Leave Policy Sample Clauses
Leave Policy. See applicable administrative policy.
Leave Policy. Teachers who find they are unable to be present to discharge their assignment of duties should notify the principal as soon as possible or, in the case of sick leave, by 7:30 a.m. If it is necessary to call a substitute, the teacher is to call his principal who, in turn, will make arrangements for a substitute teacher. If the principal cannot be contacted, the teacher is to call the Superintendent and a substitute teacher will be provided. Leave shall be divided into two major classes: Chargeable and Non-chargeable. Chargeable leave is that leave for which a designated number of days are credited to or accrued by a teacher at the beginning of the contract year and upon which the teacher may draw in accordance with this agreement. Non-chargeable leave is that leave for which a teacher must make application and which is granted at the discretion of the Board, i.e. professional improvement leave, association leave, leave of absence, etc.
Leave Policy.
7-1 When an employee is or expects to be absent from work for seven (7) consecutive workdays or more, the employee shall contact the Office of Human Resources to determine the type of leave provided under the terms of this agreement that may be taken given the facts of the employee’s situation and to identify the employee’s official leave status.
Leave Policy a. The Employee is entitled to 10 days of paid casual leaves in a year and 12 days of sick leave. In addition, the Employee will be entitled to 9 public holidays mentioned under the Leave Policy of the Employer.
b. The Employee may not carry forward or en-cash any holiday to the next holiday year.
c. In the event that the Employee is absent from work due to sickness or injury, he/she will follow the Leave Policy and inform the designated person as soon as possible and will provide regular updates as to his/her recovery and as far as practicable will inform the designated person of the Employer of his/her expected date of return to work.
d. If the Employee is absent from work due to sickness or injury for more than three consecutive days, he/she must submit to the Employer a Medical Certificate his/her doctor and the employer can do background checks to ensure that the submitted documents are genuine.
Leave Policy a) The Employee is entitled to ( ) days of paid casual leaves in a year and ( ) days of sick leave. In addition, the Employee will be entitled to ( )public holidays mentioned under the Leave Policy of the Employer.
b) The Employee may not carry forward or encash any holiday to the next holiday year.
c) In the event that the Employee is absent from work due to sickness or injury, he/she will follow the Leave Policy and inform the designated person as soon as possible and will provide regular updates as to his/her recovery and as far as practicable will inform the designated person of the Employer of his/her expected date of return to work.
d) If the Employee is absent from work due to sickness or injury for more than three consecutive days he/she must submit to the Employer a self-certification form. If such absence lasts for more than seven consecutive days the Employee must obtain a medical certificate from his/her doctor and submit it to the employer.
e) For any period of absence due to sickness or injury the Employee will be paid statutory sick pay only, provided that he satisfies the relevant requirements. The Employee’s qualifying days for statutory sick pay purposes are Monday to Friday.
Leave Policy. For more information about leave arrangements employees should consult:
(a) for AGS employees – the AGS Employment Handbook; and
(b) for other employees – the AGD Employee Relations Advice Leave Policy.
Leave Policy. It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to consider individually, requests for leave of absence for purposes other than military service, pregnancy, or for health reasons. Requests for leave for health reasons shall be upon verification of a physician’s recommendation.
1. All full-time ROP Bargaining Unit members shall have full leave benefits as described in Leave Policy.
2. Full-time ROP Bargaining Unit members, serving in a regular hourly position requiring certification, shall be entitled to benefits under illness leave on the basis of receiving one (1) hour’s leave for each twenty (20) hours of pay expected to be received by June 30 of each school year. If such Bargaining Unit member does not take the full amount of leave allowed in any school year under this section, the amount not taken shall be accumulated from year to year to an indefinite number of hours. Leave benefits become effective with the assignment of a Bargaining Unit member and are based upon that assignment. Leave shall be paid in accordance with class hours as approved by the Director, Career Vocational Education who shall determine that the class is continuing under a substitute’s direction or would have been continued had not the instructor been taken ill.
3. Full-time ROP Bargaining Unit members may, at their option, sell back and be paid for any unused sick leave days for that year at the end of each school year. Payment will be made at the daily rate paid to K12 substitutes in the Montebello Unified School District according to the following formula:
4. Difference Pay - Full-time ROP Bargaining Unit members in other than K-12 assignments shall receive one hundred (100) days of difference pay at fifty-five (55%) percent of their regular hourly rate under the same conditions as K-12 teachers. The one hundred (100) working days at difference pay shall not apply to extended day activities or non-contract duties such as teaching driver training. A Bargaining Unit member who uses any portion of the days herein provided during one (1) school year shall be limited to the balance of the unused days thereafter for the same illness when the leave is continuous. The “same illness” shall be determined by the Bargaining Unit member’s attending physician. The Board reserves the right to require independent medical verification of such determination.
Leave Policy. A. This policy shall cover brief absences not chargeable to sick leave or for professional reasons directly beneficial to the school system. The provisions for leave at full pay stated below shall be for one (1) year, and unused personal days shall be transferred to the employees sick leave accumulation in the next school year.
Leave Policy. 1. On the first day of orientation each teacher shall be credited with eleven (11) days of leave with full pay. All absences will be submitted through the Absence Management System.
2. The requirements for use of leave are as follows:
a. Absences during a professional learning day, or during the first or last five student contact days of each semester, must be for illness or reason approved by the Superintendent or designee. Absences at other times are at the discretion of the employee.
b. Every effort shall be made to inform the building principal on or before 6:30 a.m.
c. In all events, prior planning must be done with the building principal. Except for illness, notice should be submitted to the principal at least 48 hours in advance of the anticipated absence. Notification through the Absence Management system will meet this requirement.
d. No more than three (3) consecutive days may be used without prior approval from the Superintendent or designee. Leave days may not be used to extend Thanksgiving Break or Spring Break.
3. Any unused leave days that are not put in the leave bank will be paid annually by the Board to the individual at the daily rate of substitute pay.
4. This cost will be paid by the Board of Education
5. Teachers responding to court required services, i.e. jury duty, subpoenas, or school related legal issues will not be charged for leave days. Under special or exceptional circumstances the superintendent may expand the definition of court required services to include additional legal issues. Compensation received from jury duty will be deducted from pay received from USD #385.
6. All employees will furnish the superintendent’s office a physician’s release after five (5) continuous days of absence due to injury/illness.
Leave Policy. It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to consider individually, requests for leave of absence for purposes other than military service, pregnancy, or for health reasons. Requests for leave for health reasons shall be upon verification of a physician’s recommendation.
1. All full-time Adult Education Bargaining Unit members (except those covered in Hours and Assignments, Section F) shall have full leave benefits as described in Leave Policy with the following exception:
2. The following leave provisions, as per Leave Policy, shall apply to temporary Adult Education Bargaining Unit members:
a. Sick Leave of Absence
b. Personal Necessity Leave Using Sick Leave