Job Posting Requirements Sample Clauses
Job Posting Requirements. Subject to the other specific provisions of this Agreement, when the University decides to fill a vacant existing or newly created job position within the categories of:
a) regular full-time,
b) regular part-time or
c) temporary (of greater than forty five (45) days duration), within the bargaining unit, the position will be posted (electronically or otherwise) within the University for a minimum period of five (5) working days in order to bring the position to the attention of existing employees and to provide them with an opportunity to apply. When it becomes apparent that a vacancy of less than forty five (45) days is to be extended beyond forty five (45) days, the University shall post the position. The posting may be waived only with the mutual agreement of the University and the Union.
Job Posting Requirements. Subject to the other specific provisions ofthis Agreement, when the University decides to fill a vacant existing or newly created job within the categories ofregular full-time, regular part-time or term, the position shall be posted within the University for a minimum period of seven (7) working days in order to bring the job to the attention of existing employees and to provide them with an opportunity to apply. The University may post the vacancy simultaneously externally provided that the University does not review the external applications until they are satisfied there are no qualified internal candidates.
Job Posting Requirements a. Once enrolled in HireNYC, the Contractor agrees to update the HireNYC portal with all entry to mid-level job opportunities arising from this Contract and located in New York City, if any, which shall be defined as jobs requiring no more than an associate degree, as provided by the New York State Department of Labor (see Column F of xxxxx:// NYS-Employment- Prospects.xls). The information to be updated includes the types of entry and mid- level positions made available from the work arising from the Contract and located in New York City, the number of positions, the anticipated schedule of initiating the hiring process for these positions, and the contact information for the Contractor’s representative charged with overseeing hiring. The Contractor must update the HireNYC portal with any hiring needs arising from the contract and located in New York City, and the requirements of the jobs to be filled, no less than three weeks prior to the intended first day of employment for each new position, except with the permission of SBS, not to be unreasonably withheld, and must also update the HireNYC portal as set forth below.
b. After enrollment through HireNYC and submission of relevant information, SBS will work with the Contractor to develop a recruitment plan which will outline the candidate screening process, and will provide clear instructions as to when, where, and how interviews will take place. HireNYC will screen applicants based on employer requirements and refer applicants whom it believes are qualified to the Contractor for interviews. The Contractor must interview referred applicants whom it believes are qualified.
c. After completing an interview of a candidate referred by XxxxXXX, the Contractor must provide feedback via the portal within twenty (20) business days to indicate which candidates were interviewed and hired, if any. In addition, the Contractor shall provide the start date of new hires, and additional information reasonably related to such hires, within twenty (20) business days after the start date. In the event the Contractor does not have any job openings covered by this Rider in any given year, the Contractor shall be required to provide an annual update to HireNYC to that effect. For this purpose, the reporting year shall run from the date of the registration of the Contract pursuant to Charter Section 328 and each anniversary date.
d. These requirements do not limit the Contractor’s ability to assess...
Job Posting Requirements. Company shall provide the Durham JobLink Center with job descriptions via email for all positions that, if filled, would qualify as Qualified Jobs. Notifications of when positions are closed will be forwarded via email by the Company to the Durham JobLink Center. In addition, Company shall deliver to the City a quarterly report within 45 days after the close of the preceding calendar quarter that reflects the following information for the immediately preceding quarter:
(1) Number of job openings during the quarter; (2) Number of job referrals received by email from the Durham JobLink Career Center; (3) Number of referrals emailed from the Durham JobLink Center that were interviewed; (4) Number of hires from the Durham JobLink Center referrals; (5) Feedback in the form of general comments on referrals (not specific individuals) from the Durham JobLink Center. Feedback will be utilized for the benefit of the Durham JobLink Center to improve referral base and better prepare jobseekers.
Job Posting Requirements. When a bargaining unit position becomes available, other than as a consequence of layoffs, and the City determines to fill that position, the position shall be posted for bid for a period of five working days in order to provide employees within the work-force the opportunity to apply for the position. The intent of this Section is to establish a methodology whereby all bargaining unit members, (including those on leave), are provided with fair notice of an open position. The City and the Bargaining Unit agree to work cooperatively in this regard to utilize a process that provides a framework to accomplish this end. The posting shall cite the position requirements, the rate of pay, the hours of work and procedures to apply. Should the City determine that the position will not currently be filled the City shall notify the Union of the intent to leave the position vacant.
Job Posting Requirements. At a minimum, job posting(s) will include the job title, qualifications and education, the type of position, anticipated commencement date, deadline for applications and compensation. Postings will indicate specialized skills or experience where appropriate. All applications for posted vacancies shall be made using the Board approved application process and the Bargaining Unit shall be notified of the successful candidate.
Job Posting Requirements. This letter will set forth the understanding reached between Manitoba Hydro and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local with respect to Job Posting Requirements as they relate to:
Job Posting Requirements. (a) Once enrolled in HireNYC, the Contractor agrees to update the HireNYC portal with all entry to mid-level job opportunities arising from this Contract and located in New York City, if any, which shall be defined as jobs requiring no more than an associate degree, as provided by the New York State Department of Labor (see Column F of xxxxx:// NYS- Employment-Prospects.xls). The information to be updated includes the types of entry and mid-level positions made available from the work arising from the Contract and located in New York City, the number of positions, the anticipated schedule of initiating the hiring process for these positions, and the contact information for the Contractor’s representative charged with overseeing hiring. The Contractor must update the HireNYC portal with any hiring needs arising from the contract and located in New York City, and the requirements of the jobs to be filled, no less than three weeks prior to the intended first day of employment for each new position, except with the permission of SBS, not to be unreasonably withheld, and must also update the HireNYC portal as set forth below.
Job Posting Requirements. Subject to the other specific provisions of this Agreement, when the University decides to fill a vacant existing or newly created job within the categories of regular full-time, regular part-time or term, the position shall be posted within the University for a minimum period of five (5) working days in order to bring the job to the attention of existing employees and to provide them with an opportunity to apply.
Job Posting Requirements the Recovery Act requires states receiving stimulus funds to report on jobs created and retained as a result of the stimulus funds. Contractors/Grantees who receive Recovery Act funded contracts are required to post jobs created and retained as a result of stimulus funds on the State of Maryland (xxxx:// Contractor/Grantee agrees that none of the funds made available under this contract may be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, swimming pools, or similar projects.