H ealth Insurance Sample Clauses
H ealth Insurance. Swedish Medical Center agrees to continue the Swedish PPO Medical Plan with no plan design changes other than those indicated in Appendix F and those required by state or Federal Law. In addition, there will be no premium share increases from 2019. The Swedish PPO Medical Plan will be the default plan should a newly hired employee fail to make a medical plan election. The Kaiser HMO and HSA medical plans will be offered as a choice, the terms of which will be governed by the plan documents.
H ealth Insurance. 1. The District will pay at no premium cost to the professional employee, the entire premium of Health Plan B medical coverage, EAP coverage and $50,000f Life Insurance. The Dental Benefit will be offered and each participating certificated employee will be required to pay a monthly $17.59 co-pay. For informational purposes, the cost for each eligible employee is as follows: • Health - Plan B $538.20 • Dental (Employee $17.59 + District $12.45) $ 30.04 • Life Insurance $ 8.50 • Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) Plan $ 2.81 For certificated employees working more than 20 hours per week, the contribution shall be pro-rated. Due to out of pocket costs for coverage, a part-time employee is not required to participate in the District's Health Insurance Program. However, if the part-time employee chooses not to participate in the District's Health Insurance Program, the employee shall not receive cash in lieu of benefits.
H ealth Insurance. 1.1 The District agrees to provide a schedule of health insurance benefits at least equivalent to the New York State Employees Health Insurance plans.
1.2 Effective September 1, 2006/ participating Aides shall pay fifteen percent (15%) of the aggregate premium for individual coverage should an individual plan be selected or fifteen percent (15%) of the aggregate premium for family coverage should a family plan be selected. In as much as possible/ the employee contribution will be deducted from paychecks in equal installments. In addition/ beginning on July 1/ 2012/ the District shall provide a three (3) tier prescription drug plan. The co pay for drug purchases will be as follows:
H ealth Insurance. (Retirement Benefit)
1. Those individuals who have retired from the Maine-Endwell Central School District in order to receive retirem ent benefits from the New York State Em ployees' Retirement System on account of age and service and are receiving such benefits, shall be entitled to receive the same health cost xxxx bursem ent benefits as employees actively employed by the District. The District shall continue to provide such benefits without contribution on the part of the retiree in relation to any individual or family xxxx bursem ent plan for employees who retired prior to June 30, 2011.
2. Employees who retired from the Maine-Endwell Central School District after June 30, 2011 in order to receive retirem ent benefits from the New York State Employees' Retirem ent System on account of age and service and are receiving such benefits, shall be entitled to receive the same health cost xxxx bursem ent benefits as employees actively employed by the District. The contribution rate for employees who retire after June 30, 2011 will be the co-pay amount specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement and in effect for active employees on the date in w hich they retired from the District. This co-pay amount or percentage rate will rem ain constant as long as they rem ain participants in the plan and will not change. (The contribution rates for individuals who retire during the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 school years will be defined pursuant to the terms and conditions of the attached MOA. This contribution sharing rate will not change for the duration of the former em ployees' retirement.) The retired employee will pay one hundred percent (100%) of their portion of the contribution rate during retirement. Upon the death of a retiree, a spouse may continue to participate in the District health insurance plan, paying the full charge for an individual benefit plan.
3. The parties acknowledge the Collective Bargaining Agreement does not establish a specific health care plan for retirees. However, the District is required to provide eligible retirees w ith the same health cost xxxx bursem ent benefits and same health care benefits as unit members actively employed by the District.
H ealth Insurance. The superintendent shall be provided family health and dental insurance coverage at the School District’s cost.
H ealth Insurance. All insurance benefits inclusive of optional coverage disability will be negotiated. Until a side letter of agreement is negotiated, present insurance coverage remains in effect.
9:01 The District shall provide to Teamster Local 294/the Union Employees Health Insurance coverage including Major Medical, Dental, Vision and Prescription Drug Insurance as provided by the current carrier. Such Health Insurance coverage as heretofore outlined shall be subject to such changes, as may result from future negotiations between the District and the Teamster Local 294 the Union prior to the expiration of this agreement. The District and Teamster Local 294 the Union agree to enter into negotiations regarding Health Insurance benefits based upon the findings of the current Advisory and Review Committee. Effective July 1, 2012, the District agrees to shift to and utilize the Teamster’s Dental Program. Effective as of July 1, 2015, or as soon thereafter as a transfer can be completed, the Association agrees that its members shall move from the existing Teamster Health Insurance Plan, to include dental, to a District offered Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance plan, or its equivalent, which plan, or any future plan, taken as a whole shall be equal to or greater than that which is currently provided to the membership. It is further agreed that any future changes in the new health insurance policy or plan or company shall be subject to negotiations by the parties.
9:02 The District will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the Health Insurance premium for the employee and sixty percent (60%) of the premium required to cover the dependents of the employee. Effective July 1,2010, for all new employees hired by after that this date the District will pay ninety percent (90%) of the health insurance premium for the employee and sixty percent (60%) of the premium required to cover the dependents of the employee. Effective upon ratification of this Agreement (dated December 13, 2011) all new employees hired by the District shall pay twenty percent (20%) of the health insurance premium and sixty percent (60%) of the premium required to cover the dependents of the employee.
H ealth Insurance. 021 The Board shall pay eighty percent (80%) of the cost of individual and family policies for health, dental, and vision insurance fringe benefits. If the Board receives a premium holiday(s) from the COG, bargaining unit members shall not be required to pay their portion of the premium(s) for the holiday month(s). Bargaining unit members shall not be asked, encouraged, or coerced to waive insurance benefits when changing employment status in the district. Waiver of insurance shall not be a pre-condition for employment advancement in the district.
H ealth Insurance. 1. Regularly scheduled nurses with a work agreement of 0.4 FTE or greater may participate in the Hospital’s medical insurance plans under the same terms and conditions applicable to the Hospital’s non-contract employees as such plans may be amended from time to time by the Hospital at its discretion, provided that the premium subsidy (the amount Allina Health will contribute toward premiums) for each plan will be as follows: Single 85 percent Single + Children 80 percent Single + Spouse 75 percent Family 75 percent
2. A nurse who terminates employment at or after age 55 or who meets the Rule of 85 eligibility requirements and is eligible and has applied for pension benefits under a pension plan for Minnesota Nurses Association members to which a Hospital employer has contributed shall have the opportunity to continue employee and dependent coverage in the group medical insurance program at the Hospital at which the nurse was last employed, as such program is provided for in this Section, at the group rate and at the nurse’s expense. Such nurse shall be entitled to continue this coverage until such time as both the nurse and her/his spouse qualify for Medicare, at which time the coverage will terminate. This benefit is separate from any C.O.B.R.A benefits that may apply. An additional medical insurance program provision relating to senior nurses at the time of a layoff or major nursing restructuring is set forth in Section 15, “Temporary Staffing Adjustments, Low-Need Days, and Layoff,” subsection E relating to Layoff of this Contract Agreement.
H ealth Insurance. INSURANCE
H ealth Insurance. 1/ a) Health Insurance - The District will continue to provide health/hospitalization insurance for all eligible employees and their dependents. All employees covered by such insurance shall be required to contribute towardsthe cost o f premium for such health/hospitalization insurance. The schedule is as follows:
i) Full time secretaries who were first employed by the District in this capacity on or after July 1, 2007 shall contribute (17%) of the cost of premium for either individual or family coverage.
ii) Full time secretaries who were first employed by the District in this capacity prior to July 1, 2007 shall contribute towards the cost of premium for either individual or family coverage in accordance with the following schedule: 1. 2007-2008 14% of premium 2. 2008-2009 15% of premium 3. 2009-2010 16% of premium 4. 2010-2011 17% of premium 5. 2011-2012 17% of premium 6. 2012-2013 17% of premium 7. 2013-2014 17% of premium Said contribution shall be deducted from each paycheck in equal installments.