MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. All significant economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and are currently in effect shall continue and remain in effect until such time as the Village shall notify the Chapter of its intention to change them. Upon such notification, and if requested by the Chapter, the Village shall meet and negotiate, in good faith, any such changes before they are finally implemented by the Village. The Village may temporarily implement such changes pending the outcome of negotiations. Any impasse that develops between the parties as to such change, shall be resolved in accordance with the impasse procedures of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, as amended, as of January 1, 1986.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement, all economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and which are currently in effect as of May 1, 1995, shall remain in effect until such time as the Village shall notify the Chapter of its intention to change them and the parties have had an opportunity, if requested, to negotiate in good faith over the matter(s). If negotiations are requested and the parties are unable to reach agreement and are at impasse on the proposed change(s), then the dispute shall be subject to the Alternative Impasse Resolution Procedure set forth in Appendix B if either party so requests in writing within seven (7) days of the date on which either party declares in writing the existence of an impasse in the negotiations over the proposed change(s). If a timely request is submitted, the provision for mediation in Section 2(b) of the Alternative Impasse Resolution Procedure shall not be applicable. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable to any new economic benefit that the Village may extend to bargaining unit employees after May 1, 1995, unless such benefits are negotiated into a subsequent Agreement. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, the parties agree to the following:
1. The Village will no longer pay for meals if the training/program is within 15 miles of the Schaumburg Police Department or, regardless of the location of the program, if the sponsoring organization provides lunch/meals.
2. The Village retains the right to change the economic incentives of the safety award program.
3. The Village retains the right to change the economic incentives of the physical fitness program as long as some economic benefits are part of any revised program, including at least one paid day off if specified physical fitness standards are met.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. All economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and are currently in effect shall continue and remain in effect until such time as the District shall notify the Union of its intention to change them. Upon such notification, and if requested by the Union, the District shall meet and discuss such change before it is finally implemented by the District. Any change made without such notice shall be considered temporary pending the completion of such meeting and discussions. If the Union becomes aware of such a change and has not received notification, the Union must notify the District as soon as possible and request discussions if such discussions are desired. The Union’s failure to request discussions shall act as the Union’s waiver of the right to such discussions.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. 26 Section 9.10. Savings Clause 27 Section 9.11. Entire Agreement 27 Section 9.12. Drug/Alcohol Substance Use Policy. 27 Section 9.13. Termination and Disciplinary Action 27 ARTICLE X – LABOR- MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 28 Section 10.1. Scope 28 Section 10.2. Conditions 28 Section 10.3. Attendance 28 ARTICLE XI – GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 28 Section 11.1. Grievance Defined 28 Section 11.2. Procedure 29 Section 11.3. Binding Arbitration (Step 4) 29 Section 11.4. Time Limits 30 Section 11.5. Investigation and Discussion 30 ARTICLE XII – TRAINING & EDUCATION 30 Section 12.1. Tuition Reimbursement 30 Section 12.2. Payment for Training Licenses 30 ARTICLE XIII – STAND-BY & CALL-IN RESPONSE TIME 30 ARTICLE XIV – NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT 31 Section 14.1. No Strikes 31 Section 14.2. Union Responsibility. 31 ARTICLE XV – COMMUTER OPTION PROGRAM 31
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. All economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and are currently in effect shall continue and remain in effect until such time as the Village shall notify the Labor Council of its intention to change them. The Village shall also provide written notice to the Labor Council of any changes involving the bargaining unit that are mandatory subjects of bargaining, provided that such notice obligations shall not in any way limit the ability of the Village to make and implement decisions without bargaining consistent with Articles IV (Management Rights), Article XXIII (Entire Agreement) or as elsewhere provided in this Agreement. Upon such notification, and if requested by the Labor Council within seven (7) calendar days of receiving notice, the Village shall meet and discuss such change before it is finally implemented by the Village. The failure of the Labor Council to request discussions within seven (7) calendar days of receiving notice shall act as a waiver of the right to such discussions by the Labor Council. These meet and confer discussions shall not delay the implementation of such changes so long as the Labor Council has received at least fourteen (14) calendar days' notice prior to their effective date and so long as there has been at least one (1) meeting to discuss the issue. The parties acknowledge that this Article does not impose a duty to bargain and that changes may be implemented and continued in effect as provided in this Article even in the absence of an agreement.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. A sergeant’s return to work after injury or medical leave, as well as medical exams, functional capacity evaluations, and transitional duty, shall be governed by City policy, as the same may be changed from time to time.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. All economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and are currently in effect shall continue and remain in effect until such time as the Employer shall notify the Labor Council of its intention to change them. Upon such notification, and if requested by the Labor Council, the Employer shall meet and discuss such change before it is finally implemented by the Employer. Any change made without such notice shall be considered temporary pending the completion of such meet and confer discussions. If the Labor Council becomes aware of such a change and has not received notification, the Labor Council must notify the Employer as soon as possible and request discussions if such discussions are desired. The failure of the Labor Council to request discussions shall act as a waiver of the right to such discussions by the Labor Council.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement, all substantial economic benefits which are not set forth in this Agreement and which were currently in effect as of May 1, 1993, shall remain in effect until such time as the Village shall notify the Chapter of its intention to change them and the parties have had an opportunity, if requested, to negotiate in good faith over the matter(s). If negotiations are requested and the parties are unable to reach agreement and are at impasse on the proposed change(s), then the dispute shall be subject to the Alternative Impasse Resolution Procedure set forth in Article 7 if either party so requests in writing within seven (7) days of the date on which either party declares in writing the existence of an impasse in the negotiations over the proposed change(s). The provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable to any new economic benefit that the Village may extend to bargaining unit employees after May 1, 1993, unless such benefits are negotiated into a subsequent Agreement. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, the parties agree to the following:
1. The Village will no longer pay for meals if the training/program is within 15 miles of the Schaumburg Police Department or, regardless of the location of the program, if the sponsoring organization provides lunch/meals.
2. The Village retains the right to change the economic incentives of the safety award program.
3. The Village retains the right to change the economic incentives of the physical fitness program as long as some economic benefits are part of any revised program, including at least one paid day off if specified physical fitness standards are met.
4. The sick leave incentive program shall be eliminated effective January 1, 2014.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. All economic benefits which the District is obligated to provide to employees during the term of this Agreement are set forth herein. Economic benefits currently not set forth in this Agreement may be commenced, modified, or discontinued by the District at its discretion. This provision shall not apply to economic benefits mandated by Federal or State law.
MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS. Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in the Agreement, all economic benefits which are set forth in this Agreement and those listed below are the only benefits to which the Village agrees to maintain. Benefits not specified in this agreement are subject to change or elimination by the Village at any time. Benefits provided for in this section will be processed or ordered within 60 days of the completion of award criteria. For item c, the date of incident or award shall determine eligibility and will restart the “clock” with respect to a new award period.
(a) Snow and ice truck inspection awards (best truck) – gift card.
(b) Employee of the Month - four (4) hours off with pay.
(c) Accident free days - 4 hours off with pay (as a division).
(d) Safety suggestion award - $25.00.
(e) Personnel award - outstanding/heroic achievement - $100.00.
(f) Two daily breaks of 15 minutes each.
(g) Park District pass(es) for twenty employees.
(h) The Village will pay the difference between a regular class D drivers license and a class C commercial drivers license including the renewal of license.
(i) During a snow storm call out as determined and defined by the Director of Engineering & Public Works or his designee, outside an employee’s regular work schedule a one-half hour paid lunch break will be provided.
(j) The departmental safety program is entitled Safe Team Award Recognition System (STARS). Each fiscal year, a gift card will be substituted for points, with one (1) point being equal to one dollar ($1.00), with no carryover from one fiscal year to another. Each fiscal year, no employee who has a chargeable incident, i.e., an incident that requires medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of work time, or property/vehicle damage over $500, shall be eligible for any benefit under this program for the fiscal year quarter in which the incident occurs. The STARS Program is set forth in a Standard Operating Procedure issued by the EPW Director and attached hereto. Further modification of the safety program shall only be made after discussion at a Labor-Management Conference and approval of both parties.
(k) An employee who does not have a chargeable vehicle accident for eight (8) consecutive quarters will qualify for a safe driving award of $100 to be paid into the STARS program. An employee can again qualify for this safe driving award by having eight (8) new consecutive quarters without having a preventable vehicle accident.