Retiree Insurance Benefits Sample Clauses
Retiree Insurance Benefits. The provision of retiree insurance benefits funded in part by the School District was negotiated by the USCEA, assisted by the PaFT, in 1986. Prior to 1986, retirees could continue insurance coverage only by paying the full cost of the coverage. In 1986, the teacher bargaining unit represented by the USCEA urged the USCEA to bargain with the School District for the continuation of insurance benefits until the teacher became eligible for Medicare. The contract was intentionally bargained in this way by the USCEA, at the bargaining units’ request, to give teachers the ability to avail themselves of early retirement opportunities under PSERS, because teachers would be unable to take early retirement unless the USCEA could persuade the School District to provide health insurance coverage until they became eligible for Medicare and because Medicare provided sufficient coverage after age 65. The USCEA, at the bargaining unit’s request, purposefully negotiated a provision that granted insurance coverage prior to Medicare eligibility, but not after Medicare eligibility. Accordingly, the USCEA and the AFT Pennsylvania do not believe that there is any legal, moral or ethical basis upon which the School District could be required to continue benefits after Medicare eligibility and will fully and vigorously support the School District, as set forth in this paragraph, if any such claim is made in the future.
a. Persons who retired prior to September 1, 2005, living in the geographic area covered by the medical insurance plan applicable to the School District’s professional employees, will be eligible to participate, until the retiree becomes eligible for Medicare, in the medical insurance program applicable to current active professional employees so that their coverage will change with the coverage available to active employees. For such retirees living outside the geographic area, the School District may make managed care options available to such retirees that are provided through the ACSHIC. For all retirees covered by this paragraph, the School District will contribute toward their cost of future insurance coverage an amount not to exceed the amount of the District’s share to provide the same type of coverage (i.e., family, husband/wife, individual, etc.) under the medical insurance program as of the next September 1 following the date of their retirement if retirement occurred at the end of a school year or as of the time they retired if retirement occurred at an...
Retiree Insurance Benefits. The City agrees to provide the following benefit to regular full-time employees provided they retire with CalPERS within 120 days of their separation date with the City of Paso Xxxxxx.
Retiree Insurance Benefits i. The Driver/Aide retiring from the District will be eligible to purchase insurance benefits as provided by law.
ii. A retiree has one (1) year from the last day of work to elect retiree insurance coverage. If a Driver/Aide terminates retirement coverage, they are not eligible to reinstate coverage.
Retiree Insurance Benefits. Retiring employees hired prior to July 1, 2024 who have at least ten years of service in the School District and who are between the ages of sixty (60) and sixty-five (65) will be eligible to remain in the School District group insurance plans by purchasing either a single or family policy. Participating employees will receive a District contribution toward the premium equal to the contribution granted to employees taking single insurance coverage based upon the date they retire. The District contribution will remain constant at the same dollar amount from the time of retirement until the employee reaches the age of sixty-five (65) or is eligible for Medicare (whichever comes first). Employees retiring at age sixty-two (62) or older but who do not have ten (10) years with the School District at the time of retirement shall be allowed to continue the group hospitalization coverage by paying the full regular monthly premium in advance to the School District until the employee is sixty-five (65) years of age or is eligible for Medicare (whichever comes first).
Retiree Insurance Benefits. For employees hired prior to December 8, 2011, and subject to carrier approval, the District shall pay the amounts provided in Sections 5.04, 5.09, and 5.10 of this Agreement for any employee who retires from the District. For every three (3) years of service with the District, the retiree will receive the equivalent of one year of extended benefits, or pro-ration thereof on a quarterly basis.
A. To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must at the time of retirement or separation:
1. be regularly assigned to work 30 or more hours per week;
2. be at least 50 years of age;
3. have at least five (5) years of service with the District;
4. provide ninety (90) days’ notice of intent to retire; and
5. retire from the District during the term of this Agreement while in good standing (did not retire after being provided written notice that disciplinary investigation/proceedings were pending which in the sole judgment of the District are reasonably anticipated to result in a recommendation of dismissal from employment or which have resulted in a determination by the District to impose dismissal. If a dismissal is appealed and results in a final administrative decision, (and where appealable, a court determination) reinstating the employee, the withheld benefit shall be retroactively implemented to the date of dismissal). In addition, the employee must remain in retired status to maintain eligibility.
B. If any benefit period remains when the retired employee and/or his/her spouse reaches ages 65, whichever is latest, the coverage shall become secondary to Medicare for the remainder of the benefit period.
C. The retired employee must make any contributions required of a regular employee pursuant to Section 5.04, 5.09, and 5.10 prior to the first day of the month in which coverage is to be extended. Failure of an employee to make such payment shall result in termination of coverage and termination of any right to any benefit pursuant to this section.
X. Xxxxxxxxx Spouse/Dependent: If the retired employee dies while receiving this benefit, the coverage will continue for the enrolled family member until the surviving spouse remarries, the child no longer meets all of the conditions of coverage, or the member enrolls in another group medical plan.
E. For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the employee shall not work for compensation for more than nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The District shall requir...
Retiree Insurance Benefits. Retiring employees may continue in the School District’s group health insurance plan as provided by applicable law. Retiring employees who have at least ten (10) years of service in the School District and who are at least age sixty (60) will be eligible to remain in the School District group insurance plans by purchasing either single or family policies. Participating employees will receive a District contribution toward the premium equal to the contribution granted to active employees taking single insurance coverage until the employee reaches Medicare eligibility.
Retiree Insurance Benefits. Retiring employees hired prior to July 1, 2024 who have at least ten years of service in the School District and who are between the ages of sixty (60) and sixty-five (65) will be eligible to remain in the School District group insurance plans by purchasing either a single or family policy. Participating employees will receive a District contribution toward the premium equal to the contribution granted to employees taking single insurance coverage based upon the date they retire. The District contribution will remain constant at the same dollar amount from the time of retirement until the employee reaches the age of sixty-five (65) or is eligible for Medicare (whichever comes first). Employees retiring at age sixty-two (62) or older but who do not have ten (10) years with the School District at the time of retirement shall be allowed to continue the group hospitalization coverage by paying the full regular monthly premium in advance to the School District until the employee is sixty-five (65) years of age or is eligible for Medicare (whichever comes first). Proposal District1 Date 2/6/2024 7:10pm MSBA 7.90% Note: No decisions or agreements have been made regarding a tiered-rate system. The costing model was setup to offer flexibility if a tiered system was proposed. It doesn't include health ins changes for year 2.
Retiree Insurance Benefits. Retiring employees may continue in the School District’s group health insurance plan as provided by applicable law. For employees hired before July 1, 2024, retiring employees who have at least ten (10) years of service in the School District and who are at least age sixty (60) will be eligible to remain in the School District group insurance plans by purchasing either single or family policies. Participating employees will receive a District contribution toward the premium equal to the contribution granted to active employees taking single insurance coverage until the employee reaches Medicare eligibility. Employees hired on/after July 1, 2024 shall be eligible for an HRA beginning in year eleven (11) of service. For full-time employees in years eleven (11) to twenty (20), $2,500 will be deposited annually (July 15 of the following year) into an HRA account.
Retiree Insurance Benefits. All employees who have reached age 50 and have at least twenty-five (25) years of service with the City of Keewatin shall be entitled to retirement medical benefits as follows:
1. The City shall provide a fully paid Single premium for hospital/medical and dental benefits equal to the active employee benefits until age 65. The employee may elect to purchase dependent coverage’s but will be responsible for any cost above the single premium benefit provided by the City.
2. Severance from any accumulated sick leave to a maximum of 75 days severance pay. Severance can be taken in cash or used to pay the cost of dependent coverage benefits until exhausted.
3. At age 65, the employee shall be provided with a single benefit supplemental policy, paid for by the City. The employee must enroll for Medicaid/Medicare benefits by their 65th birthday. The benefits shall be the same as those provided to the active employees. The employee may elect to purchase dependent benefit coverage but will be required to pay the cost of said dependent benefits above and beyond the City’s cost of the supplemental single plan benefit. The Employer has the option of utilizing the remaining accumulated sick leave toward payment of the medical/dental premiums until said fund is exhausted. The aforementioned coverage shall continue for the employee’s/retiree’s spouse and minor children in the case of the retiree’s death, until the retiree’s accumulated sick leave is exhausted.
Retiree Insurance Benefits. Retiring employees may continue in the School District’s group health insurance plan at their own expense as provided by applicable law.