ON CALL AND RECALL. 23.1 On call
(a) For the purposes of this Agreement an Employee is on call when the Employee is directed by the Employer to remain at such a place as will enable the Employer to readily contact the Employee during the hours when the Employee is not otherwise on duty. In so determining the place at which the Employee will remain, the Employer may require that place to be within a specified radius from the hospital or place of employment.
(b) An Employee rostered to be on call will be paid the allowance prescribed in subclause 23.1(c) for each hour or part thereof the Employee is on call.
(c) An Employee rostered to be on call will be paid 18.75% of 1/38th of the rate prescribed for a Level 1.2 Registered Nurse and will be adjusted in line with the operative date of wage increases prescribed in Clause 24 – Classification Structure and Wages in accordance with the following table: On and from 7 October 2020 On and from 7 October 2021 $6.75 per hour $6.84 per hour
(d) The payments referred to in subclause 23.1(c) will not be made in respect to any period for which overtime is paid when the Employee is recalled to work.
(e) If the usual means of contact between the Employer and the Employee is a telephone and if the Employee pays or contributes towards the payment of the rental of such telephone the Employer will pay the Employee an amount being a proportion of the telephone rental calculated on the basis that for each seven days on which an Employee is required to be on call the Employer will pay the Employee 1/52nd of the annual rental paid by the Employee.
(f) Provided that where the Employer and the Union agree in writing, other arrangements may be made for compensation of on call work.
(g) Where it is determined that the means of contact is to be by pager or mobile telephone the Employer will provide the Employee with the device at no charge.
(h) An Employee will not be required to remain on call whilst on leave or the day before commencing leave, or whilst on accrued days off, or the day before commencing accrued days off, unless by mutual agreement between the Employee and Employer.
23.2 Ten hour break for Employees on call
(a) Where an Employee who is on call is recalled to perform overtime duty, the Employee will be provided with a continuous break of not less than ten hours from when the overtime duty was completed to immediately prior to the commencement of the next ordinary rostered shift.
(b) In the event that the ten hour break provided for in par...
(a) For the purposes of this Agreement a practitioner is on call when the practitioner is rostered by the Employer to remain readily contactable and available to return to work outside of the practitioner’s normal hours of duty.
(b) (i) Practitioners will be rostered on call in accordance with clinical need by the Head of Department or if there is no Head of Department by the Director of Medical Services or the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee.
ON CALL AND RECALL. 11.18.1 On Call Allowance: On call allowance rates recognise the disadvantages of holding oneself available on call and the clinical need to provide telephone advice whilst on call. Where a medical officer has had an inadequate sleep opportunity the fatigue provisions as per Clause 5.4 and Clause 5.5 apply. However, for fatigue under this clause there is no requirement for a minimum of two hours to be worked.
11.18.2 On Call – Resident Medical Officers: “On Call” is the availability of a RMO to be on duty within 30 minutes of being recalled. Where a RMO receives instructions to hold themselves available on call outside ordinary or rostered working hours, they will be paid a rate equivalent to 8% of the salary level 4 classification level hourly pay rate for each hour on call.
ON CALL AND RECALL. Clause 33 of this Agreement is replaced by:
(1) On Call
(a) For the purposes of this Agreement a practitioner is on call when the practitioner is rostered by the Employer to remain readily contactable and available to return to work outside of the practitioner’s normal hours of duty.
(b) (i) Practitioners will be rostered on call in accordance with clinical need by the Head of Department or if there is no Head of Department by the Director of Medical Services or the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee.
(1) An employee, other than a casual employee, who is recalled to work for any purpose will be paid a minimum of three hours at the appropriate overtime rate provided that the employee will not be required to work for three hours if the work for which the employee was recalled to perform is completed in less time. Provided that for part time employees who are placed on call and who are recalled to duty, the same overtime provision shall apply as applies to full time employees.
(2) Where a casual employee, is recalled to work for any purpose payment will be made in accordance with clause 11 (1) (a) of this Agreement. Payment will commence from the time the casual employee commences the work for which they were recalled. In the event that the work for which the casual employee was recalled is cancelled for any reason, the casual employee will be paid for a minimum period of two hours.
(3) Where an employee, other than a casual employee, is recalled to work within 3 hours of starting work on a previous recall, the minimum overtime period shall commence from the time of the second, or subsequent recall. Provided that the effect of this subclause shall not be to pay three hours of overtime for each and every recall within the original three hour period, as a discrete period of overtime.
(4) Where an employee, other than a casual employee, is recalled to work for any purpose within three hours of commencing normal duty, the employee will be paid at the appropriate overtime rate for that period up to and until the commencement time of normal duty, but the employee will not be obliged to work for the full period if the work for which the employee was recalled is completed in less time.
(5) Where an employee, other than a casual employee, is recalled to duty in accordance with subclauses (1), (3) and (4) of this clause, then the payment of the appropriate overtime rate will commence from:
(a) in the case of an employee who is on call, from the time the employee starts work;
(b) in the case of an employee who is not on call, time spent travelling to and from the place of duty where the employee is actually recalled to perform emergency duty will be included with actual duty performed for the purpose of overtime payment. Provided that where an employee is recalled within three hours of commencing normal duty, only time spent in travelling to work will be included with actual duty for the purpose of overtime payment.
(1) A Clinical Academic will have the same on call and recall obligations and the same on call and recall penalties’ entitlement as are prescribed for full-time Consultants in the Medical Practitioners Industrial Agreement.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, if the Employer and the Association agree, other arrangements may be made for compensation of on call and recall.
ON CALL AND RECALL. (i) Employees may be required to remain on call by the employer. Any such time on call shall not be counted as time worked (except insofar as an employee may take up actual duty in response to a call), but shall be compensated by means of the appropriate “on call” allowance in accordance with Table 2, Allowances, of this Agreement. No employee shall be required to remain on call whilst on leave.
(ii) No employee shall be required to remain “on call” whilst on a RDO nor on completion of the shift on the day preceding a RDO. This provision shall not apply where in circumstances it is necessary for Advantaged Care to place staff on call on a RDO or on completion of the shift on the day preceding a RDO in order to ensure the provision of services.
(iii) Where an employee on call leaves Advantaged Care and is recalled to duty, they shall be reimbursed all reasonable fares and expenses actually incurred provided that where an employee uses a motor car in these circumstances the allowance payable shall be the rate set out in Table 2. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all employees.
(iv) An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the employer's premises and who is required to work for more than four hours shall be allowed twenty minutes for the partaking of a meal and a further twenty minutes after each subsequent four hour's overtime; all such time shall be counted as time worked.
(v) An employee recalled to work will be paid a minimum of three hours work at the appropriate overtime rate.
ON CALL AND RECALL. In addition to the provisions of Clause 33:
ON CALL AND RECALL. 8.5.1 Employees rostered on-call shall be eligible for an on-call allowance of 14% of the daily base rate of pay of the employee’s classification level.
8.5.2 Employees required to respond during such periods by visiting work sites will be paid at overtime rates for a minimum of four (4) hours, for each time so recalled.
ON CALL AND RECALL. (1) An Employee rostered to be on call for clinical nursing duties will be paid 18.75% of 1/38th of the rate of pay prescribed for a Level 1.2 Registered Nurse for each hour or part thereof she/he is on call. Provided that this payment shall not be made in respect to any period for which overtime is paid.
(2) Where an Employee is recalled to work within 3 hours of starting work on a previous recall, the minimum overtime period shall commence from the time of the second, or subsequent recall. Provided that the effect of this subclause shall not be to pay three hours of overtime for each and every recall within the original three hour period, as a discrete period of overtime.
(3) An Employee rostered on call in a role where they are required to provide specialist clinical advice via the telephone direct to a patient will receive one hour overtime when telephone advice is provided. Subsequent telephone advice beyond the first hour will be paid a further one-hour overtime. However, multiple occasions of telephone advice within discrete hour periods will not attract an additional payment.
(4) (a) Directors of Nursing in rural health services that are recalled to duty for clinical nursing duties will be paid a minimum of 3 hours at the rate of time and one half. In lieu of overtime the Director of Nursing may elect to take the equivalent time worked as TOIL. Overtime or TOIL will not apply:
(i) where the Director of Nursing works in excess of 8 hours continuously within ordinary hours of work;
(ii) where the return to work is for duties of management (eg meetings, security, non-nursing emergencies); or
(iii) where other suitably trained nurses are available to deal with the recall.