Requirements of Work Schedules. A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shift, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the Employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work.
B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed evening or night shift.
C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
E) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an average of not less than one (1) weekend in every three (3) weekends in each nine (9) week period. For the purposes of this Article a weekend means the period of time between 2300 hours Friday and 0700 hours Monday. By mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union, this provision may be waived.
F) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee concerned each regular employee shall receive two (2) clear off-duty shifts when changing shifts and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-duty after completing a tour of night duty. (Reference Article 1.02 – Definitions.)
Requirements of Work Schedules. A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shift, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the Employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work. (Reference MOA #1 – Hours of Work - Fixed Shifts)
B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed evening or night shift.
C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
E) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an average of not less than one (1) weekend in every three (3) weekends in each nine (9) week period. For the purposes of this Article a weekend means the period of time between 2300 hours Friday and 0700 hours Monday. By mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union, this provision may be waived.
F) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee concerned each regular employee shall receive two (2) clear off-duty shifts when changing shifts and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-duty after completing a tour of night duty. (Reference Article 1.02 – Definitions.)
Requirements of Work Schedules. A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shift, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the employer.
B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed evening or night shift.
C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless mutually agreed to by the Employer and the Employee.
E) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an average of not less than one (1) weekend in every three (3) weekends except by agreement between the Employer and the Union and each concerned employee. For the purposes of this Article a weekend means the period of time between 2300 hours Friday and 0700 hours Monday.
F) Except by agreement between the Employer and the Union concerned each regular employee shall receive two (2) clear off-duty shifts when changing shifts and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-duty after completing a tour of night duty. (Reference Article 1.02 - Definitions.)
Requirements of Work Schedules. A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shifts, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work days.
B) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
C) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
D) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee concerned each regular employee shall receive two (2) clear off-duty shifts when changing shifts and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-duty after completing a tour of night duty. (Reference Article
Requirements of Work Schedules. (A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shift, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the Employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work.
(B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed evening or night shift.
(C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
(D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
(E) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an average of not less than one (1) weekend in every three (3) weekends in each nine (9) week period. For the purposes of this Article a weekend means the period of time between 2300 hours Friday and 0700 hours Monday. By mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union, this provision may be waived.
(F) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee concerned each regular employee shall receive two (2) clear off- duty shifts when changing shifts and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-duty after completing a tour of night duty. (Reference Article 1.02 – Definitions.)
Requirements of Work Schedules. (A) Work schedules may take the form of either two-shift, or sin- gle shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the Employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work.
(B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed evening or night shift.
(C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the em- ployee and agreed to by the Employer.
(D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
(E) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an av- erage of not less than one (1) weekend in every three (3) weekends in each nine (9) week period. For the purposes of this Article a weekend means the period of time between 2300 hours Friday and 0700 hours Monday. By mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union, this provi- sion may be waived. (Reference Appendix I.1 Memorandum of Agreement re: Consecutive Shifts).
(F) Except by agreement between the Employer and the em- ployee concerned each regular employee shall receive two
Requirements of Work Schedules. A) Work schedules may take the form of either two shifts, or single shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work days.
B) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee, regular employees shall not be required to work in excess of four (4) consecutive shifts without receiving two (2) consecutive days off, which may include statutory holidays, otherwise overtime shall be paid in accordance with Article 25-Overtime. Regular employees will not be required to work a double shift.
C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
Requirements of Work Schedules. (Continuing Care Component)
(A) A regular employee will not be scheduled to work more than six (6) con secutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed by the Employer.
(B) Work schedules may take the form of either two (2) shift or single (1) shift rotations. This provision may be waived by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employ- ee(s). This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regu- lar part-time employees in addition to their regularly sched- uled work days.
(C) Except by agreement between the Employer and the employee concerned, each regular employee will receive two (2) clear off- duty shifts when changing shifts, and at least forty-eight (48) hours off-d uty after com pleting the employee’s last night shift.
Requirements of Work Schedules. (A) Work schedules may take the form of either two-shift, or sin- gle shift rotations except as requested by the employee in writing and agreed to by the Employer. This provision does not apply to shifts accepted by regular part-time employees in addition to their regularly scheduled work.
(B) The employee may request in writing to work fixed weekend, evening or night shift.
(C) A regular employee shall not be scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days, unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
(D) All off-duty days shall be consecutive unless requested by the employee and agreed to by the Employer.
(i) Each regular employee shall be scheduled off-duty an average of not less than one (1) weekend in every three
Requirements of Work Schedules. (Employees on Flex- ible Work Schedules)
(A) The parties recognize the particular and unique needs of clients dealing with community based health care services and that the provision of such services cannot always be predicted accurately in advance. In the interest of client care, it is obli- gatory upon the Employer and its employees to strive for the efficient operation and maintenance of the services. In this re- gard, the parties agree that work schedules for employees en- gaged in such activities will be scheduled on a flexible basis.
(B) The scheduled hours of work for nurses within this program shall be flexible to a maximum of 150 hours within a four (4) week period. The Employer will identify each four (4) week period in advance. The establishment of work schedules shall be by mutual agreement between the Employer and the em- ployees at the local level.
(C) It is intended that the base schedule to which flexibility is to be applied shall be a seven and one half (7.5) hour work day.
(D) In planning the proposed schedule, the seven and one half (7.5) hour work day may be altered by mutual agreement if it is in the interest of client care and/or efficiency or to complete work due to exceptional circumstances. The planning may also include the identification of possible day(s) or partial day(s) off. These day(s) are scheduled in an- ticipation of the employee working sufficient flexible time in excess of the base daily full-shift hours. It is understood that such day(s) off or partial day(s) will in fact be earned. It is also understood that employees are entitled to benefits in accor- dance with the base daily full-shift work day, as applicable while on paid or unpaid leaves of absence.
(E) Once posted the proposed daily schedule of hours can also be altered by mutual agreement if it is in the interest of client care and/or efficiency or to complete work due to exceptional circumstances.
(F) The employee shall keep an accurate record of actual hours worked which will be submitted to their supervisor.
(G) The Employer shall make every effort to notify an employee of any anticipated changes to the length of the work day.
(H) In order to provide the flexibility necessary to enable the com- pletion of the required hours of work in each four (4) week period, it is agreed that no premium or penalty contemplated in Article 28 (Shift Premium and Weekend Premium) or 27 (Overtime) of this Agreement shall apply where it results from an employee exercising their...