Payroll Dues Deductions Sample Clauses
Payroll Dues Deductions a) When drawing orders for salary payments to unit members covered by this Agreement, the District shall reduce the order by the amount which has been voluntarily authorized in writing by the unit member to be deducted for the purpose of paying the unified membership dues of the unit member in the Association and its affiliates.
Payroll Dues Deductions. 1. When drawing orders for salary payments to unit members covered by this Agreement, the District shall reduce the order by the amount which has been voluntarily authorized in writing by the unit member to be deducted for the purpose of paying the unified membership dues of the unit member in the Association and its affiliates the California Teachers Association and National Education Association. If the authorization so provides, the District shall deduct sufficient monthly amounts to cover the yearly membership dues, even though the unit member commenced deductions after the first pay period. Current authorization cards on file with the District need not be resolicited under the new Agreement. If the authorization form properly covers future increases and decreases, such changes shall be made by the District upon written request of the Association, without resolicitation. A unit member’s written dues deduction authorization shall be revocable only upon receipt of written notice to the District from the Association, and such revocation shall be effective commencing with the next pay period after receipt thereof. The District shall on a monthly basis draw its order upon the funds of the District in favor of the Association for an amount equal to the total of the dues deductions made during the month, and shall furnish to the Association a list of all unit members affected together with the amount deducted for each. Only additional or other changes shall be reported after the report for September.
Payroll Dues Deductions. Section 1. Upon presentation of a written authorization, individually executed by the Employee, the Board agrees to deduct from the wages of the Employee for the payment of dues to the Association and dues for the local. The dues deduction shall begin with the second payday in July and continue for the next twenty-three
Payroll Dues Deductions. Section 5.1. The City agrees to deduct regular Union membership dues once per pay period from the pay of any employee eligible for membership in the bargaining unit upon receiving written authorization signed individually and voluntarily by the employee. The signed payroll deduction form must be presented to the Auditor by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Union. Upon receipt of the proper authorization, the City will deduct union dues the next payroll period in which the union dues are normally deducted following the pay period in which the authorization was received by the Employer. All dues collected shall be paid over by the Employer via ACH payment or by regular U.S. Mail to the FOP/OLC, 000 Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000-0000. Payroll deduction authorization shall be on the form provided by the Union and approved by the City (see Appendix A).
Section 5.2. It is specifically agreed that the City assumes no obligation, financial or otherwise, arising out of the provision of this article and the Union hereby agrees that it will indemnify and hold the Employer harmless from any claims, actions or proceedings by any employee arising from deductions made by the City hereunder. Once the funds are remitted to the Union, their disposition thereafter shall be the sole and exclusive obligation and responsibility of the Union.
Section 5.3. The Employer shall be relieved from making such dues deductions upon the employee's:
a.) Termination of employment;
b.) Transfer to a job other than one covered by the bargaining unit; c.) Lay off from work;
Payroll Dues Deductions. OAPSE shall have the sole and exclusive right to have membership dues deducted for employees in the bargaining unit by the Board during the term of this Agreement. The Board shall deduct dues from the wages of all employees who are members of OAPSE on the date of the execution of this Agreement and whose dues authorization forms have been submitted to the Board Treasurer on or before September 1 of each year, by the Local Union Treasurer. The Treasurer of OAPSE Local #657 shall notify the Board Treasurer on or before September 1 of each year of the amount of the local and state dues to be deducted from each OAPSE member employee’s wages. Once authorized, such deductions shall remain continuous unless the employee revokes such membership in writing to the OAPSE State Treasurer during the last ten (10 days) June 21 through June 30) of this Negotiated Agreement or until such time as the employee quits, resigns or is terminated. Union dues deductions will normally be in eighteen (18) payroll deductions encompassing a nine (9) month period beginning with the first pay in October. New employees employed after October 1 shall be entitled to payroll deduction privileges if their authorized payroll deduction forms are submitted to the Board Treasurer within thirty (30) days from the date of their initial employment. Deductions for any given month shall be remitted to the State Union of OAPSE by the 10th of the following month.
Payroll Dues Deductions. A. The Association shall supply the City with all necessary papers and information for payroll deduction of dues and assessments. Such dues or assessments shall be deducted in the amount(s) authorized by the individual employee and the Association.
B. The City agrees to deduct Association dues from a Member’s pay upon receipt of a “Dues Deduction Authorization” form voluntarily and individually authorized, signed, and dated by the Member. The Member’s authorization shall remain in effect until terminated by either the Member or the Association. The form to be used for this purpose is set forth in Appendix “A-1” to this Agreement. The City shall begin dues deductions from a Member’s pay in the pay period following receipt of the “Dues Deduction Authorization.”
C. The City agrees to deduct special assessments from the pay of all Members of the Association upon receipt of official written notification from the Association President indicating that said special assessment has been approved and ratified by a majority vote of the Association members. The form to be used for this purpose is set forth in Appendix “A-2” to this Agreement. The City may invoice the Association in the amount of $50.00 per month to be invoiced by the City on a monthly basis during the period of the special assessment. If the special assessment is a “one time” assessment, the City may invoice the Association in the amount of the actual administrative costs for the “one time” assessment. The City is not responsible for the administration and procedures used by the Association in the election for, collecting, distributing or return of any special assessment monies and the Association shall indemnify the City for any claims with regards to the special assessment. The special assessment ballot shall state the type of assessment, the amount of the assessment, the designated period of the assessment and the date and manner of the reimbursement, if any.
D. An Association Member may revoke his/her authorization for dues deductions at any time by individually providing the City with a signed and completed “Termination of Regular or Special Dues Deduction Authorization” form. The form to be used for this purpose is set forth in Appendix “A-3” to this Agreement. The City shall terminate dues deductions from the Member’s pay in the pay period following its receipt of the form. The City will provide a copy of the signed form to the Association’s Secretary-Treasurer.
E. The City is obligated to remit...
Payroll Dues Deductions. The Authority agrees to deduct from the compensation of any member of the Association, ½ of 1% of the supervisor’s base salary, for the purpose of paying the supervisor’s dues and assessments to the Association, provided said supervisor makes such request, in writing, to the Authority’s Payroll Section. Monies so deducted by the Authority will be transmitted to the Association. Any such written request for the deduction of such dues or assessments, as stated above, may be withdrawn by the supervisor at any time upon the filing of a Notice of Withdrawal with the Authority’s Payroll Section. The filing of such Notice of Withdrawal shall be effective, to halt deduction of said monies, as of January 1 or July 1, the next succeeding date of which the Notice of Withdrawal is filed.
Payroll Dues Deductions. Section 1. Upon presentation of a written authorization, individually executed by the Employee, the Board agrees to deduct from the wages of the Employee for the payment of dues to the Association and dues for the local. The dues deduction shall begin with the first payday in July and continue for the next twenty five (25) pay dates thereafter for twelve (12) month Employees; and for the next twenty one (21) pay dates thereafter for all other Employees. Dues for the local shall be taken out in the first new pay for their contracted year.
Section 2. Association agrees to indemnify and save the Board harmless against any and all claims that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board in reliance upon authorization cards submitted by Association to the Board.
Section 3. The Board agrees not to honor any dues deduction authorizations executed by any Employee in the bargaining unit in favor of any other labor organization.
Section 4. The payroll deductions shall be sent to the O.A.P.S.E. State Treasurer no later than ten (10) days following the end of the month, which will include a detailed listing of Employees and amounts. The Board also agrees to provide between July 1st and August 1st of each year a list of all Employees in the bargaining unit on the payroll, their hourly and/or annual rate, number of workdays, and number of hours to be worked. This report shall be sent to the President of O.A.P.S.E. Chapter 381.
Section 5. Fair Share Fee
A. Payroll Deduction of Fair Share Fee – Any employee who is a member of the bargaining unit shall be subject to the fair share fee for the remainder of their employment with the Board. No nonmember who files a timely demand shall be required to subsidize partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the Association’s work in the realm of collective bargaining.
B. Notification – Annually, the Association shall provide to the Treasurer, on or before September 15th, a list of members who have not voluntarily elected to join the Association. At the same time, the Association will transmit to the Treasurer the annual fair share fee amount for the purpose of determining the amount of payroll deduction.
C. Schedule of Fair Share Fee Deductions – Payroll deduction of fair share fees shall commence on the first pay date which occurs on or after the later of 60 days of employment or January 15th.
Payroll Dues Deductions. 5.1001 If requested by an Association member, yearly dues and/or fees to the Association and its affiliates shall be authorized for payroll deductions by the Treasurer. Dues shall be deducted through payroll deduction in seventeen (17) equal payments beginning in November. The Association shall present a list of Association members, accompanied by a letter of authorization signed by each member, to the Treasurer on or before the 10th of October of each school year.
Payroll Dues Deductions. Section 1. The Township agrees to deduct regular Union membership dues once per pay period from the pay of any employee eligible for membership in the bargaining unit upon receiving written authorization signed individually and voluntarily by the employee. The signed payroll
Section 2. It is specifically agreed that the Township assumes no obligation, financial or otherwise, arising out of the provision of this article and the Union hereby agrees that it will indemnify and hold the Employer harmless from any claims, actions or proceedings by any employee arising from deductions made by the Township hereunder. Once the funds are remitted to the Union, their disposition thereafter shall be the sole and exclusive obligation and responsibility of the Union.
Section 3. The Employer shall be relieved from making such dues deductions upon the employee’s:
a.) Termination of employment;
b.) Transfer to a job other than one covered by the bargaining unit; c.) Layoff from work;