Medical Reimbursement Plan Sample Clauses

Medical Reimbursement Plan. 1. The district agrees to implement an Internal Revenue Code (IRC)/Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan. Participation in the medical reimbursement plan is voluntary at a cost to the employee of no more than the actual administrative cost to the district per month. IRC regulations supersede if any item stated here is in conflict with this code. 2. Employees may elect to designate up to the limit established by current law per year to be withheld from their pay as non-taxable income and placed in trust for reimbursement of health costs. 3. The district will ensure that forms for enrolling in this program are made available to all employees wishing to participate. 4. It is the employee's responsibility to see that the appropriate reimbursement form is submitted to the administrator of this plan for all health costs. 5. Reimbursable items shall be defined by the administrator of the plan and made available to all employees. 6. As per the Tax Reform Act of 1984, if an employee does not incur sufficient expenses to "zero out" their account at the end of the year, the excess money reverts to the district. Any excess funds will be used to defray the district and employee administrative costs for the following Plan year. The district will retain 20% and the remaining 80% will be used to reduce (on an equal basis) each participant's administrative costs. 7. An employee has three months from the last day of the plan year to seek reimbursement provided the expense was incurred within the Plan's fiscal year.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. The District will make a Flexible Spending Account (“FSA”) plan available for reimbursement of health, dental and child care expenses as provided under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The District will make a flexible spending account available for those members who elect to participate for the total of $150.00. The District will be responsible for all third party fees and costs required for administration of the plan. Effective July 1, 2017, FSA funds under this Agreement may be rolled over into a subsequent year in an amount permitted by law. Moreover, In the first year of this Agreement only (2017-18), the District shall contribute the following amounts to the FSA’s of Teachers enrolled in the corresponding health plans during the 2016-17 school year: Red Plan Single $428.00 Red Plan Family $456.00 Green Plan Single $428.00 Green Plan 2 person $510.00 The District will agree to pay 100% of the cost for Employee coverage or 80% of 2 person or family coverage. The following coverages will be provided: Coverage A: Diagnostic (Cleanings, Preventive) 100% Coverage B: Restorative (Fillings) 80% Coverage C: Prosthodontics (Bridges, Crowns) 50% Annual maximum $1,500 per person Coverage D: Orthodontics 50% Lifetime Maximum per patient $1,500 No Coverage D for Adults There shall be no deductibles on any of these coverages.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. Residents and their dependents covered by the available hospital health insurance plan who receive services at Iowa Methodist, Iowa Lutheran, Blank Children’s Hospital and Methodist West are eligible to have post-insurance payment balances on medical bills paid through a fully funded medical spending account (Medical Reimbursement Plan). It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that all needed information regarding a claim is provided to the insurance carrier. After the claim is processed and benefits are paid, any remaining balance will be paid by the hospital, subject to the terms and conditions of the health plan. This benefit applies only to services provided by Iowa Methodist, Iowa Lutheran, Blank Children’s Hospital, or Methodist West and does not include bills incurred from any other facility, bills resulting from non-covered services, or co- pay balances. Residents must be covered by the hospital’s health insurance plan to qualify for this benefit and residents must submit medical bills within the time frame required by the Plan.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. (a) The City shall reimburse classified Employees for up to $300 for no-insurance or single employee coverage and up to $600 for employee plus one and family coverage within each fiscal year. (b) Qualifying medical expenses include fees of physicians, surgeons, optometrists, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentist and other health professionals, cost of prescription drugs, prescribed medical equipment and supplies, prescription eyeglasses and hearing aids. The cost of the medical expense must be that of the Employee or Employee’s family and not paid for or reimbursed by any other health benefit plan or insurance. The plan document provides a complete listing of qualifying medical expenses. (c) Employees must file with the Human Resources Office requests for medical reimbursements for a particular fiscal year prior to June 30 of that fiscal year and must document such expenses with paid receipts, canceled checks, etc. (d) A new Employee has immediate entitlement to the $200 medical reimbursement benefit (i.e. does not have to go through a probationary period). Any reimbursement must be for medical expenses incurred only during the time of the Employee’s employment with the City.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. It is recognized that from time to time employees are faced with exceptional needs for items not covered by the Extended Health Plan. Rather than amend the Plan to cover specific items applicable to a limited number of employees, it was agreed we could accommodate exceptions to the Plan if a degree of flexibility was introduced. This Plan applies to PWU represented employees only in the following categories, regular, probationary and regular seasonal. The Medical Reimbursement Plan (MRP) is jointly administered between the PWU and Bruce Power. The Medical Reimbursement Plan (MRP) is to be used to address situations involving extreme personal hardship and/or where the Plan is silent on the service or item, or the requirement exceeds the Plan limit. This does not take the place of the regular process for exceptions to the Extended Health Plan. Exceptions may be allowed if the Company agrees there is a cost benefit to the Company. Management will contribute $35,000.00 for each year of the collective agreement commencing January 1, 2018. The local MRP committee will be comprised of one (1) representative from the PWU and one (1) from Management, who will disposition the submissions quarterly. The requests for coverage must be submitted to the Carrier for determination of eligibility and subsequent payout provided they meet the rules of the Income Tax Act (ITA). For further clarification refer to Intent Document PWU-JI-001 Medical Reimbursement Plan. 4.9.1 Regular Employees, Pensioners and Regular Employees Receiving Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Payments Exception: Regular part-time employees shall be eligible for Health Insurance Plan coverage. Such employees will be required to pay costs of premiums (except OHIP) based on hours not worked divided by the regular hours of the classification. If he/she elects not to pay, coverage will not be provided. (a) OHIP - Covers medical and standard xxxx hospital services. (b) Supplementary Plan - Covers semi-private hospital services. (c) Extended Health Benefit Plan - Coverage details are contained in the current brochure entitled " Health and Dental Benefits for Members of the PWU, Eligible Dependents and Pensioners". (d) Group Dental Insurance Plan - Coverage details are contained in the current brochure entitled "Health and Dental Benefits for Members of the PWU, Eligible Dependents and Pensioners". Employees will be required to pay the cost of new premiums or taxes imposed by the government on or after Janua...
Medical Reimbursement Plan a) The District agrees to implement an IRC/Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan. Participation in the plan is voluntary. IRC regulations supersede if any item stated here is in conflict with this code. b) Employees may elect to designate up to three thousand ($3000) a year to be withheld from their pay as non-taxable income and placed in trust for reimbursement of health costs. c) The District will ensure that all forms for enrolling in this program are made available to all employees wishing to participate. d) It is the employee’s responsibility to see that the appropriate reimbursement form is submitted to the administrator of this plan for all health costs. e) Reimbursable items shall be defined by the administrator of the plan and made available to all employees. f) As per the Tax Reform Act of 1984, if an employee does not incur sufficient expenses to “zero out” their account at the end of the year, the money reverts to the District. Any excess funds will be used to defray the District and employee administrative costs for the following plan year. g) An employee has three (3) months from the last day of the plan year to seek reimbursement provided the expense was incurred within the plan’s fiscal year.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. Bargaining unit members not electing health insurance for reasons outlined below shall be paid $64.00 per pay period less applicable taxes and withholdings in their bi-weekly pay checks as applicable. Members may elect to not take health insurance if: (1) The member is personally covered under another health care plan (i.e. spouse’s employer), or (2) If the member and spouse/other eligible adult are both employees of the University, then one shall elect health insurance; however, the other spouse/other eligible adult shall not be eligible for the medical reimbursement.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. The district will make a Flexible Spending Account (“FSA”) plan available for reimbursement of health, dental and child care expenses as provided under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The District will make a flexible spending account available for those members who elect to participate for the total of $150.00. The District will be responsible for all third party fees and costs required for administration of the plan.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. As a part of the benefits due under this EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, EMPLOYEE and his immediate family, shall receive, as a part of the Executive Medical Reimbursement Plan of the EMPLOYER, a EMPLOYER-paid preferred-provider health insurance plan. EMPLOYER agrees to reimbursement for incidental and standard policy- deductible medical expenses not paid by such plan, but in no case shall EMPLOYER be obligated to reimburse for expenses exceeding the limits of the health insurance policy or any deductible expenses exceeding 20% of incurred expenses. This provision #12 is not required to become effective until and unless the EMPLOYER has raised at least an additional $3 million in operating capital from any non-debt generating mechanism, including but not limited to equity sales, following the effective date of this Agreement.
Medical Reimbursement Plan. The District will make a contribution for the Business Administrator each school year to a Medical Reimbursement Plan (Section 105) in the amount of $700.00 if the Business Administrator is enrolled in the District provided health insurance coverage. This provision is subject to all State and Federal Income Tax Laws and Regulations.