TCC Sample Clauses
TCC as defined in the preface to this Agreement.
TCC. Completion of health worker training on MDA in the remaining district • Training of Community supervisors and Local Council 1 Leaders on OV MDA • Fresh community registration • Act | East will provide support to eleven VSCs (six for Moroto and five for Nabilatuk) to conduct meetings at the village level in December. • Broadcasting of spot messages will continue in December to sensitize and mobilize communities for the upcoming MDA scheduled for January 2023. A total of 22 spot messages will be broadcast via Ateker FM, the local radio station in Moroto district, which covers the nine districts in the Karamoja sub-region and neighboring districts as well. • Community dialogues will continue in December and target kraal leaders, natural leaders and household heads in Nabilatuk, Moroto, Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts. These dialogues will target the eleven lowest performing villages from the last MDA that were identified during the trachoma coverage evaluation survey. WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/covid/ Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW), WI-HER, R4D Total population: 113,930,631 COP: [Redacted] Districts: 872 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (85), TRA (700), OV (222), SCH (426), STH (547) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY23 LF OV STH Trachoma Mapping 2 districts Desk review of unmapped districts. MDA 0/1 camp • BG (0/1 camp) 0/85 districts + 0/5 camps • BG (0/17 districts) • BG (0/5 camps) • Oromia-LFTW (0/68 districts) 0/1 camp • BG (0/1 camp) 1/70 districts • Gambella (0/8 districts) • Oromia-FHF (1/62 districts) DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: 0/5 EUs • BG (0/4 EUs) • Oromia (0/1 EUs) TAS1: 0/5 EUs • BG (0/4 EUs) • Oromia (0/1 EUs) TIS: 21/81 EUs • BG (0/2 EUs) • Gambella (0/9 EUs) • Oromia-FHF (21/41 EUs) • Oromia-LFTW (0/29 EUs) TSS: 3/40 EUs • BG (0/6 EUs) • Oromia-FHF (3/3 EUs) • Oromia-LFTW (0/31 EUs) XXXXX Trachoma DSA Outcome Investigations in 50 districts; desk review ongoing by FHF and RTI. Data Quality Assessment During Supervision (DQA-S) in 2 districts of Gambella (RTI). Pre-MDA census in 2 districts of Gambella (RTI). Coverage Evaluation Survey (CES) in 1 district of Oromia (LFTW). Data Quality Assessment (DQA) in 3 districts of Oromia (FHF). HSS GESI Behavior Change activity in 2 woredas: GESI Behavior Change activity set up completed in Sebeta Hawas district of Oromia region. NTD Financial Roadmap Development (RTI, R4D) NTD...
TCC. Finalization of treatment data validation and entry in all the 8 supported states. • Oncho post-elimination radio jingles were aired in Plateau and Nasarawa states. • OV River Prospection in CRS in February. • LF TAS- 1 planning meeting for Yala LGA in February. • LF TAS-2 survey in 7 LGAs in CRS in March. • OV Epidemiological and Entomological Assessment in 15 LGAs in CRS in March. • Strategic planning meetings in Edo, Delta, Plateau, Nasarawa and Ebonyi states in February. • Training of SIHTs and LIHTs in the 8 supported states.
TCC. TCC supported the MOH to train Community Drug Distributors (CDDs) from 9 districts (Kasese, Adjumani, Nwoya, Omoro, Kitgum, Lamwo, Gulu, Moyo, Lira). • FAA funds for training of CDDs in Oyam district have not been released to-date which is attributed to the government processes. • The National Medical Stores (NMS) delayed delivery of ivermectin (IVM) to districts, so TCC facilitated the pickup of IVM from NMS for delivery to all the 11 districts targeted for the second round of MDA. • Pre-MDA Activities. From 30 May to 14 June 2022, Act |East will support MOH to conduct pre-MDA activities in preparation for Xxxx xxxxxxxx MDA in Moroto, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit, Amudat and Buliisa. These activities include drug transportation, trainings of trainers, including teachers in schools; MDA registration; and social mobilization. • Data Review and Annual Work planning Meetings. Act | East will support MOH to conduct a data review and FY23 work-planning from 23–25 May 2022.
TCC. MDA was completed in 3 remaining districts of Adjumani, Amuru and Moyo with over 90% coverage. • Training of Health Workers/Sub County Focal Persons has commenced in all districts except one. • The bi-annual review meeting with the DOCs was held on November 23, 2022. The aim of the meeting was to review the program's progress and plan for the next round of MDA. The MOH, the National Onchocerciasis Program Manager, and the TCC Senior Program Mgr. were in attendance. Drug balances and accountability and community health education were some of the issues that were discussed during the review meeting. • Community dialogues: 10 community dialogue sessions were conducted in November in the districts of Nakapiripirit and Amudat with an attendance of 600 participants. The aim of the dialogues was to create awareness on the importance of facial cleanliness and clean environments as a means to control the spread of trachoma. • Supporting the functionality of the Village Sanitation Committees (VSCs): To date, 120 VSCs were formed in Moroto and Nabilatuk and ongoing meetings are held as part of the routine support to the committees. Program Officers organized and conducted eleven engagement meetings with VSCs of Moroto and Nabilatuk in November. A total of 98 participants attended these meetings. Meeting participants developed action plans that included follow-up on latrine construction, improving facial hygiene of community members, and setting dates for the next meetings.
TCC. NTDs medicine requisition and submission to FMOH for eight supported states • Final verification and entry of 2022 treatment data in the eight supported States • Xxxxxx Center Health Program Review data collation and presentation preparation • LF TAS 1 &2 Field work in 8 LGAs in Cross River State in April/May 2023. • OV Epidemiological and Entomological Assessment in 15 LGAs in Cross River State in April/May. • NOEC Meeting, May 17-19, 2023 in Cross River State. • Planning for 2023 activities in the eight supported states. • Xxxxxx Center Virtual Health Program Reviews WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// HSS Health financing technical support for LF planning and budgeting at national and provincial level (R4D) Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • [Redacted] will join RTI as the Act | East Philippines Sr. Technical Advisor in late March 2023, transitioning from a position in the DOH. • Act | East will provide technical and logistical support to the second Multi-Disease Elimination Plan (MDEP) writeshop March 7-9th, 2023, in Tagaytay. WHO: xxxxx:// National: Act | East Partner: RTI, FHF in Viet Nam Total population: Bangladesh (175,599,695); Lao PDR (7,320,249); Viet Nam (96,844,240) Districts: Bangladesh (64); Lao PDR (17); Viet Nam (63) RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: Bangladesh LF (19) STH (64); Lao PDR LF (1) STH (1), SCH (17); Viet Nam LF (4), STH (63), TRA (15). DSA (#EUs) Viet Nam TSS: 2/2 Viet Nam TT-only: 0/4 XXXXX Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Viet Nam: Learning activity on dossier development models Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • Throughout February, Act | East HQ staff and consultants [Redacted] and [Redacted] supported the MOHFW to respond to Regional Dossier Review Group (RDRG) comments. The MOHFW is currently reviewing the revised dossier and plans to resubmit it to WHO SEARO and the RDRG in March 2023. • Act | East and USAID Bangladesh have drafted a storyboard for a short video highlighting the achievement of LF validation. The video will be produced, largely from existing footage, in March and April. • With Act | East and WHO technical support, CMPE resubmitted their LF elimination dossier to WHO WPRO in January 2023. Act | East continues to follow up with WPRO and the national program for any update on the status of the dossier. • FHF and RTI teams have been working clos...
TCC. ▪ Pre MDA activities are ongoing in some of the districts targeted for MDA in April: - Nine districts (Adjumani, Gulu, Omoro, Amuru, Pader, Lamwo, Oyam, Nwoya, and Moyo) plus 1 City (Gulu City) have completed Community Supervisors and Local leaders training - Health education and CDD selection have been completed in 404 communities (Lira 276, Gulu City 128) - Seven districts of Nwoya, Amuru, Gulu, Pader, Lamwo, Oyam, and Omoro; are still conducting pre- MDA activities. Others have not started yet. ▪ The Xxxxxx Center attended a breakfast meeting to commemorate World NTD day. ▪ Community Dialogues: Held 23 community dialogue sessions in Moroto, Nabilatuk, Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts. These meetings included district health teams, social workers and political leaders from sub-counties. The intent was to check progress related to the implementation of actions identified at previously and any issues regarding barriers to achieving the facial and environmental cleanliness aspects of the program. A total of 1,041 participants attended these dialogues. ▪ Supporting Village Sanitation Committees: Conducted 11 review meetings with the VSCs of Nabilatuk and Moroto districts. These meetings brought together 109 sanitation committee members. The POs guided members on how to develop simple, achievable actions to improve WASH challenges that do not require any additional resources from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This approach can help to show tangible results within a short timeframe. ▪ Broadcasting Radio Spot Messages: The program aired 198 radio spot messages between February 7-26, 2023. The radio stations have listenership in Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Amudat and neighboring Kenyan communities. The messages aim to increase awareness about facial and environmental cleanliness at the household level, to contribute towards the elimination of trachoma in target communities. ▪ Coordination with District Stakeholders: StC- participated in three coordination meetings to increase visibility of the project interventions, to advocate for issues identified through the different approaches, to encourage ownership from the different leaders of the districts, and to ensure coordination and leveraging of other projects in the intervention areas.
TCC. Monitoring and Supervision of MDA in Delta, Imo, Abia and Ebonyi States in December. • Treatment data retrieval in Delta, Imo, Abia and Ebonyi States in December. • Data collation, verification, entry and reporting in all the eight supported states in December. • Field work on TAS1 in the remaining EUs of Enugu, Imo and Abia States in December. • Data collation in the eight supported states in December. • Mop-up treatment in all eight supported States subject to availability of medicines in December. • BCC training and LLIN Distribution in Nkanu East and Enugu State in December. • Refresher training for LGAs teams in 3 Border LGAs in Edo state in December. • DQA in 2 LGAs in both Edo and Delta states. • Data Review meeting for Edo and Delta states. WHO: xxxxx:// HSS Health financing technical support for LF planning and budgeting at national and provincial level (R4D) Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • With technical support from Act | East consultant [Redacted] and WHO, XXX was launched in Oriental Mindoro province on Sunday, November 20th and in Sultan Kudarat province on November 23rd, 2022. • Act | East HQ, with input from USAID, finalized a job description for a Technical Advisor role, to replace the Program Technical Support Manager previously occupied by [Redacted]. This position will fill a technical role within the DOH in support of the LF program and contribute to broader integration efforts in the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau. The position will be advertised until a suitable candidate is found. • Act | East will open recruitment for a Technical Advisor in December 2022. • USAID focal point [Redacted] and Project Coordinator [Redacted] will visit Manila in December 2022 to connect with [Redacted], USAID Philippines, and various colleagues in the DOH. WHO:xxxxx:// National:xxxxx:// be9385525&aqs=edge..69i57j0.3720j0j1&pglt=547&FORM=ANSAB1&PC=DCTS Act | East Partner: RTI, FHF in Viet Nam Total population: Bangladesh (175,599,695); Lao PDR (7,320,249); Viet Nam (96,844,240) Districts: Bangladesh (64); Lao PDR (17); Viet Nam (63) DSA (#EUs) Viet Nam TSS: 2 Viet Nam TT-only: 4 XXXXX Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Viet Nam: Learning activity on dossier development models Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None
TCC. ▪ Conducted health education in 8 districts (Gulu, Omoro, Amuru, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo, Oyam, and Nwoya). Two districts (Moyo & Adjumani) are still conducting health education. ▪ Lira district trained 2,026 CDDs, 155% of the targeted 1,310. The district trained additional CDDs to help with community sensitization and drug distribution for those who refuse treatment. ▪ Gulu City and the other districts are conducting CDD training and registration. Kitgum and Lamwo districts are updating registers. Registration occurred during the October 2022 MDA. ▪ Vector control: 2,571 Simulium flies were caught in March. All were from districts in the Madi Mid North focus with the biggest number (1,380) being from Moyo district. ▪ Community Dialogues: 25 community dialogues were conducted from March 6–23, 2023, in the districts of Moroto, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit and Amudat. A total of 1,156 participants attended these dialogues. Key participants included household heads, opinion leaders, Manyatta leaders, Kraal leaders and local council leaders. Facilitators visited households before the dialogues to check on progress made towards previous commitments, which informed the team’s development of follow- up recommendations and new actions for villages that had not yet achieved their commitments. Findings from the dialogues noted progress towards improving sanitation in homes, including improved face washing and cleanliness. ▪ Supporting the Functionality of the Village Sanitation Committees: Act | East organized and conducted 21 review meetings with the VSCs of Nabilatuk and Moroto districts between March 7-22, 2023. A total of 188 sanitation committee members participated. During these meetings, VSC members discuss how they can support their communities to attain clean household status and follow up on progress made to achieve the agreed actions from the previous meetings. Results achieved during the reporting period include an ongoing improvement in the construction of sanitary facilities at household level. In Nabilatuk, at least 18 new latrines have been constructed and are in use as a result of the VSC efforts. In Moroto, 30 sanitation facilities have been constructed and rubbish pits and hand washing facilities are also under construction. Most households are now trying to clean animal droppings and utilising them to act as manure and increase production in the backyard gardens. ▪ Broadcasting Radio Spot Messages: The program aired 91 radio spot messages between March ...
TCC. Conducted a training of SIHTs, LIHTs, FLHWs, CS, and CDDs in preparation for LF MDA in Imo and Edo states. • Implemented state level trainings of SIHTs and LIHTLs on MDA in Plateau and Nasarawa. • Distributed NTD medicines and training materials to LGAs in Plateau, Nasarawa and Ebonyi states. • Completed community mobilization and sensitization for MDA in Plateau, Nasarawa, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Edo states. • FMOH Supervision and Monitoring of CMS in Lagos, Nigeria in July. • Act | East FY23 workplan collaboration meetings with CRS State and National NTD Programs in Nigeria in CRS in August 2022. • OV survey planning meeting in CRS in August 2022. • LF Technical Working Group Meeting in August, location TBD. • South-East and South-South Zonal NTD Review Meetings in September, locations TBD. • TAS1 in 38 LGAs in Abia, Eboyni, Enugu and Imo states in July 2022. • LF MDA in Plateau, Nasarawa and Ebonyi states in July 2022. • State strategic planning meeting in Ebonyi state in July 2022. • Social mobilization in 5 LGAs of Delta state in July 2022. • Training of FLHWs and CDDs in Delta state in July 2022. • Data review, analysis and reporting for Yala re-MDA.