Parental and Adoption Leave Sample Clauses

Parental and Adoption Leave. Shall refer to the following leaves which include female biological parents, male biological parents, male adoptive parents and female adoptive parents: (a) The parental leave of a Nurse who has taken pregnancy/birth leave and whose newborn child or children arrive in the Nurse’s home during pregnancy/birth leave, (i) shall begin immediately upon the exhaustion of the pregnancy/birth allowance without the Nurse’s returning to work; and (ii) shall end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the parental leave began as determined by the Nurse. (iii) In no case shall the combined pregnancy/birth and parental/adoption leaves to which Nurse is entitled exceed a maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks. (b) The parental leave for a Nurse who becomes a parent of one or more children through the birth of the child or children, other than a parent for whom provision is made in Article 13.05(a), (i) shall begin on such date coinciding with or after the birth of the child as the Nurse determines; and (ii) shall end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the child or children first arrive in the Nurse’s home. (c) A Nurse who becomes a parent of one or more children through the placement of the child or children in the care of the Nurse for the purpose of adoption of the child or children is entitled to a leave of absence of up to fifty-two (52) weeks. This leave: (i) shall begin on a date coinciding with the arrival of the child or children in the Nurse’s home; and (ii) shall end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the leave began.
Parental and Adoption Leave. A birth parent who takes pregnancy leave is entitled to 61 consecutive weeks of unpaid parental leave. A birth parent must begin their parental leave immediately after their pregnancy leave ends, unless they and the Employer agree otherwise. A birth parent who does not take pregnancy leave and other parents are entitled to up to 62 consecutive weeks of unpaid parental leave. The leave can begin anytime within 78 weeks of the birth or placement of the child. An initial period of parental leave may be extended up to five consecutive weeks if the child requires an additional period of parental care. An Employer may require an employee to provide a doctor’s or nurse practitioner’s certificate or other evidence that the employee is entitled to the leave or leave extension.
Parental and Adoption Leave. An employee on pregnancy leave of absence may take a further thirty-five (35) weeks parental leave of absence as defined in the Employment Standards Act (Ontario). A leave of absence of up to thirty-seven (37) weeks is available to any new parent who has been employed for at least thirteen (13) weeks. Such leave shall be pursuant to the provisions of the Employment Standards Act (Ontario). Parent includes a person with whom a child is placed for adoption and a person who is in a relationship of some permanence with a child. Such leave shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) During parental leave, members shall continue to participate in the pension plan and the other benefit plans they are currently enrolled in as set out in this Collective Agreement. The employee and the employer shall each continue to pay their applicable share of contributions and/or premiums, unless the employee elects not to do so in writing. (b) If not already on pregnancy leave of absence, the member shall make written application to the Academic Xxxx at least eight (8) weeks prior to the start of the academic semester or the date she/he intends to commence her leave, whichever is sooner. (c) The employee shall give notice to the Academic Xxxx of her/his intention to return to work at least eight (8) weeks prior to the scheduled completion of her/his leave. (d) An employee on parental leave may elect to defer contractual decisions on reappointment or tenure/permanence by an equivalent period of time. When an employee elects to defer such decisions, she/he shall provide the Academic Xxxx written notice of her/his intention to do so by the appropriate date as stipulated in Article 14 or 15. (e) The parties agree that the provisions of this Article shall be no less than those in the provincial Employment Standards Act (Ontario) and Employment Insurance legislation as may be further amended. Differences in the interpretation of this Article shall be resolved based on consistency with the Acts.
Parental and Adoption Leave. Teachers who adopt a child or are in the process of adopting a child may use up to thirty (30) days from their accumulated sick leave to take care of issues associated with the adoption including bonding with the adopted child. A teacher who adopts a child or whose spouse gives birth to a child during the term of this contract shall upon request, receive parental leave without pay for a period not to exceed three (3) consecutive semesters anytime between ten (10) days before the birth or adoption and up to ninety (90) days after the birth or adoption. Furthermore, any teacher who gives birth to a child may also request a parental leave without pay for a period not to exceed three (3) consecutive semesters concurrent with or in addition to the paid leave for the period of disability related to pregnancy. A teacher’s right to parental leave shall be coordinated with the teacher’s rights under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and any applicable policies adopted by the Board.
Parental and Adoption Leave a) On written request for parental leave, an employee is entitled to a leave of absence from work, without pay, for the period specified in subsection (c). b) A request under subsection (a) must: i) be made at least four (4) weeks before the day specified in the request as the day on which the employee proposes to commence parental leave; and ii) be accompanied by: c) The employee is entitled to parental leave, commencing: i) in the case of a birth mother, immediately following the end of the maternity leave taken under Article 22.01 unless the eEmployer and employee agree otherwise; for a period of up to thirty-five (35) consecutive weeks or a shorter period if the employee so requests ii) where a birth mother does not take maternity leave, she may take up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks beginning after the child's birth and within fifty-two (52) weeks of the child's birth iii) in the case of a birth father, the employee may take up to thirty-seven
Parental and Adoption Leave. (a) Upon four (4) weeks written notice and submission of a medical certificate, an employee is entitled to a leave of absence without pay, and with continued accrual of seniority, for up to thirty-five (35) weeks for the mother (following seventeen (17) weeks of maternity leave) and up to thirty-seven (37) weeks for the father, a birth mother that did not take maternity leave, or an adoptive parent, in order to spend time with a new child. The leave must begin: (i) for the mother – following seventeen (17) weeks of maternity leave under clause 22.08; (ii) for the father – within fifty-two (52) weeks of the child's date of birth. (b) In the case of an adopting mother or father, adoption leave shall commence following the adoption and within fifty-two (52) weeks after the date the adopted child comes into the care and custody of the mother or father. (c) The employee shall be required to furnish proof of adoption. (d) Where both parents are employees of the College, the employees shall determine the allocation of the thirty-seven (37) weeks of parental or adoption leave between them. (e) Return from Leave
Parental and Adoption Leave. (a) The purpose of these unpaid leaves is for the primary care and custody of the new born or newly adopted child(xxx). (b) Eligible employees shall be granted parental leave without pay for a period of up to thirty- four (34) weeks following the birth or adoption of the child(xxx). The birth mother must begin that leave immediately after her maternity leave. The other birth parent must begin the leave within fifty- two (52) weeks after the birth of the child(ren). Likewise, an adopting parent must take the leave within fifty-two (52) weeks after the child is placed with the parent. (c) Where both parents are employees of the College, the employees shall determine the apportionment of parental leave between them which will not exceed a combined total of thirty- four (34) weeks. The leave shall only be granted to one (1) employee parent at a time. (d) When a birth mother requests unpaid parental leave in combination with unpaid maternity leave, the combined leaves will not exceed fifty-two (52) weeks. (e) The employee shall notify the College in writing, a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the anticipated commencement of the leave, and in the case of adoption leave, as much notice as is practical. (f) The employee shall, upon request, furnish proof of the birth or adoption of the child(ren). (g) When an employee is on parental or adoption leave, employment is considered continuous for the purposes of calculating annual vacations, seniority and termination entitlement, as well as for pension, medical or other plans of benefits to the employee. The College will also continue to make payments to any such plans unless the employee chooses not to continue with his or her share of the cost of a plan. The employee is also entitled to all increases in wages and benefits which the employee would have received if not on leave.
Parental and Adoption Leave. 11.4.1 Two days of parental and/or adoption leave shall be granted the prospective parent on "the day of birth" and "the take-home day." Such leave shall be with pay and shall be deducted from accumulated sick leave. For employees who need to utilize parental or adoption leave, the District will comply with California Government Code Section 12945 and Education Code Section 44977. If employees need further information regarding parental, adoption, paternity or maternity leaves, they should contact the Human Resources Department. (Board Approved 12/17/19)
Parental and Adoption Leave. ‌ (a) Employees shall be granted parental leave of absence to a maximum of 37 consecutive (or 35 consecutive weeks in the case of the birth mother who takes pregnancy leave under this article) weeks as follows: (1) for the birth mother — immediately after a pregnancy leave (2) for the birth father, or birth mother who does not take a pregnancy leave — within 52 weeks after the birth (3) for the adopting parent — within 52 weeks after the child is placed with the parent. (b) In the event of an identified special need of the child as identified by a physician the employee shall be entitled to five additional weeks' leave.