ARTICLE WAGES Sample Clauses
ARTICLE WAGES. The Employer agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept for the term of this Agreement, the wages as set forth in Schedule and attached hereto and forming part of this agreement.
ARTICLE WAGES. For the purpose of calculating any benefits under this Agreement to which an employee is entitled, the regular straight-time rate of pay is that prescribed in Schedule "A', Wage Rates, of this Collective Agreement. The Schedule " A attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement contains the classifications and applicable wage rates. Where an employee is permanently transferred to a higher-rated job classification, within the bargaining unit, he shall receive the next step in the new salary grid which provides an increase above the rate that he was receiving at the time of the transfer and shall be advanced through the the higher-rated job classification as provided in Schedule " A. When a position is reclassified to a classification with a lower maximum salary, an employee who occupies the position when the reclassification is made, is entitled to normal salary progression to the maximum salary rate of the higher classification in effect at the time the reclassification occurs. The employee shall maintain that wage rate until such time as the wage rate of the lower classification exceeds the employee's wage rate. When a new classification (which is covered by Article of this Collective Agreement), is established by the Hospital, the Hospital shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the Local Union of the same. If the Union challenges the rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Hospital to endeavour to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten (10)days after the receipt of notice from the Hospital of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the date that notice of the new rate was given by the Hospital or the date on which the incumbent commenced work in the created classification, whichever is earlier. If the parties are unable to agree, the dispute concerning the new rate may be submitted to arbitration as provided in the Agreement within fifteen (15)days of such meeting. The decision of the Board of Arbitration shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit, having regard to the requirements of such classification. Employees who are assigned lead hand duties by the Hospital in its sole discretion, in accordance with Letter shall be paid a premium of forty-five cents per hour in addition to their regular ...
ARTICLE WAGES. The Employer shall pay wages in accordance with Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement.
ARTICLE WAGES. The Society agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept the schedule of wage rates attached hereto as Appendix which forms part of this Agreement. Where the Society has a Household Support Program, the Society shall pay the Household Support Worker rates as set out in Appendix to employees employed in the Household Support Worker classification. In the event of an underpayment error of or more on an pay the correction will be made within working days.
ARTICLE WAGES. The Corporation shall pay salaries in accordance with Schedule " A attached hereto and forming part of this agreement. A statement of earnings shall be provided to all employees. Employees who, as at April are receiving payment by cheque will continue to do so for the term of this collective agreement.
ARTICLE WAGES. Upon ratification of this Agreement the effective full- time rates of pay shall be as follows: Current employees employed for the first time on or after December shall be placed on the following wage scale. FULL TIME ALL PART TIME RATES Starting Months rates Months Effective December current employees employed prior to December and hired after December shall be slotted into the above wage scale in accordance with the following: Employees will be slotted into the wage scale at the hourly rate that provides a minimum of a wage increase from the rate in effect as of December Employees will thereafter progress through the scale at the corresponding or month intervals. Employees hired prior to December and top rate mechanics will receive: The Company shall further adjust the wage rate effective Dec. 11/06 by the amount that the rate of inflation in the year ending November 30th exceeds Such additional increase shall be capped to not exceed in the final year of the Agreement using the Index for Toronto as published by Statistics Canada. Lead Tanker Aircraft shall receive per hour in addition to employees basic hourly rate. Lead Aircraft shall receive per hour in addition to employees basic hourly rate. Lead shall receive per hour in addition to employees basic hourly rate. Lead Tank Farm Operator shall receive per hour in addition to employees basic hourly rate. Lead Mechanic shall receive per hour in addition to employees basic hourly rate. The Shop Committee Chairperson shall receive in addition to employees basic hourly rate. The Company shall make the following contributions to the International Association of Machinists Pension Fund on behalf of each full time employee covered under this Agreement: Effective December the Employer’s contribution shall be per day for each day employee receives salary from the Company to a maximum of five (5) days per week. In the event the Pension Plan fails to meet Canadian legal requirements the monies herein negotiated shall be contributed to a jointly administered trust fund. The Trustees designated by their respective parties shall be obligated to carry out the intent of this provision. The Company’s sole liability under this clause is to make the required contributions. During the life of this Agreement, the parties agree that should the Union explore the possibility of diverting wages into the Pension Fund, they shall meet to discuss same with a view to improving the Pension benefits to the employees covered by the pla...
ARTICLE WAGES. Section Section
ARTICLE WAGES. The following minimum rates of pay will become effective the first full pay week following the Date of ratification (July 1998)of this collective agreement: Grocery-ProduceClerk, Meat Cutter Cashier, Wrapper, Service Start months months months months Start months months months months Bakery Manager (Scratch) Produce Manager Meat Manager Deli Manager Bakery Manager (Bakeoff) Combination Night Crew Chief Service Manager For all full time employees on payroll as of the date of ratification of this agreement, (July 1998) they shall receive the following wage increases. Effective the first full pay week following the cents per hour All full time employees on payroll on the Date of Ratification will receive a retroactive payment of cents per hour for all hours worked between August and the Date of Ratificationof the collective agreement. Effective the first full pay week following August cents per hour Effective the first full pay week following August cents per hour These monies will be applied only to the end rates of the wage progression. For clarity, only those employees hired prior to the date of ratification (July 1998) will receive the wage increases on the above mentioned dates. Employees hired after the date of ratification will not receive the above mentioned increases. In the event that a general wage increase results in an employee being on an ”off rate’’ within his classification, it is understood that the employee will still have to acquire the appropriate service to advance on the existing full-time wage progression. Notwithstanding the wage progression for full time employees, where there is an increase in the Ontario minimum wage rate it shall become the new start rate and those employees so affected shall remain at such rate of pay until their hours worked with the employer would permit them an increase in their rate of pay in accordance with the wage grid. Notwithstanding the above a full-time employee currently moving through the progression will receive an amount equal to the end rate increases for the balance of the progression he is currently at and then shall proceed on the wage grid as set out in the collective agreement. Those employees who are paid a rate of pay beyond the end rates shall receive those increases set out above. The Company may, from time to time, introduce incentive programs in addition to the prevailing wage schedules.
ARTICLE WAGES. The Company agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept during the term of this agreement as minimums, the wage rates set out in this Article. The following are the agreed upon job rates for each employment classification which shall become effective with the start of the pay period coinciding with or next following: Classifications: Feb.
ARTICLE WAGES. The Wage Schedule "A" as attached to this Agreement is approved by both parties and forms and becomes part of this Agreement.