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JOB TRANSFERS Sample Clauses

JOB TRANSFERS. 11.01 Employees who are interested in transferring to another position shall advise the Company of such interest by filing a request for transfer. When a job vacancy occurs, the Company will give priority to employees with applications on file prior to hiring a new employee. 11.02 Any employee who, for the convenience of the Employer, is temporarily transferred for one (1) or more days to another job for which the rate of pay is different from that in effect for such employee's regular job, shall be paid the higher rate while so employed at the Employer's discretion. 11.03 Any employee who, for the convenience and benefit of the employee, is temporarily transferred for more than one (1) day to another job instead of being laid-off due to lack of work, breakdown of machinery, or other like cause, shall be paid the rate for the job to which he is transferred while so employed.
JOB TRANSFERSEmployees who are involuntarily transferred within their same job classification or who are involuntarily transferred from one job classification to another job classification shall be placed on the experience step of the new assignment which is the hourly rate closest to their prior hourly rates, but not less than their former hourly rates. Employees who apply for a vacancy and are granted a position within the same job classification as their current position shall retain their experience steps. Employees who apply for a vacancy and are granted a position in another job classification from their current position shall be placed on the beginning step of the new position, except that the employer may consider prior experience of the employee and may grant credit for years of experience on the salary schedule.
JOB TRANSFERS. Members in the bargaining unit will be considered for a job transfer into any newly created position or opening due to someone leaving the position. a. The SAU will provide the Association President with written notification of all vacancies via email at least two (2) days prior to the posting of the position. All vacancies in the Hampstead School District will be posted by the Principal in each Hampstead School District school’s office and staff room for at least two (2) days prior to any other postings. b. Any member wanting to pursue a job transfer must state their interest in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. This may be prior to or upon posting of the position. c. All members requesting a job transfer will be given due consideration, including an interview for the position, if he/she has the proper certifications necessary for the position. d. All members that interview for a position will be given written notification of appointment disposition.
JOB TRANSFERS. When a vacancy occurs employees shall have the right to apply for a transfer through the Human Resources Department. The Department Administrator and the area Vice President shall consider all relevant factors regarding the transfer candidates. The area Vice President shall have the absolute discretion to approve or reject such request. In the event the position is not filled internally, it shall be advertised externally.
JOB TRANSFERS. Should an employee become unfit to perform the work customarily and regularly performed within his Division, the Fire Chief will attempt to place him in another Division within Brampton Fire and Emergency Services. A vacant job classification must exist before such consideration can be contemplated and the employee in question must have the necessary skill and ability to perform such vacant job classification. The decision of the Fire Chief, after consultation with the Association, will be final in this matter.
JOB TRANSFERS. 17.01 When a permanent job opening becomes available the Company agrees that all permanent job openings will be posted on the designated Company bulletin boards for 17.02 The Company agrees to post the vacant delivery routes (runs) within the drivers’ group first, before posting plant wide. The Company further agrees to post all vacan- cies within the live haul area. 17.03 An employee who is transferred to a different job classification within the bargaining unit shall be paid while so employed as follows: (a) If the transfer is for the convenience of the Company and if the rate of pay in the classification to which he is transferred is less than the employee’s regular rate of pay, he shall receive his regular rate of pay. (b) If the transfer is for the convenience of the employee, or to enable him to avoid lay-off, and if the rate of pay in the classification to which he is transferred is less than the employee’s regular rate of pay, he shall receive such lesser rate. (c) If the transfer is for a higher rate of classification the employee will receive the higher rate of pay. (d) Temporary transfers shall be deemed to be replacements for employees who are temporarily absent and not the movement of employees required to complete the daily production requirements. (e) When the Company decides to transfer employees tem- porarily, full consideration shall be given to seniority on a departmental basis or job classification basis. 17.04 Where the Company decides that it is necessary to transfer employees from one department or job to another and where employees asked to transfer do not volunteer to accept the transfer the Company shall have the right to trans- fer the most junior employee in the department who has the skill necessary to immediately perform the job. Students will be the first transferred, provided they have the skills neces- sary to immediately perform the job.
JOB TRANSFERS. 14:01 When an employee is transferred at his own request, or by the Hospital, so as to avoid laying him off, then the employee shall immediately be paid the starting rate of the classification to which he is transferred and shall progress within the scale for that job classification according to the length of service within the classification subsequent to the date of transfer. Provided that if the employee so transferred has, in the judgment of the Employer, the experience or qualifications necessary to perform satisfactorily the work in the job classification to which he has been transferred, he shall immediately progress in the scale for such job classification to the same position he held in the scale of the job classification from which he was transferred. 14:02 When an employee is transferred from a higher rated job classification to a lower job classification for the convenience of the Hospital and the ease of its operations, he shall continue to be paid as though he was employed in the job classification in which he was previously working, unless the final rate in the new classification is higher than in the former classification, in which case the employee shall retain his attained rate, but progress in the wage scale according to length of service in the new classification.
JOB TRANSFERS. A. In the event there is a job vacancy and two (2) or more employees make application for the position, the Board shall make a determination as to which, if any, of the applicants meet the job requirements established by the Board. In the event the Board determines that two (2) or more meet the qualifications, then the employee with the most bargaining unit seniority shall be awarded the position.
JOB TRANSFERS. 10.1 Job transfers will be conducted in accordance with the City’s Personnel Policies and Procedures and applicable Department procedures.
JOB TRANSFERSIf an employee is permanently transferred or reclassified to a higher rated job group, he shall receive the higher of his present rate, or the starting rate of the job to which he is transferred. Job seniority for pay purposes shall date from the date the transfer becomes effective. If an employee is transferred to a lower rated job group due to a reduction in staff, inability to perform his work as required, at the employee’s request or any other reason as determined by the Employer acting within the scope of Article the employee will receive the corresponding rate for the job group to which he was transferred. Job seniority for pay purposes shall include seniority on the job he is being transferred from. In the event of a permanent transfer to a higher rated job or in the event of a successful applicant pursuant to the job posting provisions of this Agreement, the employee shall be placed on trial for a period of three hundred and twenty-five hours worked. Conditional on satisfactory service, such trial promotion or transfer shall become permanent after the period of three hundred and twenty-five hours worked. In the event the employee proves unsatisfactory in the position during the trial period or if the employee finds himself unable to perform the duties of the new job classification, he shall be returned to his former position and salary without loss of seniority. Any other employee promoted or transferred because of the rearrangement of positions shall also be returned to his former position and salary without loss of seniority.