Sleepover Sample Clauses
Sleepover. This clause only applies to HASA employees employed in either a Low Care Residential Aged Care Facility and/or a Multiple (Dual) Care Residential Aged Care Facility only)
42.1 A sleepover is a non-active period of duty within the hostel, retirement village or supported residential service where an employee is available to be called to active duty whilst sleeping over at the place of work.
42.2 Where the employer requires an employee to sleepover during the course of his/her employment, the following arrangements shall apply:
42.2.1 An employee shall be entitled to an amount of 42.2.1(a) $62.85 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2006; 42.2.1(b) 65.35 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2007 and 42.2.1(c) $67.95 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2008 per sleepover period. This payment shall be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and also includes compensation for all work necessarily undertaken by an employee up to a total of one hour’s duration; or
42.2.2 An employee shall be entitled to an amount of 42.2.2(a) $69.15 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2006; 42.2.2(b) $71.90 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2007; and 42.2.2(c) $74.80 from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2008 per sleepover period. This payment shall be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and also includes compensation for all work necessarily undertaken by an employee up to a total of two hour’s duration.
42.2.3 Any work performed during a sleepover period by the employee in excess of a total of one or two hour’s duration, as the case may be, shall be paid for at the rate of time and one half for the first two hours and double time thereafter. The payments referred to above shall not extend beyond the period of sleepover.
42.2.4 If during the sleepover the employee is called to active duty four or more times, the entire period of sleepover shall be treated as active duty and the appropriate payments shall be paid (ie. ordinary time for the duration of the sleepover and in addition to appropriate shift penalty).
42.2.5 The sleepover period shall not exceed ten hours duration and shall commence no earlier than 10.00pm and finish no later than 8.00am.
42.3 No employee shall be engaged to perform sleepover duty only (ie. There must be a period of active duty either before or after the period of sleepover of no less than two hours’ duration).
42.4 The provisions of Clause 29.4 of the HASA ...
Sleepover. 18.4.1 Where an Employee is required to sleep over at the workplace for a period not exceeding 9 hours an allowance of $45.00 shall be paid in respect to each instance. All board and lodgings shall be provided free of charge to an Employee in respect of each such instance. “Workplace” includes a Client’s residence. Sleepover is not working time. Such ‘board and lodgings’ as referred to above shall include provision of an evening meal and breakfast.
Sleepover. 42.1 Where the Employer requires an employee to sleepover on the Employer’s premises for a period outside that of the employee’s normal rostered hours of duty, the following arrangements shall apply:
(i) An employee shall be entitled to an amount specified in clause 17.3 – Other Allowances per sleepover period.
(ii) This payment shall be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and also includes compensation for all work necessarily undertaken by an employee up to a total of one hour’s duration.
Sleepover. Employees who are required to sleepover shall be paid a Sleepover Allowance for the period 10.00pm –
Sleepover. Where an employee is required to sleep over night on the Employer’s premises, for a period not exceeding 8hours, an amount of $7.05 from 1st pay period to commence on or after 1 September 2007 and $7.33 from the 1st pay period to commence on or after 1 September 2007 shall be paid in addition to payment at the appropriate overtime rate should the employee’s night sleep be interrupted. Payment shall be made at the rate of a minimum of 30 minutes, however should the employee’s involvement in the interruption exceed 30 minutes, then the payment will be made for the duration of the interruption. In addition to the sleep-over allowance, the employee will be provided with a minimum of 4 hours to be completed immediately prior to or after the 8 hours sleep-over duration.
Sleepover. A sleepover means when an employee is required to sleep overnight on the employer’s premises.
a. The span for a sleepover will be a continuous period of eight hours.
b. Each employee will be provided with a bed, use of staff facilities and free board and lodging for each night when the employee sleeps over.
c. The employee will be entitled to a sleepover allowance $80.00 for each night on which they sleep over.
d. In the event of the employee on sleepover being required to perform work during the sleepover period, the employee will be paid for the time worked at the prescribed overtime rate with a minimum payment as for one hour worked. Where such work exceeds one hour, payment will be made at the prescribed overtime rate for the duration of the work.
e. Despite the above paragraph, an employee required to perform duty more than 4 times during the course of a sleepover (or required to perform duty for more than 3 hours in total) will be paid for a night shift instead of a sleepover.
f. An employee on sleepover will be provided with, or paid for, at least four hours’ work for each instance where the employee is required. Such work will be performed immediately before or immediately after the sleepover period.
g. Sleepovers will be in addition to normal hours of work.
Sleepover. 35.1 A sleepover is a non-active period of duty, where an employee is available to be called to active duty whilst sleeping over at the place of work.
35.2 Where an employer requires an employee to sleepover during the course of their employment the following rates shall be paid:
(a) the employee will be entitled to an allowance of $48.00 for each sleepover period. Payment will be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and also includes
(b) if during the course of the sleepover the employee is called to active duty for more than one (1) hour but less than four (4) hours the employee will be paid for those hours at the ordinary rate plus a twenty five per cent (25%) loading;
Sleepover. An Employee required to undertake a sleepover will be paid an allowance for each sleepover period as per Schedule 2 of this Agreement. Payment will be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and includes compensation for all work necessarily undertaken by an Employee up to a total of four (4) calls to active duty. If during the course of the sleepover the employee is required to attend to a client on more than four (4) occasions, the entire period of the sleepover will be treated as active Night Care and the appropriate loading will be paid. No sleepover period will commence prior to 11.00 pm or extend beyond 7.00 am the following morning. The allowance provided for the engagement of an Employee in such circumstances will be in substitution for and not cumulative upon other payments outlined at 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of this Agreement.
Sleepover. 18.1 Where an employee is required to attend to a client and has their sleep disrupted on each documented occasions during a single night, the employee shall be paid at their ordinary rate of pay for the time worked with the client to the nearest half hour.
18.2 The employer agrees to remunerate employees rostered on sleepover duties at the rate detailed in the Sleepover Settlement Agreement between the parties; which include: After 30 June 2013; the employer shall pay the employee rostered to work a sleepover shift at the rate of 100% of the applicable minimum wage under the Minimum Wage Act.
18.3 “Awake night shifts” shall be paid at the employee’s regular hourly rate.
18.4 A bed and bedding will be provided by the employer whenever a sleepover shift is required to be undertaken.
18.5 An employee’s ordinary hours of work shall not include sleepovers.
(a) Sleepovers will be paid at the sleepover rate.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed, employees will not work more than two sleepover shifts in any week (seven days).
(c) For the avoidance of doubt, sleepovers for union members at date of ratification of this Collective Agreement will be in addition to their contracted hours of work. Sleepovers for employees employed after the date of ratification of this Collective Agreement will also be in addition to their contracted hours agreed at the time of employment.
(d) The ordinary hours and sleep over hours will be in line with the Geneva Healthcare Safe working policy and the collective agreement.