Community-Based Services Sample Clauses

Community-Based Services. The purpose of the Agreement is to maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between the Employer and employees and between the Union and the Employer, and to set forth certain terms and conditions of employment relating to remuneration, hours of work, benefits and general working conditions affecting employees covered by the Agreement. All parties to the Agreement share a desire to provide quality health care in British Columbia, to maintain professional standards, to promote the well-being and increased efficiency of employees so that the people of British Columbia are well and effectively served.
Community-Based Services. If an employee works overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to work and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning from the commencement of the employee’s shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty for her next shift until she has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off-duty. In such circumstances, no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their supervisor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off-duty in the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period.
Community-Based Services. Number of clients active in Aftercare______ Number of clients expecting to apply DSAT toward completion of DEEP requirements _______ Prison-based Services: Number of clients referred to Community DSAT services:
Community-Based Services. If an employee works overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to work and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty in the twenty-four
Community-Based Services. Formal and informal services available 25 to children/youth and families in the communities where they live, provided 26 primarily by staff from non-governmental, community-based agencies.
Community-Based Services. Home health care, adult day care, personal care, homemaker services, hospice services and respite care as each is defined below.
Community-Based Services are person-centered services delivered in an integrated and coordinated manner to members of the Target Population provided as necessary to support individuals to live in the community and avoid unnecessary institutionalization.
Community-Based Services. 24. For every child in the target population for whom community-based services are appropriate and whose family or guardian does not oppose community-based services or in the case of children aged 18 or over, the individual does not oppose community- based services, DHHR shall ensure timely access to In-Home and Community-Based Services sufficient to meet the individual’s needs including Wraparound Facilitation, Behavioral Support Services, Children’s Mobile Crisis Response, Therapeutic Xxxxxx Family Care, and Assertive Community Treatment. These services will be provided in a manner that enable the child to remain with or return to the family (or xxxxxx or kinship care family or an independent living setting, where applicable) whenever possible. DHHR shall ensure statewide access to these programs to prevent crises and promote stability in the family home (or xxxxxx or kinship care home, where applicable). 25. These in-home and community-based services offered to the target population are intended to advance the state’s compliance with the ADA for the target population and to ensure these services, programs, and activities are provided to the target population in the most integrated setting appropriate to meet their needs. 26. In-home and community-based services will be delivered at times and locations mutually agreed upon by the provider and the child and family (or xxxxxx or kinship care family, where applicable), to assist the child in practicing skill development in the context of daily living. 27. Nothing in this agreement shall override the right of a child in the target population, or his or her guardian for a child under 18, to refuse offered services. 28. DHHR shall ensure the timely provision of mental health services to address any immediate or urgent need for services. Such services will be provided through consultation with the child and family (or xxxxxx or kinship parent, where applicable) and include needed in-home and community-based services and linkage to other service providers. 29. Children’s Mobile Crisis Response shall be available to all children, regardless of eligibility, to prevent unnecessary institutionalization of children with serious mental health crises. Children’s Mobile Crisis Response shall provide toll-free crisis hotline services and Crisis Response Teams that are available throughout the state and staffed 24-hours per day, seven days per week. Callers will be directly connected to a trained mental health professiona...
Community-Based Services. If an employee works overtime immediately following her regu- lar shift or is called back to work and does not receive a total of eight (8) con secutive hours of off-d uty in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning from the commencement of the employee’s shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty for her next shift until she has received a total of eight (8) con secutive hours off-d uty. In such circumstances, no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their supervisor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) con secutive hours in total off-d uty in the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period.
Community-Based Services. Formal and informal services available 7 to children/youth and families in the communities where they live, provided 8 primarily by staff from non-governmental, community-based agencies.