Xxxx Leave Buy Back. Employees returning from medically caused leaves of absence may, with the approval of the General Manager or designee, "buy back" sick leave time used as a result of the medical condition causing the leave of absence. Such sick leave can be bought back by the employee reimbursing the Agency in full for the compensation which the Agency paid to the employee for the time the employee was absent during such sick leave.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. To encourage and reward employees who maintain good job attendance, the parties agree to the following incentive award: Non-year round employees who utilize two (2) sick leave days or less during each assigned school calendar year and year-round employees who utilize three (3) sick leave days or less during each assigned school calendar year - upon request – receive payment for up to eight (8) days of sick leave, provided the employee worked the full assigned calendar year. The following procedures apply to the payment of sick leave under this section.
1. An employee must have a minimum of twenty-five (25) days of accumulated sick leave remaining after the payment for unused sick leave under this section.
2. The payment of this incentive shall be paid to eligible employees no later than October 31st of the school year following the school year in which the employee qualified for the incentive pay.
3. For purposes of this section, sick leave shall be defined pursuant to all sections of Florida Statutes, Section 1012.61.
4. Days for which such award payment is received shall be deducted from the accumulated leave balance.
5. Payment shall be equal to the number of eligible days times the affected employees’ daily rate of base pay times eighty percent (80%).
6. To apply for this benefit, employees must use the District approved Sick Leave Buy Back process.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. Employees may cash in unused sick leave above an accumulation of sixty (60) days from the previous year’s accumulation, at a ratio of one full day’s monetary compensation for four (4) accumulated sick leave days. At the employee’s option, they can cash-out their unused sick leave days in January of the school year following any year in which a minimum of sixty (60) days of sick leave is accrued and each January thereafter, at the rate equal to one day’s monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of accrued sick leave. The employee’s sick leave accumulation shall be reduced four (4) days for each day compensated. No employee may receive compensation for sick leave accumulated in excess of one day per month. At the time of separation from school district employment due to retirement* or death, an eligible employee or the employee’s estate shall receive remuneration at a rate equal to one (1) day’s current monetary compensation of employee for each four (4) days accrued sick leave for illness or injury. (RCW 28A.400.210) *For the purpose of this provision, retirement shall be defined as when an employee is eligible to receive benefits under Washington State Teachers Retirement System (WSTRS).
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. In recognition of dedicated service to the children of Amesbury, any employee covered by this agreement that has taught for twenty (20) years in the Amesbury school system (or 30 years total teaching, the last fifteen (15) of which have been consecutive in the Amesbury school system), may obtain an increase in compensation in the final year of teaching/nursing by following the established procedure. Eligible employees who desire to participate in this program will notify the Superintendent of their intention to retire by December 15 of the calendar year prior to the school year in which they intend to retire. If such notice is submitted in writing by December 15, then at the conclusion of the final year of teaching/nursing, all accumulated sick leave shall be eliminated and in lieu thereof the employee shall receive a lump sum payment in the amount of seventy-five percent (75%) of the current teacher or nurse substitute pay per day for each sick leave day surrendered, subject to the cap set forth below. The above benefits shall be paid to the estate of any employee who dies during the final year of teaching. It is understood that the giving of a notice of intent to retire pursuant to this provision is irrevocable, and the employee giving such notice shall be required to retire at the conclusion of the next school year following the school year in which the notice of intent to retire is given, except if significant changes in the employee’s family or personal life require the employee to continue teaching/nursing. The amount of sick leave buy back paid to an employee shall be capped at $10,000.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. If a teacher has accumulated more than 100 sick leave days, the teacher may sell back up to five (5) of the days that are in excess of 100 accumulated sick leave days at a rate of $100 per sick leave day. The MSDLT will have two days on which it will buy back sick leave days, one in January and one in June, but a teacher must select which one of those two days the teacher wishes to sell back the sick leave days. Further, the teacher may not sell back sick leave days if the sale would cause the teacher to have fewer than 100 accumuluated sick leave days.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. A confidential employee who plans on retiring will receive sick leave buy back pay based upon $20.00 per day for each day of unused sick leave if the confidential employee notifies his/her supervisor of their intent to retire in writing by March 1 (if retiring at the end of a school year), or at least 90 calendar days in advance of their last scheduled work day. A maximum payment of $2,000 will be made into a tax sheltered annuity plan. The tax sheltered annuity must be set up on or before the individual’s retirement date. The deposit will be made with the June 30 payroll process, or final payroll process if the retirement is mid-year. Upon approval from the Superintendent, the 90-calendar-day advance notice may be waived due to mitigating circumstances. The final determination will not be precedent setting, or subject to the grievance process.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. Any member of the unit who retires or the estate of any member who dies during the term of his contract shall be compensated for each day of unused sick leave according to the following schedule: 1-50 days $16.50 51-99 days $26.38 100+ days 50% of per diem rate in the year of retirement or death. For all members of the unit hired before September 1, 2009, the maximum number of accumulated sick days for which sick leave buyback will be permitted is 450 (four hundred fifty). For any member of the unit hired on or after September 1, 2009, the maximum number of accumulated sick days for which sick leave buyback will be permitted is 400 (four hundred).
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. Severance pay upon retirement shall be paid to all unit members as part of their regular salary at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per day for up to two hundred (200) accumulated sick days in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Thirteen (13) sick leave days each school year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated with a maximum limit of two hundred (200) days and a payment rate of $50.00 per day.
2. A minimum of fifteen (15) years of service as a nurse in the Ashland Public Schools. Said service may include a total of accumulated service time as a part time nurse prorated to a full FTE. For example, a nurse who worked 91.5 days in one school year would receive .5 years of service towards the 15 year requirement.
3. In order for the retiring nurse to be eligible to receive sick leave buy back pay by June 30, a copy of the letter of intent to retire must be sent to the Superintendent of Schools on or before February 1 of the school year in which they are planning to retire. Furthermore, the appropriate forms for retirement must be forwarded to the Massachusetts Retirement Board in accordance with the terms of the MTRB guidelines. If adequate notice is not given, then the sick leave buy back payment may be delayed until the following fiscal year.
4. If a unit member, after submitting notification of retirement, as provided herein, should die prior to January 1, the severance pay due her shall be paid to her beneficiary as soon as legally possible in the next budget year.
5. If a unit member, after submitting notification of retirement, as provided herein, should die after January 1, the remaining severance pay due her shall be paid to her beneficiary, as part of the salary due her.
6. If a unit member retires because of an emergency and has not submitted proper notification but meets all other requirements, she shall receive severance pay as a lump sum within twelve (12) months of first notification.
7. Severance Pay will not be available to any bargaining unit member hired on or after July 1, 2021.
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. 1) An employee who notifies the Board in writing six (6) months prior to the date, and actually files a retirement paper with the New Jersey State Retirement System, shall be entitled to receive Terminal Leave
Xxxx Leave Buy Back. 1. By March 1st of any year, individual faculty members may trade their accumulated sick leave days in excess of 100, to a maximum of 20, into a non- elective employer 403-b contribution. The value of each traded sick leave day shall be $100. The faculty member must provide in writing to the District the number of sick leave days to be traded. The district upon receipt of the written election shall deduct the days from the faculty member’s accumulated sick leave and make the non-elective employer contribution into the 403-b account no later than July 1st of the same calendar year.
2. If individual faculty members with more than five years of service sever their employment tie with the district, they may trade back all their accumulated sick days for a non-elective employer contribution into a 403-b at a value of $100 per day. Those faculty members with 15 or more years who elect to retire from the District are not eligible for this option. They are eligible for Retirement Incentive of Article 119 of this agreement.