HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. (a) The hours of work for inside employees shall be as follows; Municipal Offices:- 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Where necessary, certain employees may be required to commence work at 8:00 a.m. at the discretion of the Department Head. In any event, no employee shall be required to work more than 7¾ hours. One (1) hour shall be allowed for lunch, with staggered office hours so that offices remain open during the full day, with a rest period of ten (10) minutes, morning and afternoon. (b) Where an employee is required to work a shift other than Monday to Friday, such shift shall be five (5) consecutive working days, followed by two (2) consecutive days off. Employees shall work five (5) days with two (2) consecutive days off except when required to change work weeks. (c) Arena personnel, seven and one-half (7½) hours per day with one (1) hour for lunch. (d) Counter Clerk - Police: Coverage required seven (7) days per week, as per mutually agreed schedule of working hours. (e) Dispatcher Clerks' hours, eight (8) hours per day. 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (one-half (½) hour lunch period, Monday to Friday inclusive) 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Saturday, Sunday and holidays) 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight (f) In the event, an employee is required to work a shift other than regular day shift and where less than fifteen (15) clear hours elapse prior to cessation of work on the regular day shift and the commencement of work on the special shift, or where less than fifteen (15) hours elapse between the ending of the special shift and commencement of work on the regular shift, then such employee shall be paid double time until the fifteen (15) hours have elapsed. (g) Where a shift other than regular day shift is instituted, the shift shall be not less than seven (7) hours nor more than eight (8) hours, whichever are the normal and usual hours the employee affected is employed, and shall be consecutive hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period following the commencement of such shift. Overtime rates shall apply when the employee works overtime within that twenty- four (24) hour period.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. (a) The normal week shall consist of seven (7) days, the first five (5) being work days, the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) days normally being days off. (b) Shifting the Work Week Once every four (4) weeks, or more frequently when agreed by the Union and the Producer, the Producer may shift a Member’s work week, without incurring extra costs, by doing either of the following: (i) shift the work week forward by one (1) or two (2) days by adding one (1) or two (2) days off consecutive with the seventh (7th) day off of the regular work week, provided that each additional day off shall include an additional twenty-four (24) hour rest period. If work is performed on any of the additional days off, the rate of pay shall be that of a seventh (7th) day of work. (ii) shift the work week back by one (1) day, by changing the seventh (7th) day of the regular work week to the first (1) day of the shifted work week, provided that the sixth (6th) day of the regular work week is a day off and provided that a thirty-four (34) hour rest period applies. If work is performed on the day off, the rate of pay shall be that of a seventh (7th) day of work. Members shall be given three (3) calendar daysnotice of the shift. In no event may the Producer shift the work week to avoid paying for an unworked holiday. The work week during pre-production may be different than the work week of production. The change in work week from pre-production to production shall not be considered a shift. However, it is agreed and understood that there shall be a minimum of one (1) day off between pre-production and production. The rest period for this day off shall be thirty-four (34) consecutive hours free from work. If work is performed on that day, the rate of pay shall be that of a seventh (7th) day of work.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. For the purposes of the Collective Agreement, an Employee's regular work day or regular work week will be the Employee's scheduled hours of work under the job sharing arrangement. A day on which an Employee is not scheduled to work will be considered as the Employee's rest day. Time worked by an Employee outside the Employee's scheduled hours of work will be compensated as overtime in accordance with Article 22: Overtime, Acting Pay, and Shift Premiums of the Collective Agreement, with the Employee's bi-weekly rate being determined in the same manner as if the Employee were working the normal full- time hours.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. ‌ 18:01 The parties recognize the need for reasonable flexibility in establishing hours of work and therefore agree as follows: (a) A week is a period of seven (7) consecutive days commencing Sundays. (b) Employees shall work forty (40) hours per week, eight (8) hours per day, and five (5) days per week based on Sunday to Saturday with two (2) consecutive days off. (c) Normally the work day starting and finishing times are either 07:00 to 15:30 hours, or 08:00 to 16:30 hours. (d) With the written agreement between the employees and the superintendent, changes can be made to the number of hours per each work day, and/or the work week, and/or the starting and quitting times, as long as the hours of work and the work days are consecutive. 18:02 Employees are entitled to a mid-day lunch break of one-half (½) hour without pay and two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid rest periods each day, one in the mid-morning before the lunch break and the other in the mid afternoon.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. Section Section Section Section
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. Section 11.1 The normal working week shall be either Monday through Friday or Tuesday through Saturday. Each will be considered as five (5) working days of seven and one-half (7- 1/2) hours each, and in the event that employees are required to work longer, they will be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times for all hours worked in excess of seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours per day and thirty-seven and one-half (37-1/2 hours per week. Section 11.2 For employees assigned to a Monday to Friday shift, work commencing Saturday and Sunday will be considered as premium days. For employees assigned to a Tuesday to Saturday shift, work commencing Sunday and Monday will be considered premium days. For all hours worked on a premium day a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate will be paid. Section 11.3 Employees may be provided with one-half (1/2) hour for lunch without pay. In addition, there will be one (1) rest period of fifteen (15) minutes before noon and one (1) rest period of fifteen (15) minutes after noon. Rest periods will be provided without loss of pay. Section 11.4 It is understood that the Company does not guarantee to provide for any employee the normal number of days of work per week and in the event any employee is not required to work his or her full number of days, he or she shall be paid only for the number of days he or she works.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. An employee shall be entitled to one (1) hour off for a meal. This period shall not be included in the hours of work. All employees shall be entitled to two (2) full and consecutive days of rest per week.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. (a) The regular work week shall consist of any five (5) consecutive days out of any seven
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. The work week shall normally consist of forty (40) hours based on a five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour work day and two (2) consecutive days off. The salary and wage ranges prescribed in the pay plan for the respective classifications are based on an average work week of forty (40) hours in a work year of 2,080 hours. The City and the Union agree that the City may implement a four (4) day, ten (10) hour per day, work week.
HOURS OF WORK AND WORK WEEK. 13.01 The work week shall be the period between 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and 7:00 a.m. on the succeeding Sunday morning. 13.02 The regular days of work for all employees, except those referred to in Marginal Paragraphs 13.03 and 13.04 shall be Monday to Friday, inclusive, of each week, commencing with the first shift on Monday and terminating with the last shift which commenced on Friday. 13.03 Schedules of work shall average forty (40) hours per week over any complete cycle. The Company agrees to use 13.04 It is agreed that there are a number of maintenance and service employees required to work on schedules other than 5 & 2, Monday to Friday. The Company shall determine and notify the Union of the number of such employees and agrees not to exceed this number. 13.05 The forty (40) hour work week on the seven and three continuous operation schedule shall be achieved in the following way: (i) An employee working each regularly scheduled shift in a twenty-eight (28) day period ("the qualifying period"), shall work the last regularly scheduled eight (8) hour shift at straight time rates, and may, at their option either bank five (5) relief hours, at straight time rates, or elect to be paid for the five (5) hours, at straight time rates. (ii) At the option of the employee, by notification to the supervisor at the beginning of the above noted shift, the employee may elect to receive straight time pay for the five (5) relief hours instead of banking the hours. (iii) Banked relief hours will be scheduled at times mutually agreeable to the Company and the employee; however, if the parties cannot agree on such a time, the Company retains the right to schedule this time. Banked relief hours shall be taken as paid time off. (iv) The maximum number of banked relief hours which may be earned each year under this Marginal Paragraph 13.05 is sixty-five (65). At the end of each calendar year, any banked relief hours in excess of eighteen (18) shall be paid out at straight time rates. (v) The provisions of Marginal Paragraph 17.03 shall not apply to this Marginal Paragraph 13.05 except that overtime worked outside the employee's normally scheduled hours shall be paid at the applicable overtime rates. (i) The Company and the Union shall mutually agree upon the implementation of 4x4 day shift, night shift and continuous shift schedules. (ii) The 4x4 continuous shift schedule shall consist of four (4) consecutive days of work followed by four (4) consecutive days of rest. ...