STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. If an employee is unable to be usefully employed due to a strike, breakdown of machinery or any stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible, the employer reserves the right to stand down the employee without pay. The stand down of the employee under this clause does not break the continuity of service of the employee, and will count as service for all purposes except wages.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS a) There may be times beyond our control when we are unable to offer you gainful employment and may need to stand you down without notice or pay indefinitely.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. The employer has the right to stand down an employee without pay in certain circumstances. The employer has the right to deduct payment for any complete shift the employee cannot be usefully employed because of any strike or through any breakdown in machinery or any stoppage of work by any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible. Employees may elect to take accumulated leave entitlements for any stand down requirements.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. The employer may deduct payment for any day upon which an employee cannot be usefully employed because of any strike by or participating in any strike by members of the union; or because of any strike by any members of the union employed by the employer; or because of any strike by or participation in any strike by any other union, organisation or association or by any branch thereof or by any members thereof who are employed by the employer; or because of any stoppage or work for any cause, including breakdown of machinery or failure or lack of power, for which cause the employer is not responsible.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. 2.15.1 The Employer may stand down any Employee without pay on any day, or for part of any day, on which the Employee cannot be usefully employed because of:-
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. The Employer may stand down the employee if the employee cannot be usefully employed in productive work because of an industrial dispute, or because of machinery breakdown or a stoppage of work that the Employer is not reasonably responsible for. An employee is not entitled to payment when stood down. At the request of the employee, the Company may allow the employee to take annual leave rather than standing down the employee, or may provide work at another Bier Cafe, in accordance with clause 7.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. If an employee is unable to be usefully employed due to a strike, breakdown of machinery or any stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible, the employer reserves the right to stand down the employee without pay. The stand down of the employee under this clause does not break the continuity of service of the employee, and will count as service for all purposes except wages. Occupational health and safety The employer is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. The employer will comply with relevant State and Territory occupational health and safety laws and any relevant industry codes of practice. The employee must take all practical steps to ensure their own safety while at work, and to ensure that no action or inaction by an employee while at work causes harm to any other person. The employee will ensure that occupational health and safety rules and procedures are adhered to at all times. The employee will use the safety and protective equipment or clothing provided. The employee must not misuse any equipment, plant or process that has been provided to ensure workplace health and safety. The employee will report to the employer as soon as possible any accidents, incidents or hazards arising during the course of employment. Any concerns in relation to the employee’s safety or the safety of others in the workplace should be reported to the employer, who will take all practicable steps to provide and maintain a safe work environment. Failure to comply with the occupational health and safety rules and procedures may result in disciplinary action. Drugs and alcohol The employer is committed to providing a safe working environment. An employee affected by alcohol or any other drug will not be permitted to work or operate any equipment. The employee must inform the employer, prior to commencing work, that they are under the influence of drugs (prescribed or not prescribed), alcohol, or any other substance which may affect the employee’s ability to work or to use any of the employer’s equipment. No employee will be permitted to remain at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If an employee attends work under the influence of alcohol or drugs then the employer will arrange to transport the employee home. Smoke-free workplace The employer is committed to providing a safe working environment where all company premises and vehicles are designated as smoke-free. No employee will be permitted t...
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. If the Employee is unable to be gainfully employed because of any strike, breakdown of equipment, stoppage of work or for any other cause for which the Employer cannot reasonably be held responsible, including extreme or unexpected weather conditions, the Employer reserves the right to stand down the Employee without pay. In such a circumstance except where the strike, if any, is within the hospitality industry the employee will be given the option of accessing any leave entitlement. 11 PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. 25.1 BCS has a commitment towards all employees and seeks to maintain employment. Notwithstanding this but only in extreme circumstances that are beyond the control of BCS, BCS may stand down an employee without pay where in the opinion of BCS the employee may not usefully be employed as a result of any events outside of the control of BCS, either natural or otherwise.
STAND DOWN PROVISIONS. 2.16.1 In addition to the provisions of Chapter 3 - Part 3-5 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), the Employer will, when standing down Employees:
(a) Pay Employees who report for work and perform duties at the Employer’s direction;
(b) Not pay Employees who do not report for work; and
(c) Not pay Employees who report for work and are sent home, provided that such Employees may upon request access part or all of their accrued annual leave entitlement during the stand down period.
2.16.2 For the purposes of this clause a stand down period is a temporary period where the Employer due to circumstances beyond its control cannot usefully employ an Employee (for example, but without limitation, cyclonic or flood conditions prevent access to work, or cause a shutdown of part or all of the Employers operations) and can stand down an Employee without pay.
2.16.3 The Employer will notify employees within a reasonable time of receipt of: notice of River shutdowns from Clean Co. QLD or other appropriate Authority; or notice of any other event, matter, or circumstance capable of giving rise to the standing down of an employee or employees under this clause, or under part 3-5 of the Act.