Re-Assignment Sample Clauses
Re-Assignment. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision in this collective agreement, the Employer has the right to assign or re-assign employees or work as required within the same classification, same department, and same geographic location as defined in Article 37. The Employer shall not exercise the right to assign or re-assign in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
(b) Where consistent with the operational requirements of the Employer, expressions of interest for assignment or reassignment may be invited by the Employer.
(c) The Employer will notify the Union of all employees reassigned pursuant to this provision.
(d) An employee who does not wish to accept a reassignment on the basis that it will result in undue hardship may discuss his/her concern with his/her immediate supervisor through the established informal step in the grievance procedure.
(e) Before a grievance on reassignment is referred to adjudication, the circumstances are to be reviewed by the Technological Change Committee.
Re-Assignment. School administration shall discuss any re-assignment (changes in an employee's established schedule) with an employee well in advance of making the re-assignment.
Re-Assignment. Upon the Indebtedness being paid in full, the Assignee shall, within a reasonable time following its receipt of a written request from the Assignor and at the sole cost and expense of the Assignor, reassign the Premises Hereby Assigned to the Assignor including, without limitation, all of the Assignee's rights, benefits, title and interest in and to the Premises Hereby Assigned.
Re-Assignment. A re-assignment refers to a change in a teacher’s subject area, position, or grade level within a school.
Re-Assignment. Any employee who is moved from one assignment or classification to another of a lesser pay grade by the Department shall receive no more than five (5%) percent reduction in pay and that the employee shall be “Red Circled” until the Pay Plan catches up to the employee, except if the movement of the employee is based on performance and subject to the just cause standard, in which case the employee shall be paid at the appropriate rate for the demoted position. Any employee who voluntarily moves from one assignment or classification to another shall be placed in the appropriate position in the pay scale for the job that the employee is moving to.
Re-Assignment. 1. Re-assignment as used herein shall refer to a change in an employee’s position title.
2. Employees may be re-assigned within their classification (chapter) forreasons such as allocations, organizational changes at the work location or district-wide, or changes in job descriptions.
a. To the extent feasible, volunteers shall be sought first. When volunteers are solicited and are insufficient in number, employees shall be re- assigned in inverse order by seniority.
b. Any re-assignment to a position outside of classification or from a 12- month to a 10-month position shall be voluntary, or subject to the layoff procedure.
3. If any re-assignment results in a reduction in hours per day, Section E also shall apply.
4. The parties recognize that an employee may be reassigned on a temporary basis due to another employee’s extended absence of more than ten (10) duty days. If the reassignment is to a higher pay-grade, the employee who is so reassigned shall be assured of the higher pay-grade during that time beginning on the first day of the reassignment.
5. An employee who substitutes for at least 2.5 cumulative hours of student contact time for a teacher who is absent, shall be paid the supplemental rate of $20.00 per day for said day. If the employee has completed the District endorsed Substitute Teacher Training he/she shall be paid the supplemental rate of $30.00 per day. The assignment of substitute coverage shall be at the sole discretion of the Principal or his/her designee. Permanent substitutes are not eligible for this additional supplement. Classified employees assigned to schools from centralized offices (i.e. Transportation, Central Support, Food and Nutrition Services) are not eligible to provide substitute coverage and are therefore not eligible for this additional supplement. Substitute training shall be provided at no cost to the employee. (See Article XVI, O)
Re-Assignment. 15.01 The Employer recognizes the importance of providing Employees with opportunities for new work experience and will endeavour to make Employees aware of such opportunities for re-assignment to term positions within the Bargaining Unit or to Bargaining Unit positions which are temporarily vacated by the incumbent.
15.02 Where operational requirements permit, the Employer will call for Expressions of Interest, in writing, to be addressed to the Director of Human Resources for consideration in re-assignment opportunities of a specific or general nature.
15.03 Re-assignments shall not be subject to grievance or arbitration.
15.04 Employees may apply for re-assignment to a term position within the bargaining unit or to a bargaining unit position which is temporarily vacated by the incumbent. Such re- assignments shall include opportunities to a position of a higher classification.
(a) Such re-assignments shall normally be for a minimum of six (6) months duration and will include temporary vacancies due to leaves of absence such as, but not limited to, pregnancy, parental and adoption leaves.
(b) If selected for the position, the member shall maintain their permanent bargaining unit status and have the right to return at the expiry of the term of the re- assignment to their former position in their same classification and pay level and is a “regular employee” in a term position as per Article 2.01 (e) or (f).
(c) Where the re-assignment is to a position of a higher classification the Employee shall be paid at the lowest step of the higher classification, provided this does not result in any decrease in their current salary.
15.05 The parties agree that access to Expression of Interest positions described in this Article for existing Employees do not take priority over members on the recall list.
Re-Assignment. 1. Re-assignment as used herein shall refer to a change in an employee’s position title.
2. Employees may be re-assigned within their classification (chapter) for reasons such as allocations, organizational changes at the work location or district-wide, or changes in job descriptions.
a. To the extent feasible, volunteers shall be sought first. When volunteers are solicited and are insufficient in number, employees shall be re- assigned in inverse order by seniority.
b. Any re-assignment to a position outside of classification or from a 12- month to a 10-month position shall be voluntary, or subject to the layoff procedure.
3. If any re-assignment results in a reduction in hours per day, Section E also shall apply.
4. The parties recognize that an employee may be reassigned on a temporary basis due to another employee’s extended absence of more than ten (10) duty days. If the reassignment is to a higher pay-grade, the employee who is so reassigned shall be assured of the higher pay-grade during that time beginning on the first day of the reassignment.
5. An employee who substitutes for at least 2.5 hours of student contact time for a teacher who is absent, shall be paid the supplemental rate of $20.00 per day for said day. If the employee has completed the District endorsed Substitute Teacher Training he/she shall be paid the supplemental rate of $30.00 per day. Substitute training shall be provided at no cost to the employee. .
Re-Assignment. Neither the benefit or the burden of this Agreement can be assigned to any other party without mutual agreement in writing of both parties. Signed by: FOR AND ON BEHALF OF LICENSEE DATE …………………………………… Xxxxxx Xxxxxx - Business Manager Food & Dairy Updated as of XX / XX / XXXX AsureQuality Organic Mark – Artwork Request Form Please discuss with your printer the file format(s) you require for use in packaging and/or advertising. AsureQuality Organic Certification, XX Xxx 000000, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0000, Xxx Xxxxxxx and email to: | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Re-Assignment. Any re-assignment from a bid position will be based on seniority and qualifications.