ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS a) All shifts assigned by the Employer must conform with the following guidelines: (i) Four (4) hour shifts will be the minimum shift permitted in any one (1) day; (ii) Shifts of 5, 6, 7 or 8 hours may be assigned, subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) below. b) While the Employer is entitled to schedule daily and weekly shifts of various lengths as provided for in this Agreement, the Employer will make every reasonable effort to schedule the maximum number of regular employees to shifts of eight (8) hours before instituting shifts of lesser hours. This paragraph shall not be construed as requiring the Employer to create split shifts. c) The Employer shall assign the longest weekly shifts to employees with the most seniority within the classification. The Employer shall assign all available forty (40) hour weekly shifts to the employees with the most seniority within the classification before implementing shifts of lesser hours. d) Where an employee is scheduled for less than eight (8) hours in a day, the shift cannot be extended unless by consent of the employee. e) Employees may exchange shifts with prior authorization of the Employer, and the Employer shall not unreasonably withhold authorization. There shall be no increased cost to the Employer should employees exchange shifts with the Employers authorization, and there shall be no grievances filed as a result of an authorized and agreed to shift exchange. In the event that an employee agrees to exchange a shift with another employee, with the prior authorization of the Employer, which would result in either employee working in excess of the normal straight time hours of work set out in Article 8.01 (a) above, the Parties agree that the employee shall not be entitled to receive any overtime payment for such excess hours of work. In other words, the employees shall receive their regular rate of pay for all hours of work resulting from the exchange of shifts.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. “Whereas both the Employer and the Union are desirous in introducing a scheduling system that provides employees shift preferences, and whereas the implementation of a scheduling system that satisfies the needs of the operation without incurring any additional costs and is in keeping with the principles of seniority will require an in-depth study. Prior to implementation, the parties have agreed to establish a working committee that equally represents both the Union and Company to determine and implement a new scheduling system. The committee will be established no later than sixty (60) days, after the ratification of this collective agreement and thereafter will meet on a regular basis to monitor the impact and viability of a scheduling system. The committee’s mandate will be as follows:
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. 26 Each employee shall be assigned to a definite shift and work week with designated times of beginning 27 and ending which shall not be changed without prior notice to the employee of one (1) calendar week; 28 provided, however, this notice may be waived by the employee. Changes in schedule must be approved 29 by an employee’s principal and/or program administrator. The normal work week shall consist of five 30 (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday, followed by two (2) consecutive days of rest, Saturday 31 and Sunday.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. Each employee shall be assigned to a definite and regular shift and workweek, which shall not be changed without prior notice to the employee of at least one (1) calendar week; however, this notice may be lengthened if agreed upon by the employer and employee. This notice may be waived by the employee.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. (a) When one shift is employed, the starting time shall be 7:00 AM CSXT time, or as may be agreed upon at any shop by the Company and the Machinist local committee. The time and length of the lunch period shall be arranged by mutual agreement. (b) Where two shifts are employed, the starting time of the first shift shall be governed by item (a) of this rule, and the second shift shall start immediately following the close of the first shift or as may be agreed upon at any shop by the Company and the Machinist local committee. The time and length of the lunch period shall be arranged by mutual agreement. (c) Where three shifts are employed, the starting time of the first shift shall be governed by item (a) of this rule, and the starting time of each of the other shifts shall be regulated accordingly. Each shift shall consist of eight consecutive hours including an allowance of twenty minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour. Uniform Commencing and Quitting Time: The time established for commencing and quitting work for all men on each shift in either the Car or Locomotive Department shall be the same at the respective points but where three shifts are worked by running repair forces and two shifts by back shop forces, the quitting time of the first shift and the commencing and quitting time of the back shop forces will be governed by the provisions of item (b) of this rule.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. In the exercise of its right to schedule shifts in a manner which is consistent with the best interests of its operation. Hours of work will be scheduled subject to seniority and based on maximization of employee hours of availability. The Employer maintains the ultimate right to schedule employees based on the Employer’s operational needs. Access To New Shifts: Additional hours of work, or new shift availability, will be first offered to existing employees before new employees are hired. Those with the most seniority will be first offered new shifts and availability. Access to Full Employment: Employees may receive up to forty (40) hours per scheduled week and will be maximized based on their availability. Where additional hours become available, those hours will be offered subject to availability, and seniority. It is understood that an employee must possess the requisite competency of a given position in order to claim seniority scheduling rights.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. (a) When one shift is employed, the starting time shall be 7:00 a.m. local time, or as may be agreed upon at any shop by the Company and the Employees. The time and length of the lunch period shall be arranged by mutual agreement. ! (b) Where two shifts are employed, the starting time of the first shift shall be governed by item (a) of this rule, and the second shift shall start immediately following the close of the first shift or as may be agreed upon at any shop by the Company and the Employees. The time and length of the lunch period shall be arranged by mutual agreement. (c) Where three shifts are employed, the starting time of the first shift shall be governed by item (a) of this rule, and the starting time of each of the other shifts shall be regulated accordingly. Each shift shall consist of eight consecutive hours including an allowance of twenty minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour. The time established for commencing and quitting work for all men on each shift in either the Car or Locomotive Department shall be the same at the respective points but where three shifts are worked by running repair forces and two shifts by back shop forces, the quitting time of the first shift and the commencing and quitting time of the back shop forces will be governed by the provisions of item (b) of this rule. Exception: Three eight-hour shifts may be established under the provisions of item (c) of this rule for the employees necessary to the continuous operation of power houses, mill xxxxxx gangs, heat treating plants, train yards, running repair and inspection forces, without extending the provisions of item (c) of this rule to the balance of shop forces. Employees required to work during, or any part of, the lunch period shall receive pay for the length of the lunch period regularly taken at point employed at straight time and will be allowed necessary time to procure lunch (not to exceed thirty (30) minutes) without loss of time. This does not apply where employees are allowed the twenty (20) minutes for lunch without deduction therefor.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. ‌ It is recognized that management shall have the right to assign additional shifts subject to operational requirements provided shifts are offered on the basis of seniority, availability, and capability.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. (a) Citizens Bank of Canada will determine the positions, classifications and the number of employees of each position or classification required on each shift to meet the member needs, recognizing among other factors regular, unusual, and seasonal demands, and functionally connected work groups. (b) Within a classification, the choice of shift shall be determined by classification seniority. (c) The least senior employees may not decline the remaining available shifts. (d) Notwithstanding (b), if an employee replaces another employee because of absence or resignation, the employee shall work the regularly scheduled shifts of the employee whom he/she is replacing, regardless of seniority. (e) An employee may not sign up for shifts in a lower classification until all shifts in his/her classification are assigned and a full-time employee may not sign up for part-time shifts until all full- time shifts within his/her classification are assigned.
ASSIGNMENT OF SHIFTS. The parties recognize that the operation of certain branches or facilities may on occasion require a change in normal hours of work for a defined temporary period. In advance of any such requirement, management will consult with affected employees in the development of such a work schedule. An employee that is reassigned to a different shift will be provided with a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice prior to the commencement of that shift unless the Parties agree otherwise. Assignment to various shifts will be on a voluntary basis. Should it be necessary to assign staff to shifts as a result of insufficient volunteers, assignment will be based on a fair rotation of qualified individuals for each required position. Assignment to all shifts will be subject to knowledge, skills and abilities. Where possible a quarterly shift schedule of personnel will be provided to employees at least three months in advance of the start of the shift schedule. Except for unforeseen, emergent situations, and planned Waste Management shipments, evening shifts are only anticipated for the Standpipes and ILW Bunkers projects. Where required, shifts will be rotated on a 2 week basis.