Responsibilities of the Department. The Department agrees to:
1. Inform the Service Provider of the requirements and procedures to become an enrolled BCW Service Provider and of changes in those requirements and procedures.
2. Provide access to all appropriate policies and procedures, including complete copies of the BCW Standards and Implementation Manual, policy memos, Action Bulletins, relevant training notices and other necessary items in a timely manner.
3. Make best effort to pay all non-third party reimbursable services at the established BCW rates for eligible services provided and delivered to eligible children and their families as set forth in their IFSPs within thirty (30) days of submission of approved claims to the Department, via the BIBS, contingent upon the following: The Service Provider has entered all supporting documentation of the services delivered and an acceptance and confirmation from BIBS has been received. Claims, progress notes and other supporting documentation must be submitted in BIBS. The Department may deny claims due to incorrect claim data, failure to respond to a correctable claim’s problem or data not being submitted within the timeframes specified in this Agreement.
4. Make best effort to pay the Service Provider at the established BCW rate, within thirty
Responsibilities of the Department. The DEPARTMENT may:
A. Provide program information/updates pertaining to the services provided by the SUBRECIPIENT which may include program statistics, information/publications on current issues, best practices, etc.
B. Provide training for TB screening and certification, contact investigation, and targeted case management for Medicaid-eligible clients as requested.
C. Provide technical assistance and medical consultation to the SUB-RECIPIENT for TB by phone, e-mail, on-site visits and written communications as needed.
D. Provide client report forms, literature, and special event packets/materials at no cost to the SUBRECIPIENT.
E. Provide laboratory services to support the TB programs at no cost to the SUBRECIPIENT: AFB smears; determining the presence of M. tuberculosis complex; and, first-line drug susceptibility testing. All other laboratory testing shall require prior authorization by the TB Control Program Manager and shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
F. Reimburse the SUBRECIPIENT for approved tuberculosis medications as listed in Attachment C and approved pharmacy co-pays.
G. Aid with non-adherent TB patients which is not limited to, but may include, facilitating an admission to the University of Utah Medical Center Secure TB Unit.
Responsibilities of the Department. The Department shall provide the Facility with a list of requirements completed by the affiliating student to include:
Responsibilities of the Department. The District Project Manager for the design agreement will remain as the point of contact for the consultant during the construction phase District construction personnel may contact the consultant directly regarding any plan questions or interpretations, but the District Project Manager for the design agreement will be notified of all such communications. The Department will advise the consultant in writing of any potential errors or omissions which must be corrected without undue delay and without additional costs to the State The Department will direct the consultant to set the iron pin and cap in the Adjustable Monument Assembly Boxes at an appropriate stage of construction.
Responsibilities of the Department. 1. The DEPARTMENT will provide a Project Manager who shall be responsible for: the day-to-day management of this contract, all coordination with the CONSULTANT pertaining to the development and execution of all Task Work Orders of this contract, defining the specific work to be performed and schedule for completion of such work, approving the CONSULTANT staffing and availability (including substitutions from the available staffing list provided), and the processing of CONSULTANT invoices for payment. The DEPARTMENT will also provide assistant Project Managers when required, to provide support to the Project Manager for various tasks.
2. The DEPARTMENT shall provide, prior to the initiation of any work on any of the tasks defined in this exhibit, a specific Task Work Order for the task defining the work to be accomplished and the total reimbursement due the CONSULTANT.
3. The DEPARTMENT shall furnish, without charge, the following services and data to the CONSULTANT for the performance of the requested services:
a) All criteria and full information as to the DEPARTMENT'S requirements for the CONSULTANT'S services including objectives, constraints, budgetary limi- tations, and time restraints.
b) All DEPARTMENT policies, procedures, standards, and other information applicable to the services.
c) All specifications, schedules, reports, and other information prepared by or for the DEPARTMENT by others which are available to the DEPARTMENT and which the DEPARTMENT considers pertinent to the CONSULTANT'S responsibilities described herein.
d) Available traffic and planning data necessary for the CONSULTANT to perform each task.
Responsibilities of the Department. 3.2.1 The Department shall provide the following:
a. Authorization for Relias to release a monthly PROACT report to the center identifying aggregate data as well as unique data on individual children prescribed psychotropic medications;
b. Authorization for Relias to work in collaboration with the center in regards to obtaining and formatting data reports;
c. Funding to support staffing and administrative costs of the center to achieve the contract requirements;
d. Permission to work with the Department staff in Central Office as well as across the state to address the needs of individual children or the state child welfare system regarding behavioral health issues;
e. Opportunities to provide training or other educational services to Department staff regarding behavioral health issues as identified jointly through the center and the Department; and
f. Coordination with the center in regards to telehealth or other formats to provide consultation and other services across the state.
Responsibilities of the Department. The Department agrees to:
1. Inform the Service Provider of the requirements and procedures to become an enrolled BCW Service Provider and of changes in those requirements and procedures.
2. Provide access to all appropriate policies and procedures, including complete copies of the Department’s Babies Can’t Wait Policy and Procedure Manual (“BCW Manual”) - which includes the BCW fiscal policies; BCW Billing Manual; relevant training notices; and other necessary items in a timely manner.
3. Provide payment for eligible early intervention services at the BCW rate in accordance with and as described in the BCW Manual and fee schedule. The BCW Manual and applicable fee schedule is accessible via the DPH website, at 20Fiscal%20Policies%20-February%202015%20v2.pdf and xxxxx://
a) As payor of last resort, the Department shall ONLY provide reimbursement for eligible early intervention services, not otherwise covered by the primary payor (FFS Medicaid, Medicaid CMO, or private insurance), in accordance with the BCW Manual and applicable Family Cost Participation.
b) The Department shall ONLY provide reimbursement for the difference between the private insurance payment and the BCW rate, where the private insurance rate is less than the BCW rate minus any applicable Family Cost Participation.
c) Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Department and the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall not be entitled to receive any other payment or compensation from the Department for services provided by or on behalf of the Service Provider under the Agreement.
4. Make every effort to pay all non-third party reimbursable services at the established BCW rates, for eligible services provided and delivered to children and their families as set forth in their IFSPs, or authorized in BIBS, within thirty
Responsibilities of the Department a. Pursuant to Chapter 33-601.202(2)(a), F.A.C., supervision of the work squad(s) will be provided by the Department. The Department shall provide one (1) Correctional Work Squad Officer position(s) to supervise an inmate work squad(s). This Contract provides for one (1) Work Squad(s) of up to five (5)
Responsibilities of the Department. 1. The Department shall perform activities in compliance with applicable program rules contained in the North Carolina Administrative Code, as well as all applicable federal and State laws and regulations.
2. The Department shall perform the activities specified in the Agreement Addenda for State-funded budgets. The Department must negotiate these Agreement Addenda in good faith to the satisfaction of State representatives as part of the Agreement execution. The Department will meet or exceed the Agreement Addenda levels unless extenuating circumstances prevail and are explained in writing to the State section, branch or program.
3. The Department shall report client, service, encounter, and other data as specified by applicable program rules, Agreement Addenda for State-funded budgets, and by North Carolina Administrative Code.
4. The Department shall provide access to patient records to authorized staff from the Division of Public Health (DPH) for technical consultation, program monitoring, and program evaluation, as specified by applicable program rules, Agreement Addenda for State-funded budgets, and by North Carolina Administrative Code.
5. The Department shall provide client, service, encounter, and other data through the State’s centralized automated systems for claims creation and submission for processing to the State’s Medicaid agency except as allowed by NCGS § 130A-45.13 Authority to contract directly with private providers to operate billing system for county Medicaid claims and NCGS § 130A-34.2 Billing of Medicaid. To ensure that such data is accurately linked to the specific client served in a manner that results in a unique identifier from the DHHS Common Name Data Service except as allowed by NCGS § 130A-34.2 the Department shall allow the State to submit (on its behalf) the Social Security Numbers of all clients to the Social Security Administration for verification.
6. The Department shall share data to support efforts of the public health system, represented by the local health departments, local health programs, and the State (the parties), in order to meet public health objectives. The data will be shared in a manner which respects the confidentiality and integrity of each party’s data and protects the privacy of individual client health information. Sharing data includes providing client information allowed as permitted disclosures under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-91, HIPAA Adminis...
Responsibilities of the Department. The Department hereby agrees that its responsibilities under this MOU are as follows:
(1) The Department shall develop mandatory performance requirements for each social services program based upon standardized metrics utilizing reliable data. The mandated performance requirements are identified in Attachments I through IX.
(2) The Department shall provide supervision, program monitoring and technical assistance to the counties in the administration of social services programs.
(3) The Department shall provide leadership and coordination for developing strategies that address system-level barriers to the effective delivery of social services programs, including but not limited to: the Administrative Office of Courts, the LME/MCO, Department of Public Instruction, and the Department of Public Safety.
(4) The Department shall have the following administrative responsibilities:
a. Staff Training and Workforce Development:
i. Develop training requirements for county personnel and provide guidance for adequate staffing patterns related to the provision of social services programs. The Department will publish annually, a list of required and recommended trainings for county personnel directly involved in the administration of social services programs covered under this MOU.
ii. Develop training curricula and provide, timely, adequate access to statewide training opportunities for county personnel related to the provision of social services programs. Training opportunities may include in-person, self-guided, web-based and remotely facilitated programs.
iii. The Department will publish a training calendar, at least quarterly, notifying the counties of training opportunities.
iv. Provide timely written guidance related to new federal or state statutes or regulations. The Department will provide information in advance of the effective date of new policy to the extent possible, including interpretations and clarifications of existing policy.
v. Provide technical assistance and training in areas where quality control, monitoring or data indicates a lack of correct application of law, rule or policy.