Employee Sick Leave Bank Sample Clauses
Employee Sick Leave Bank. The purpose of establishing a sick leave bank is to provide all employees of the Board an emergency pool of sick leave days for catastrophic illness or injury above and beyond those days available from the member's accumulated sick leave and vacation leave provided the employee.
Employee Sick Leave Bank. 1. At the employee’s option, a PTO day may be contributed to an Employee Sick Leave Bank. This option must be exercised at the time the employee’s contract is signed and will be irrevocable.
2. Employees who wish to participate will initially contribute one (1) PTO day to the Employee Sick Leave Bank. An additional day will be contributed if/when the Sick Leave Bank balance falls below 33% of the potential liability. By contributing, the employee will be a member of the Employee Sick Leave Bank for the duration of employment and is not required to provide a PTO day every year.
3. The Employee Sick Leave Bank will be administered by the Executive Director of Human Resources or his/her designee according to the established guidelines and procedures.
4. All Employee Sick Leave Bank requests must be submitted to the Benefits Specialist before or during the illness for which days are being requested. Requests received more than three (3) working days after an employee has returned to work will not be processed. Employees who request Sick Leave Bank days must have a Paid Time Off balance of three (3) or less days.
5. An employee may be granted up to five (5) Sick Leave Bank Days in a 12-month period.
6. Only a leave bank member may apply for Employee Sick Leave Bank days.
7. Employee Sick Leave Bank days will be used for personal and family illness. Only a serious health condition as defined by the Family Medical Leave Act will be considered. In cases of family illness, the employee requesting Employee Sick Leave Bank days must be the individual in direct care of the ill family member per physician’s statement.
8. An employee may appeal the decision not to xxxxx Xxxx Leave Bank days to the Executive Director of Human Resources. The appeal must be submitted within sixty (60) calendar days of the denial. The appeal review will consider additional medical documentation from a Health Care Provider and determine if additional days will be granted. Granting of days for an appeal will not exceed five (5) days. The Employee Sick Leave Bank appeal decision will be final.
9. Unused Leave Bank days will be accumulated without limit and carried over into each consecutive year.
10. On an annual basis, the Sick Leave Bank Committee will review the guidelines, procedures, and balance of days within the Sick Leave Bank to determine the need for reassessment. The review will be completed by April 1. Reassessment of Sick Leave Bank days will automatically occur when the Sick Leav...
Employee Sick Leave Bank. A. Sick Leave Bank
1. Creation Enrollment prior to September 30th or within 20 days of hire, whichever is first, each year A committee of three association members and three administrators will manage the Sick Leave Bank The association and/or administration will inform new employees of the Sick Leave Bank
2. Eligibility Any employee who receives paid leave Any employee who has enrolled and contributed a sick leave day to the Sick Leave Bank is eligible Any employee not eligible for long-term disability who is a Sick Leave Bank member and who has depleted his/her sick, personal and vacation leave time
Employee Sick Leave Bank. When any employee of the District is unable to work due to a personal catastrophic illness or injury and has exhausted all available paid leave to which he/she is entitled, that employee may apply for additional paid sick leave days from the sick leave bank. The employee may receive additional leave from the bank up to the number of work days remaining in the school term during which his/her available paid leave is exhausted, assuming those days are available in the bank. Employees are allowed to draw from the bank only for one continuous personal illness or injury and only after they have exhausted all other available paid leave. The sick leave bank from which days may be withdrawn shall be created by the District’s recognized bargaining units and employee groups in consultation with the Superintendent. Employees may voluntarily contribute up to three (3) of their unused accumulated sick leave days to the bank by written authorization to the Superintendent for each instance, and no employee will be obligated to contribute. The Superintendent shall be responsible for obtaining as needed such written authorizations signed by the contributing employees. Any day contributed to the bank by an employee shall be removed from the contributing employee’s accumulated leave and maintained in the bank.
Employee Sick Leave Bank. One-Time Opportunity:
Employee Sick Leave Bank. A voluntary donated sick leave bank is established to provide additional paid leave for participating employees who have exhausted their accrued leave as a result of a catastrophic or extenuating illness or injury to self, or an immediate family member. The Bank serves as a depository to which participating employees may voluntarily contribute leave for allocation to other participating employees. The purpose of the Bank is not to provide unlimited paid leave for any medical reason, but to alleviate the hardships outlined above. Employees will be given an opportunity to donate to the Bank every year. Days will be donated between the first day of school and September 30th. When necessary, additional donations may be requested by the APT Executive Board. Only employees who donate to the Bank are eligible to apply for benefits from the Bank. At the time of submission, the APT Executive Board may require substantiating medical documents, and in all cases, the decision rendered by the committee shall be final and binding. If approved by the APT Executive Board, these days will be presented without penalty or repayment. The decision of the APT Executive Board to approve use of the Employee Sick Leave Bank shall be communicated in writing to the Superintendent for record keeping purposes. Administration shall provide the APT with a list of employees who have donated a day by September 30th of each school year. Membership Eligibility, Obligations, and Limitations:
1. Eligibility is discontinued upon termination of employment, retirement, or death. No payment of benefits will be made to survivors.
2. Members must waive all claims to leave voluntarily donated to the Bank, including any monetary or retirement-related value the days may hold.
3. The maximum amount of donated leave bank benefits accessible to a recipient cannot exceed 91 days in a school calendar year.
4. If intermittent treatment is required, unused approved donated leave bank benefits will be provided on an as-needed basis until the employee recovers from the catastrophic illness or injury or the benefit ends, whichever is earlier.
5. Any balance of days approved but not required for the illness/injury will remain the property of the Bank.
6. Employees who are off work due to an on-the-job injury or illness may request time from the Bank until the determination of the xxxxxxx’x comp claim is issued.
Employee Sick Leave Bank. 1. At the employee’s option, a PTO day may be contributed to an Employee Sick Leave Bank. This option must be exercised at the time the employee’s contract is signed and will be irrevocable.
2. Employees who wish to participate will initially contribute one (1) PTO day to the Employee Sick Leave Bank. An additional day will be contributed if/when the Sick Leave Bank balance falls below 33% of the potential liability. By contributing, the employee will be a member of the Employee Sick Leave Bank for the duration of employment and is not required to provide a PTO day every year.
3. The Employee Sick Leave Bank will be administered by the Executive Director of Human Resources or his/her designee according to the established guidelines and procedures.
4. All Employee Sick Leave Bank requests must be submitted to the Benefits Specialist before or during the illness for which days are being requested. Requests received more than three
Employee Sick Leave Bank. When any employee of the District is unable to work due to a personal catastrophic illness or injury and has exhausted all available paid leave to which he/she is entitled, that employee may apply for additional paid sick leave days from the sick leave bank. The employee may receive additional leave from the bank up to the number of workdays remaining in the school term during which his/her available paid leave is exhausted, assuming those days are available in the bank. Employees are allowed to draw from the bank only for one
Employee Sick Leave Bank. A voluntary sick leave bank will be maintained for employees who choose to participate, which will be operated as follows:
1. Each employee enrolling in the bank will donate one day of the employee's paid time off to the bank each year until the bank is built up to a maximum of 400 days. No more days will be added to the maximum until the bank is depleted to 250 days. The bank then will be built up to 400 days again and the process repeated.
2. Additions will be made to the bank at the beginning of each fiscal year according to the above limitation.
3. A person withdrawing from membership in the bank will not be able to withdraw the contributed days.
4. The first fifteen (15) days of illness or disability will not be covered by the bank but must be covered by the person's own accumulated paid time off or absence without pay.
5. Employees with up to five (5) years of service to the district will not be able to withdraw days from the Sick Leave Bank until all but ten (10) days of his/her accumulated PTO days are depleted. Employees with five (5) years or more service to the district will not be able to withdraw days from the Sick Leave Bank until all but twenty (20) of his/her accumulated PTO days are depleted.
6. A maximum of twenty (20) days in a twelve-month period can be drawn by one individual from the bank.
7. Persons withdrawing sick leave days from the bank will not have to replace these days except as a regular contributing member to the bank.
Employee Sick Leave Bank. Effective January 1, 1991, the parties will implement a sick leave bank, jointly administered, for those employees whose leave benefits have been exhausted. Effective June 1, 1997, the Sick Leave Bank balance is 100 days. Effective June 1, 2000, the Village will restore twenty (20) days (160 hours) to the Sick Bank.