Calculation of Wages Sample Clauses
Calculation of Wages. Any payment due in accordance with the Agreement (including overtime, annual leave loading and termination payments) will be calculated as if the contribution in subclause 3.6.1 of the Agreement had not been deducted from the Employee’s wages.
Calculation of Wages. The dally wage of an employee, other than a casual employee, shall be his weekly wage, divided by five, and his hourly wage shall be his weekly wage, divided by the number of ordinary hours of work per week prescribed for an employee of his class.
Calculation of Wages. 3.1 The wages shall be expressed as a base wage per week e.g. base hourly rate x 38 hours plus penalties as at Clause 14 of Appendix 4. The totality of penalties shall be referred to as Average Penalty Payment. Employees employed on 12.2 hour shiftwork over the majority of the production period shall be paid shift entitlements during annual shutdowns and periods of extended maintenance. The flexibility of hours/shift worked is to be decided in consultation with the Work Teams involved. The matters on which flexibility of hours hours/shift work relate to include:
i. work as per projected roster; or
ii. change to another roster system.
Calculation of Wages. To calculate the roster hourly rate for Food Employees: Firstly, answer the following: Classification: Current hourly base rate for classification: Weeks in Cycle = Hours in Shift (e.g. 12.2) = Shifts in Cycle = Total Hours in Cycle (hours in shift x shifts in cycle) = Average Hours per Week (total hours in cycle divided by weeks in cycle) = Secondly, work out the composition of shifts in the roster cycle: Day shift, Monday – Friday = Night shift, Monday – Friday = Day shift, Saturday = Night shift, Saturday = Day shift, Sunday = Night shift, Sunday = Ordinary hours (all Monday – Friday shifts) x 12.2 hours PLUS Shift loading: All night shifts x 12.2 x 30% PLUS Overtime at T1/2 (for first 3 hours each week): Difference between Average Hours per Week and 38 hours x Weeks in Cycle PLUS Overtime at T2 (for any overtime above 3 hours per week): Difference between Average Hours per Week and 41 hours x Weeks in Cycle
Calculation of Wages. With regard to payment wages are calculated by determining the total number of days for which wages are owed multiplied by the daily wage amount.
Calculation of Wages. 4.5.1 The wage rate is an all-inclusive payment for the work performed and is calculated to make provision for all applicable Award penalties and allowances as they apply to work on evenings and weekends including compensation for the casual loading which compensates the employee for any entitlement to annual leave, annual leave loading, public holidays, personal leave, or any payment relating to notice of termination or redundancy.
4.5.2 The rate of pay which will apply over the period of this agreement will comply with and be no less than the rate of pay specified in the Act as it applies to the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard or the standard Federal Minimum wage.
4.5.3 For the duration of this agreement, the casual loading that is payable to the employee will be no less than the default casual loading percentage within the meaning of Division 2 of Part 7 of the Act.
Calculation of Wages. For the purposes of calculating an employee's wage-
(a) the hourly wage of an employee shall be his weekly wage divided by the number of ordinary hours worked by such employee per week;
(b) the daily wage of an employee shall be his weekly wage divided by five;
(c) the monthly wage of an employee shall be 4.333 times his weekly wage;
(d) the weekly wage of an employee shall be his monthly wage divided by 4.333. For the purpose of calculating monthly wages due to an employee where a complete month is not worked as a result of engagement or termination of employment or in respect of non-working periods in terms of clause 5(4)(b) or (d) occurring during the month, the amount due shall be for the number of days worked in the month and the amount for each such day shall be calculated by dividing the monthly wage by the number of working days including paid public holidays, in the said month.
Calculation of Wages. The rate used for calculation purposes will be the appropriate rate contained in the Olex Pay Structure divided by 38 (for an hourly rate). The appropriate hourly rate will be multiplied by 12 to obtain the daily payment. Any hours worked on a night shift between Monday – Friday will receive a 15% shift loading on and up to the first 9.5 hours of work. All hours worked in excess of 9.5 hours on any shift worked between Monday and Friday will receive a 50% shift loading. All hours worked between midnight Friday and midnight Saturday will receive a 50% shift loading payment. All hours worked between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday will receive a 100% shift loading payment.
Calculation of Wages. The Base Weekly Wage Rate is inclusive of annual leave loading, supplementary (over award) payments, and, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, all allowances, responsibilities, skills and disabilities including for example: Tool allowance where applicable; Conditional payments e.g. dirty work.
Calculation of Wages. 10.3.1. Employee's first pay day On the first pay day occurring during an employee's employment, the wages paid shall be whatever is due up to the completion of work on the previous day.
10.3.2. Calculation of weekly wage rates
(a) An employee in any particular week of a work cycle, shall be paid wages on the basis of an average of the ordinary hours per week in each work cycle so as to avoid fluctuating weekly wage payments. That is, for employees employed in the Coal Work Division they will be paid an average of 35 hours per week and for employees employed in other than the Coal Work Division they will be paid an average of 36 hours per week.
(b) Under the averaging system, the employee accrues a monetary "credit" each day the employee works actual ordinary hours in excess of the daily average. That is, where an employee works 8 hours per day, they will receive payment for 7.2 hours and the balance, that is 0.8 of an hour, is credited towards the payment for the rostered day off as it becomes due.
(c) An employee will also accrue a monetary "credit" for each day absent from duty on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid personal leave, workers compensation, bereavement leave, or paid family leave. That is, where an employee who usually works an 8 hour day takes a day of annual leave, their annual leave entitlement will be debited an amount of 7.2 hours. They will receive payment for 7.2 hours leave and the balance of the 0.8 of an hour, is credited towards the payment for the rostered day off as it becomes due.
(d) An employee will not accrue a monetary credit for each day absent from duty other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid personal leave, workers compensation, bereavement leave, or paid family leave.
(e) Amount to be Deducted from Average Days Pay -An employee whose ordinary hours are arranged in accordance with clause 5.1 (Hours of Work) and who is paid wages in accordance with clause 4.1 (Wages) and is absent from duty (other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid personal leave, workers compensation, bereavement leave, or paid family leave), shall, for each day the employee is absent, lose average pay for that day by dividing the employee's average weekly rate by 5.
(f) An employee who is absent from duty for part of a day, other than on paid leave, will lose pay for each hour, or part thereof, the employee is absent from duty at an hourly rate calculated by dividing the emp...