for these placements: a. Human Resources will notify employees of the process and timeline the day prior to the distribution of positions. b. Human Resources will implement an electronic process that allows unit members to rank all available positions for which they are qualified and credentialed in order of preference. Human Resources will assign these unit members in seniority order according to preferen...
POST AND BID. As management determines that a Psychiatric Technician or a Psychiatric Technician Assistant position becomes available or vacant, they shall determine if it is to be filled without posting or if the position is eligible for post and bid, as provided by this Section.
POST AND BID. 20.1.1 Employment Development Department (EDD) Post and Bid Agreement (Unit 1) 268
POST AND BID. 12.2.1. The Human Resource Services Division, Certificated, will have posted in the office of each school or department and electronically on the district’s website, a list of known vacancies for the following year. Such postings will occur twice annually as follows: a. The February Post will begin no later than February 10. b. The May Post will begin on or after May 10 and shall be scheduled to allow the inclusion of positions that become vacant as a result of the February post. The list for each post will be provided to the Association electronically and/or hardcopy. Any vacancy filled by a leave replacement teacher (that is not being held for a unit member returning from leave of absence) after October 31 shall be posted during the following February or May posting period. Site selections shall be made within thirty
POST AND BID. 12.2.1. The Human Resource Services Division, Certificated, will have posted in the office of each school or department and electronically on the district’s website, a list of known vacancies for the following year. Such postings will occur twice annually as follows: a. The February Post will begin no later than February 10. b. The May Post will begin on or after May 10 and shall be scheduled to allow the inclusion of positions that become vacant as a result of the February post. The list for each post will be provided to the Association electronically and/or hardcopy. Any vacancy filled by a leave replacement teacher (that is not being held for a unit member returning from leave of absence) after October 31 shall be posted during the following February or May posting period. Site selections shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that site administrators are provide with the names of eligible bidders by Human Resource Services Division, Certificated. In cases where site selections are not made within the established timelines, the Human Resource Services Division, Certificated will assign qualified unit members according to seniority. Positions available immediately following the May post shall first be offered in seniority order to qualified unit members who are in priority consideration status. A unit member with priority consideration shall be required to accept a position for which he/she is qualified. The unit member’s priority consideration status shall expire upon such placement. 12.2.2. Each posted vacancy will show: location, credential required, major and minor field or grade level, duties, responsibilities, program description, and physical setting. The Transfer Monitoring Committee shall review postings. 12.2.3. From the date the Association receives its official copy of the posting, unit members will have a minimum of ten (10) calendar days to bid for posted positions. No new bids will be accepted after the posting period closes. If a position on the post is delayed or modified, the bid acceptance for that one position will be extended for a like number of days.
POST AND BID. These BU 18 Post and Bid provisions apply to CDCR, CCHCS, DDS & DSH Each facility shall maintain two (2) listings. The first will list eligible permanent fulltime Psychiatric Technician/Psychiatric Technician Safety and permanent full-time Psychiatric Technician Assistant/Psychiatric Technician Assistant Safety positions identified as either Post and Bid or Management. The second will list eligible permanent full-time Senior Psychiatric Technician/Senior Psychiatric Technician Safety positions identified as either Post and Bid or Management. The goal is to equitably divide positions between Post and Bid and Management. When dividing positions the following should be considered: • By program and/or unit/residence/xxxx; • Shift/watch; • Days off, rotation pattern and/or cycle. X. Xxxxxxxx Positions included in Post and Bid & ratios: Psychiatric Technician/Psychiatric Technician Safety and Psychiatric Technician Assistant/Psychiatric Technician Assistant Safety positions assigned within a residence/unit/xxxx working with inmates/patients/wards shall be split and designated as either Post and Bid or Management. Seventy percent (70%) shall be Post and Bid and the remaining thirty percent (30%) shall be management. The designated Post and Bid positions will not exceed seventy percent (70%) in each classification within any one program/unit/residence/xxxx. Facilities that employ eight (8) or more Senior Psychiatric Technician/Senior Psychiatric Technician Safety employees shall participate in Post and Bid. Senior Psychiatric Technician/Senior Psychiatric Technician Safety positions assigned within a residence/unit/xxxx working with inmates/patients/wards shall be split and designated as either Post and Bid or Management. Forty percent (40%) shall be Post and Bid and the remaining sixty percent (60%) shall be management. The designated Post and Bid positions will not exceed forty percent (40%) within any one program/unit/residence/xxxx. Positions excluded from Post and Bid & ratios: • All current Senior Psychiatric Technician/Senior Psychiatric Technician Safety, Psychiatric Technician/Psychiatric Technician Safety and Psychiatric Technician Assistant/Psychiatric Technician Assistant Safety positions assigned to off-unit assignments, as of January 1, 2017. If additional off-unit assignments are added, then seventy percent (70%) of the total number of new Psychiatric Technician or Psychiatric Technician Assistant positions and forty percent (40%) of the new Senior ...
POST AND BID. 12.2.1. Not later than February 10, May 10, and July 10, the Human Resource Services Division, Certificated, will have posted in the office of each school or department, a list of known vacancies for the following year. The list will be mailed to the Association. Any vacancy filled by a leave replacement teacher (that is not being held for a unit member returning from leave of absence) after October 31 shall be posted during the following February 10 or May 10 posting period. Positions available immediately following the July post shall first be offered in seniority order to qualified unit members who are in priority consideration status. A unit member with priority consideration shall be required to accept a position for which he/she is qualified. The unit member’s priority consideration status shall expire upon such placement. 12.2.2. Each posted vacancy will show: location, credential required, major and minor field or grade level, duties, responsibilities, program description, and physical setting. The Transfer Monitoring Committee shall review postings. 12.2.3. From the date the Association receives its official copy of the posting, unit members will have a minimum of ten (10) calendar days to bid for posted positions. No new bids will be accepted after the posting period closes. If the posting is delayed or modified, the bid acceptance will be extended for a like number of days.