Annual Bidding. The annual bid for all bus drivers will take place in an open bid meeting no more than 30 work days after the first student contact day. The district shall notify all bus drivers of the annual bidding date no less than five work days prior to the identified Annual Bid date. These notifications shall include the following: • date on which the routes shall be made available for inspection; • location, place and time of annual bid. Every route, including but not limited to Type I, Type II, Van and Vehicle, must be made available for inspection for a minimum of 5 consecutive working days before the annual bid commences. Upon posting, the District shall simultaneously submit the posted routes to CSEA. The routes will contain the following: • starting time and ending time (if available), • hours (FTE), • specific bus/ vehicle type, • basic route information (schools and location of stops). No less than 3 days prior to the annual bid date, the driver shall submit in writing any route recommendations. No less than 2 days prior to the annual bid date, the District shall post the final routes for inspection. The bidding shall be done in accordance to descending seniority order. If a Type I route remains unfilled, the least senior qualified Type I driver will be assigned the unfilled route. If the least senior Type I driver is assigned a route, their FTE will not be reduced. In the event a bus driver's FTE changes from the previous year/bid due to their selected route, that driver's new FTE will be permanent in relationship to their terms and conditions of employment, including health benefits, sick leave, vacation, etc. Type 1 bus drivers shall have the opportunity to bid on Type 2 routes. However, Type 1 drivers can only bid on Type 2 routes in excess of Type 2 drivers. Bus drivers unable to attend the meeting shall submit their choices in writing to the transportation administrator or via a designated bus driver by proxy prior to the annual bid meeting. The bus driver may e- mail or telephone the manager to indicate their proxy. The bus driver shall rank their choice of route in order of preference. The final results of the bidding shall be posted in Transportation. A "substitute" bus driver shall not have standing to displace a permanent bus driver from a regular route.
Annual Bidding. Full Time Employees
1. In each center a schedule of starting times within each classifi- cation shall be posted for bid on the third (3rd) Monday in January and shall remain posted for two (2) weeks.
2. Full time employees in each classification shall in order of their seniority, have the right to select starting times within their own classification from the scheduled posted. The schedule shall in- clude Day/Twilight and Night/Preload jobs in the current hub op- erations.
3. There shall be area selection for all full time package car drivers on the third Monday in January 2019 and every other January for the contractual period of this agreement, which will remain posted for three (3) weeks. Delivery drivers in the order of their seniority shall be permitted the opportunity to select the area of their choice within the center. Training areas will be indicated on the bid sheet. The area selection will be put into effect within ninety (90) days after the area selection list is removed. Absent mutual agreement, if the company fails to place the driver on the route within ninety (90) days, the matter shall be referred to the Company and Union Negotiating Chairman at the next regular- ly scheduled meeting of the C.P.A.P.G.C.
Annual Bidding. 1. There shall be one (1) bid prior to the regular school year. All time packages shall be considered vacant and they shall be bid by job classification seniority. All routes and spare positions will be posted and available from the beginning of the bid process and remain available throughout the bid process until selected. The postings for each route shall include the number of hours, school served, bus information, depot location, starting time and other pertinent information. Drivers who bid on time packages which include extended school year schools are required to complete the assignment through the conclusion of the extended school year at their bidded time package.
2. The Union’s Business Representative and the stewards at each depot will be provided, for review and discussion with the District if needed, copies of the time packages, including the number of hours, school served, bus information, depot location and starting times. The District will use its best efforts to provide all available information no less than five (5) working days prior to the posting and distribution of the bids, and the information will be updated as changes are made until the start of the bidding. Drivers and attendants will be notified by letter no less than two (2) weeks prior to all appointment times when to examine and bid time packages before school starts. Drivers and attendants will have the opportunity to come in one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes before appointment time to examine time packages. There will be five (5) complete copies of all time packages available for examination. There will be an index showing each time package, number of hours, school served, bus information, depot location, starting time and other pertinent information. The chosen time packages will be examined in appropriate areas. Drivers will have an allocated ten (10) minute appointment time with a supervisor to discuss any time packages and then bid. As time packages are bid, the chosen package will be removed from the index. All bidding times will be administered by the District and the Union.
3. All absentee bids must contain two (2) signatures at the time the bid was taken (one management and one xxxxxxx) along with the recorded time and date. Absentee bids must be presented at the time of drivers/attendants scheduled bid time. The absentee bid will state the drivers’ and attendants’ preference for the time package assignment. The Business Representative or designee must sign off on ...
Annual Bidding. Bidding for job positions shall be on an annual basis unless the needs of the business dictate otherwise. Once posted to a position you will be frozen from any other postings unless a temporary posting or new classification occurs.
Annual Bidding. Full-time Employees
1. In each center a schedule of starting times within each classifica- tion shall be posted for bid on the third (3rd) Monday in January and shall remain posted for two (2) weeks.
2. Full-time employees in each classification shall in order of their seniority, have the right to select starting times within their own classification from the scheduled posted. The schedule shall include Day/Twilight and Night/Preload jobs in the current hub operations.
3. There shall be area selection for all full-time package car drivers on the third Monday in January 2024 and every other January for the contractual period of this agreement, which will remain posted for three (3) weeks. Delivery drivers in the order of their seniority shall be permitted the opportunity to select the area of their choice within the center. Training areas will be indicated on the bid sheet. The area selection will be put into effect within ninety (90) days after the area selection list is removed. Full-time Regular Package Cover Drivers and Regular Package Drivers without a bid shall be allowed to select from known available full-week delivery jobs weekly in seniority order. This known work will be bid on the Thursday of the week prior. Any of this work not selected as part of the bid process shall be assigned to available full-time regular package drivers on the Friday of the week prior. If any of this work remains available after the bid/ assignment to the full-time drivers as described above, Temporary Cover Drivers shall be allowed to select from the remaining available full-week work in seniority order on Friday of the week prior. Absent mutual agreement, if the company fails to place the driver on the route within ninety (90) days, the matter shall be referred to the Company and Union Negotiating Chairman at the next regular- ly scheduled meeting of the C.P.A.P.G.C.
Annual Bidding. After the initial implementation of straight shifts on or about November 1, 2000, annual bidding shall occur once per year commencing on or about November 1, 2001 and each November 1st thereafter. The bidding process will end on or about November 22nd. The Town will post the shift and assignment for each officer on or before December 10th. (The Town may post the shifts prior to posting the assignments.) Shift changes as a result of annual bidding will occur on the first Monday in January after January 1st.
Annual Bidding. The bidding of shift assignments for Juvenile Institution Officers and Institution Supervisor I (IS I) shall take place on an annual basis. The assignment periods will be July through June. New assignment patterns will begin on the 1st Monday of July each year.
Annual Bidding. A list of the routes for the purpose of transporting children to and from school, including pre-kindergarten, pre-school, kindergarten and special education, assignments shall be assigned yearly.
Annual Bidding. Annual shift bids for the Lab and Control Room classifications will be conducted in December of each year. Bids for each classification shall be restricted to those employees currently assigned to respective Lab and Control classifications. Shift preference will be awarded based on vacation seniority of each person in the classification. The District shall place employees into their new shift assignments no later than January 31st of the following year. Employees shall remain in their assigned shift until the next bidding period or a job opening occurs.
Annual Bidding. Employees desiring to schedule annual leave by seniority for the period February 1 through January 31 shall submit an annual leave request between December 1 and 31 of the preceding year (first round). A second round of annual leave scheduling by seniority for the same period shall be conducted between January 1 and 31. Annual leave selection in the first round shall be bid on December 1 by the most senior employee on each shift and on January 1 for the second round. Each employee shall have three (3) calendar days in which to make their selections. If an employee fails to make a selection by the close of the third day, the employee shall forfeit the choice in that selection round. Annual leave scheduling on the basis of seniority shall be in a block not less than one (1) week and not more than two (2) weeks without the approval of the Police Chief. Additional annual leave time may be scheduled on a first requested basis via written request. When shift strength is reduced or increased on holidays and special events (as approved by the Police Chief), consistent with the needs of the City, the City shall provide a minimum of seven (7) days’ notice of any deviation from normal shift strength, except for an emergency, so that officers may plan the use of their time for such holidays.