Special Leave of Absence Sample Clauses
Special Leave of Absence. Teachers may be granted leaves of absence without pay for one (1) year under the following criteria:
1. Teachers must have been a full‐time employee of the District for a minimum of eight (8) years.
2. Teachers may only utilize this leave one (1) time during their career with the District.
3. Granting such leave is contingent upon the District’s ability to employ a qualified replacement. Requests for a special leave of absence will require approval by the Board of Trustees. The Board reserves the right to limit the number of requests for a special leave of absence which may be granted in a single year.
4. Upon return, the teacher will be assigned to the same position with the District, unless the position has been eliminated by the District or unless the position has been filled by a teacher with seniority greater than the returning teacher. The returning teacher xxx then accept a transfer within the District to any similar position, if the more senior teacher does not wish to accept a transfer.
5. Teachers granted a special leave of absence shall not have their status changed or reduced in regard to placement on the salary schedule, accumulated sick leave or continuing contract.
6. Insurance benefits may be retained by the teacher on leave by assuming the cost of the premiums.
7. Teachers must apply for leave under this provision no later than March 15 of each year.
Special Leave of Absence. (a) An employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period not exceeding one (1) year upon written application to the Department of Human Resources if, in the discretion of the Superintendent, such leave is in the best interest of the School System. The granting of such leave shall not affect any accumulated sick leave which the applicant may have acquired prior thereto. Upon return from leave without pay, the employee shall be assigned to a position comparable to the one held prior to his departure for leave.
(b) The request to the Superintendent must be in writing on a proper application form as provided by the Department of Human Resources and submitted to the Superintendent at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the leave except in an emergency situation.
(c) If the request for leave without pay is granted by the Superintendent, the applicant may continue his group hospital and life insurance benefits by paying the full cost for the period of the leave. “Full cost” means the entire cost or premium for said insurance irrespective of whether the employee generally contributes only a portion of the costs.
(d) Employees who do not wish to return to the St. Tammany School System from any leave of absence without pay shall inform the Superintendent in writing that they do not intend to return to the School System. Employees who do not notify the Superintendent of their intentions prior to the end of the leave shall be considered as having resigned from the St. Tammany Parish School System.
(e) Such application may be rescinded at any time by giving notice thereof in writing to the Superintendent or designee. Such leave may be rescinded at any time if the Superintendent determines that the employee is working in another School System or in another job if the first day of employment of that job is post the leave request date or if rescission is in the best interest of the St. Tammany School System for any other reason.
(f) All St. Tammany Parish Public School System employees must be employed for one year to be eligible for leave.
(g) Requests for leave without pay for elective surgery or elective procedures not deemed as a medical emergency by a physician shall not be granted during the school year.
Special Leave of Absence. Any employee so applying for reinstatement after active duty in the armed forces of the United States (other than training duty or active duty for training of one (1) month or less) shall be granted, upon request, a leave of absence without pay not to exceed sixty (60) days before he/she shall be required to return to work.
Special Leave of Absence a. A faculty member may be granted upon request, a leave of absence without pay for a period of one year, and upon further request, up to an additional year’s leave of absence without pay because of serious illness of a member of the faculty member’s immediate family or for similar good and sufficient cause.
b. A faculty member requesting a special leave of absence must file with the Department Chairperson, and ultimately with the Xxxx of the college, a complete and precise statement of the purpose of the leave.
c. The Chairperson will forward a recommendation of the Department Personnel and Budget Committee to the Xxxx of the college by the end of the semester in which the request was submitted. The recommendation of the Department Personnel and Budget Committee shall include a provision as to whether seniority shall accrue during the term of the leave. The recommendation is subject to review and recommendation of the Xxxx and final review and determination by the Xxxxxxx.
d. If this Agreement grants rights greater than those provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, the provisions of this Agreement shall control.
e. Upon a faculty member’s return to full-time teaching at the University, the Administration may place the faculty member at the same position on the salary schedule that the faculty member would have been placed upon had the faculty member taught during the period of the leave. In no event, however, shall the faculty member’s annual contract salary be less than his/her annual contract salary immediately prior to the commencement of the leave.
Special Leave of Absence. Notwithstanding Article 15.2.1, special leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee for good and sufficient reason. Application must be made to their Xxxx, Administrative Head or designate, indicating the reason for such leave.
Special Leave of Absence. 11.01 Special leave may be granted in accordance with Board policy.
11.02 Application for special leaves of absence shall be presented to the Board accompanied by a recommendation of the appropriate supervisory officer. The Board shall notify the applicant of its decision.
11.03 Teachers on special leave of absence shall not be paid a salary or employee benefits during the period of the leave, but they may retain their membership in any plan under Article 25, by paying full premiums (subject to the rights of the insurer).
11.04 A Teacher on special leave of absence is considered to be employed by the Board and may not accept employment with another Board either during the leave or on its conclusion unless the Board has accepted the Teacher's resignation.
11.05 A Teacher taking special leave of absence shall be expected to notify the Board prior to February 1st whether or not he/she intends to return to his/her position with the Board in the following September.
11.06 Following the Teacher's return to duty, the Teacher shall be guaranteed the same position at the same school, where possible, or failing that, an equivalent position to that which was held at the commencement of the leave, or any other position mutually consented to by the Teacher and the Board, subject to Article 16.
11.07 Leaves granted under Article 11 are subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Human Resources Support Services in consultation with the Teacher’s Principal and Superintendent of Education.
Special Leave of Absence. Nurses will be granted special leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority or service for the following reasons provided that the nurse provides verification of the occurrence of the event upon request by his/her immediate supervisor: Reason Leave with Pay Major fire or flood of nurse's principal residence or principal recreation property - up to three (3) days, at discretion of immediate supervisor For moving a nurse's principal residence - one (1) day per year Nurse's attendance at Canadian Citizenship Court to take oath of citizenship - one (1) day The placement of a child with the nurse for adoption - one (1) day The above special leave of absence is not available to casual nursing staff.
Special Leave of Absence. FOUR OVER FIVE PLAN
C.4.1. A Teacher may apply for a special leave of absence without stated purpose on the following conditions:
(a) the Teacher agrees to forego 20% of the Teacher's Total Salary for each year the agreement is in force but shall be paid 80% of the Teacher's Total Salary in each of the five years of the plan including the leave year,
(b) for an agreement under C.4.1. the leave of absence shall take place in the fifth year of the five year agreement.
(i) notwithstanding C.4.1.(b) in special circumstances the Director may approve leave under C.4.2. which provides for a leave of absence to be taken in other than the fifth year of the five year agreement.
(c) the Teacher must make written application to participate in the plan on or before March 15, and
(d) the Teacher will be notified as soon as possible whether the Teacher has been accepted in the plan.
C.4.2. A Teacher who is granted such leave shall enter into an agreement with the Board on the terms and conditions set out in the form of agreement in Appendix C-3.
C.4.3. The Board, after consultation with the Union, shall set quotas in regard to the maximum number of leaves in C.4.0. which can be taken in any year. As far as possible, the quotas will be set to meet both the requests of the Teachers and the program needs of the Board.
Special Leave of Absence. 22.1 Leaves of absence are granted at the Company’s discretion. Applications must be in writing and include the reason for the leave. Leaves of absence will not be paid and do not result in any loss of seniority.
22.2 The Company shall upon request grant leaves of absence without pay to employees to accept appointed or elected positions with the United Steelworkers. Such an employee upon returning to the bargaining unit shall be assigned to the job he was performing when the leave was granted, or if that job is not available, to another job in an equivalent labour category no less than his previous job.
22.3 The Company shall upon request grant leaves of absence without pay to permit a maximum of two (2) employees to attend a Union convention or Union seminar. The Union will provide as much notice as possible, but in any event, at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the leave. The Company will not unreasonably deny the leave, but shall have the right to refuse the request where, in its opinion, the leave would create scheduling or other operational difficulties.
22.4 The Company shall contribute one cent per hour worked by employees in the bargaining unit to a Union education fund. Such fund shall be used only for Union education and training for employees of the Company.
Special Leave of Absence. After five (5) years of employment with the District, an employee may request, in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, an unpaid leave of absence for the remainder of that school year. The employee is required to notify the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, in writing, of his/her intentions for the upcoming school year no later than May 30. Non-submission of a letter of the employee’s intentions will be admission of his/her resignation from the district.