Plant Safety Sample Clauses

Plant Safety. 22.01 Both parties hereto will co-operate to the fullest extent reasonably possible in the prevention of accidents and the promotion of the safety and health of the employees of the Company. It is agreed that all employees will use the protective devices supplied by the Company. The Company shall provide one hundred ten dollars ($110.00) per year to each eligible employee towards the cost of safety footwear. This subsidy shall not be accumulative from year-to-year and shall be payable only to active employees. The safety footwear subsidy will increase to one hundred fifteen dollars ($115.00) November 16, 2009. New employees will be entitled to receive the safety footwear subsidy upon the successful completion of the probationary period and be actually working for the Company. Students will NOT be entitled to receive the safety footwear subsidy. 22.02 Whenever an employee sustains an injury during working hours and is unable to continue working the remainder of their shift, the Company agrees that it will compensate said employee to the extent that said employee will be paid their regular rate of wages including any shift premium or overtime for all remaining time left in their shift. 22.03 The Company shall provide transportation from the plant on the day an employee sustains an industrial accident, and pay for time spent by an employee during their regular shift hours for subsequent medical treatment required as a result of an industrial accident. It will be required that an employee who is certified medically able to perform work prior to or following such treatment will do so where such work does not interfere with the treatment times. 22.04 The Company will not be responsible for the payment of such time and transportation which would be compensated by the Workers' Compensation Board. The calculation of hourly rate shall be based on the employee's straight time hourly rate. 22.05 In the event of employees sustaining injuries or becoming affected by occupational diseases during the course of their employment with Dashwood Industries Limited and become physically handicapped as a result thereof, every effort will be made by the Company to give the handicapped employee such suitable employment as is available. 22.06 In addition to the duties given to the Plant Health & Safety Committee under applicable Occupational Health and Safety legislation, the Committee will: a) Promote compliance with pertinent legislation. b) Meet once each month, or more regularl...
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Plant Safety. Section 1 – The elimination of accidents and injury to employees is of major importance to Employer, employee and Unions. It is the policy of the Employer that there shall be safe working conditions and that its employees shall follow safe working practices during the hours of their employment.
Plant Safety. Leave of Absence ...........................................................................................................
Plant Safety. Regulations
Plant Safety. Each Member business shall ensure that potential risks in its plants and facilities are systematically identified using industry best practices and adequate countermeasures are established to protect employees, visitors, neighboring areas and the environment. The safety countermeasures shall also take into consideration potential risks from or due to neighboring plants and their activities. Each Member business shall have effective programs in place to address process risk management, management of change, and process and equipment integrity. Collectively, these programs shall be designed to ensure the operational safety and reliability of processes and equipment to protect the environment, safety and health of individuals and the public. Each Member business shall have a systematic, thorough and complete analysis conducted of its processes by a multi-disciplinary team to identify process hazards and develop recommendations to prevent incidents from occurring. Such reviews shall be made available to the BPS Manager upon request, so that the BPS Operator may assess the associated risks to BPS.
Plant Safety. 16.01 Both parties hereto will cooperate to the fullest extent reasonably possible in the prevention of accidents and the promotion of the safety and health of the employees of the Company. It is agreed that all employees will use the protective devices supplied by the Company. All employees will be provided with an Employee Handbook, which they shall read and be knowledgeable concerning the contents of the said Handbook. Employee handbooks shall be maintained in a good, clean, legible condition and at the employee’s workstation. 16.02 The Company will upon presentation of a proper receipt, reimburse an employee up to $100.00 per year for safety shoes. 16.03 The Company and the Union agree to the information of a Joint Health & Safety Committee when required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The JHSC’s function and duties shall be as prescribed by the Occupational Health & Safety Act. 16.04 Each employee shall promptly report in writing to the manager, all defects in equipment, and the Company shall maintain all equipment in the proper and safe operating condition. 1) All vehicles, except hi-lo lift trucks, shall be equipped with closed cabs, heaters and defrosters and windows and doors shall be maintained in good order. 2) Proper heat will be provided in the wintertime so that employees may work efficiency as per Section 28 of the Industrial Safety Act. 3) All xxxxx are to be kept clean at all times to ensure complete safety 4) All machinery will be maintained in a good safe operating condition and all tools will be kept sharp. 5) The Company will supply exhaust fans and install same in all xxxxx to dispense harmful fumes and dust. 6) Maintenance books will be provided by the Company for all vehicles 7) A proper facility will be provided by the Company for employee breaks and lunch periods. 8) No smoking shall be allowed within the building(s) of the Company nor within 9 metres of any door way. A violation of this provision shall be subject to discipline up to and including discharge. 16.05 Conditions having to do with the sanitary facilities and other matters pertaining to the employee’s welfare shall be in accordance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act of Ontario. 16.05 1) All xxxxx and shops shall have adequate cool water to drink 16.05 2) Pay on the Day of an Injury a) Whenever an employee sustains an injury during working hours and is unable to continue working the remainder of his shift, the Company agrees that it will compensate s...
Plant Safety. Regulations 1) The Employer, on request from the Contractor, will isolate required plant from all sources of danger as described in the Plant Safety Regulations. 2) The Employer’s Project Manager, on request, makes available a copy of the latest revision of the Plant Safety Regulations available to the Contractor. 3) The Contractor conforms to all rules and regulations applicable to plant safety and completes the Xxxxxxx'x Register prior to working on the plant. 4) The Contractor declares any grinding and welding to be carried out on the workers register. 5) At every permit change the Contractor withdraws himself/herself/his staff for that period of permit suspension/revocation and thereafter only proceeds with the works after signing onto the new permit. 6) The Contractor ensures that he/she/all sub-contractors/personnel/staff/his visitors are medically, physically and psychologically fit to enter the Xxxxx Power Station, and specifically any confined space. 7) The Contractor is prohibited from entering Radiation Areas. 8) The onus is on the Contractor to ensure that the correct confined space requirements and tests have been done/ met by the Employer prior to entry into any confined space or hazardous plant areas. 9) The Contractor ensures that all personnel are competent to carry out the works. 10) Proof of competency for technical and safety aspects must be available as and when required on site.
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Plant Safety a) Monitor the wearing of safety equipment. b) Ensure safety supplies are adequate. c) Maintain computer incident records.
Plant Safety. 22.01 Both parties hereto will co-operate to the full est extent reasonably possible in the prevention of accidents and the promotion of the safety and health of the employees of the Company. It is agreed that all employees will use the protective devices supplied by the Company. The Company shall provide one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year to each eligible employee towards the cost of safety footwear. This subsidy shall not be accumulative from year to year. New employees will be entitled to receive the safety footwear subsidy upon the successful completion of the probationary period and be actually working for the Company. Students will NOT be entitled to receive the safety footwear subsidy.

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  • Environmental Health and Safety i. Environment, Health and Safety Performance. Seller acknowledges and accepts full and sole responsibility to maintain an environment, health and safety management system ("EMS") appropriate for its business throughout the performance of this Contract. Buyer expects that Seller’s EMS shall promote health and safety, environmental stewardship, and pollution prevention by appropriate source reduction strategies. Seller shall convey the requirement of this clause to its suppliers. Seller shall not deliver goods that contain asbestos mineral fibers.

  • Health and Safety Plan Consultant shall prepare and submit a Health and Safety Plan (“HASP”) for the portion of Consultant’s work that will involve field work, assessments, or investigations of certain Project elements. The HASP shall describe how Consultant plans to complete field work, assessments, and/or investigations at the RWF. Consultant’s HASP must comply with the CIP HASP and shall be updated as new conditions are encountered.

  • Health & Safety (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Home, in order to prevent injury and illness and abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended from time to time. (b) A Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) shall be constituted in accordance with the Act, which shall identify potential dangers, recommend means of improving the health and safety programs and obtaining information from the Employer or other persons respecting the identification of hazards and standards. The committee shall meet at least every three months or more frequently if the committee decides. The Employer agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Health and Safety Committee at least one (1) ONA representative selected or appointed by the Union from the Employer. Scheduled time spent in such meetings is to be considered time worked for which representative(s) shall be paid by the Employer at his or her regular or overtime rate. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies shall be sent to the Committee members within two (2) weeks following the meeting, if possible. Minutes of the meetings shall be posted on the workplace health and safety bulletin board. (c) The Employer shall provide the time from work with pay and all related tuition costs and expenses necessary to certify the worker representative. Where an inspector makes an inspection of a workplace under the powers conferred upon him or her under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Employer shall afford a committee member representing workers the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. Where a committee member is not available, the Employer shall afford a worker selected by a Union, because of knowledge, experience and training, to represent it, the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. (d) Two (2) representatives of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, one (1) from management and one (1) from the employees, shall make monthly inspections of the work place and shall report to the health and safety committee the results of their inspection. The members of the Committee who represent the workers shall designate a member representing workers to inspect the workplace. Where possible that member shall be a certified member. The Employer shall provide the member with such information and assistance as the member may require for the purpose of carrying out an inspection of the workplace. Scheduled time spent in all such activities shall be considered as time worked. (e) The Joint Health and Safety Committee and the representatives thereof shall have access to Incident/Accident Report Form required in S.51, S.52 and S.53 of the Act and the annual summary of data from the WSIB relating to the number of work accident fatalities, the number of lost workday cases, the number of lost workdays, the number of non-fatal cases that required medical aid without lost workdays, the incidence of occupational injuries, and such other data as the WSIB may decide to disclose. It is understood and agreed that no information will be provided to the Committee which is confidential. This information shall be a standing item recorded in the minutes of each meeting. (f) The Union will use its best efforts to obtain the full co-operation of its membership in the compliance of all safety rules and practices. (g) The Employer will use its best efforts to make all affected direct care employees aware of residents who have serious infectious diseases. The nature of the disease need not be disclosed. Employees will be made aware of special procedures required of them to deal with these circumstances. The parties agree that all employees are aware of the requirement to practice universal precautions in all circumstances. (h) The parties further agree that suitable subjects for discussion at the Union-Management Committee and Joint Health and Safety Committee will include aggressive residents. The Employer will review with the Joint Health and Safety Committee written policies to address the management of violent behaviour. Such policies will include but not be limited to: i) Designing safe procedures for employees, ii) Providing training appropriate to these policies, iii) Reporting all incidents of workplace violence. (i) The Employer shall: i) Inform employees of any situation relating to their work which may endanger their health and safety, as soon as it learns of the said situation, ii) Inform employees regarding the risks relating to their work and provide training and supervision so that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to safely perform the work assigned to them, When faced with occupational health and safety decisions, the Home will not await full scientific or absolute certainty before taking reasonable action(s) that reduces risk and protects employees. iii) Ensure that the applicable measures and procedures prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act are carried out in the workplace. (j) A worker shall, i) Work in compliance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the regulations, ii) Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the worker's Employer requires to be used or worn, iii) Report to his or her Employer or supervisor the absence of or defect in any equipment or protective device of which the worker is aware and which may endanger himself, herself or another worker, and iv) Report to his or her Employer or supervisor any contravention of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or the regulations or the existence of any hazard of which he or she knows.

  • OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (a) It is a mutual interest of the parties to promote health and safety in workplaces and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries and occupational diseases. The parties agree that health and safety is of the utmost importance and agree to promote health and safety and wellness throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees on an ongoing basis, and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions. Accordingly, the parties fully endorse the responsibilities of employer and employee under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, making particular reference to the following:

  • Occupational Health and Safety Committee ‌ (a) The parties agree that a joint occupational health and safety committee will be established. The Committee shall govern itself in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations made pursuant to the Workers Compensation Act. The Committee shall be between the Employer and the Union, with equal representation, and with each party appointing its own representatives. The Union agrees to actively pursue with the other Health Care unions, where more than one union is certified with the Employer, a joint union/employer committee for the purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. (b) Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages while attending meetings of the Joint Committee. Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages to participate in joint workplace inspections and joint accident investigations at the request of the Committee pursuant to the WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Committee meetings, workplace inspections and accident investigations shall be scheduled during normal working hours whenever practicable. (c) The Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall have as part of its mandate the jurisdiction to receive complaints or concerns regarding workload problems which are safety-related, the right to investigate such complaints, the right to define the problem and the right to make recommendations for a solution. Where the Committee determines that a safety-related workload problem exists, it shall inform the Employer. Within 21 days thereafter, the Employer shall advise the Committee what steps it has taken or proposes to take to rectify the safety-related workload problem identified by the Committee. If the Union is not satisfied with the Employer's response, it may refer the matter to the Industry Trouble shooter for a written recommendation. (d) No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to work when excused by the provisions of the

  • HEALTH AND SAFETY 7A01 The parties to this Collective Agreement endorse the importance of a safe and secure environment, in which nurses must work. The parties will work together in recognizing and resolving Occupational Health and Safety issues. 7A02 In accordance with the Workplace Safety and Health Act, the Employer agrees to make reasonable and proper provisions for the maintenance of a high standard of health and safety in the workplace and will provide safety and personal protective equipment where required and install safety devices where necessary. 7A03 The Workplace Safety and Health Committee shall cooperate with Union representation for the purpose of ensuring health and safety in the workplace and the identification of health and safety hazards. On an annual basis the Workplace Safety and Health Committee will be provided with and will review the Critical Incident Stress Response policy, security/response plans and all other applicable policies and regulations. The Employer will make available where it exists, support through the Critical Incident Stress Response (CISR) team, or where there is no CISR team, appropriate Critical Incident support, to a nurse affected by a Critical Incident, an incident or circumstances that are deemed by the nurse to be outside the normal experience of their duties/workplace, and/or upon request of the nurse, or the manager on behalf of the nurse. Where the Employer, does not currently maintain a CISR team, they shall provide the Union with the specifics of how nurses are provided support similar to that provided by CISR teams, and through what programs and/or services. Where maintenance of CISR teams is no longer reasonably possible the Employer shall provide the Union as much notice as possible and the parties shall meet to discuss what options are to be implemented to continue provision of similar support to nurses. The Employer will communicate to members the option to activate CISR as well as provide information as to the nature of the support provided by the CISR teams. The parties agree that there shall be a dedicated mental health support unit (over and above EAP), funded by PCOC, and established exclusively for nurses in the bargaining unit. The parties agree to establish a committee within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement to establish the scope, duties and terms of reference of the mental health support unit. 7A04 The Employer and the Union agree that no form of abuse, harassment or bullying of nurses will be condoned in the workplace. Both parties will work together in recognizing, facilitating the reporting of alleged abuse and resolving such problems as they arise. There shall be zero tolerance of abuse, harassment or bullying. Any nurse who believes a situation may become or has become abusive, harassing or bullying shall report this to the immediate supervisor. The Employer shall notify the Union ninety-six (96) hours after the receipt of the report. Every reasonable effort will be made to rectify the abusive situation to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. Any workplace injury or harmful exposure suffered by a nurse shall be reported to the Union no later than ninety-six (96) hours after the report/notification is made to the Employer. Such report to the Union will include the name of the affected nurse, if the nurse agrees, and a brief description as to the mechanism of injury/exposure. In regards to respectful workplace; there shall be a policy supporting a Respectful Workplace which shall be provided to the Union, and shall be reviewed annually by the Workplace Health and Safety Committee. Such policy shall address the issue of communication strategies, which will include signage. The Employer’s Respectful Workplace policy shall include a commitment to conclude the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible. Where a respectful workplace complaint is filed by a nurse, the Employer shall notify the Union of such complaint no later than ten (10) business days following receipt of the complaint. Where the Union has concerns regarding the impartiality of an Employer conducted Respectful Workplace Investigation, the Union shall have the right to request the investigation be conducted by an individual from outside the work site. The Employer shall give all due reasonable consideration to such request. If a Respectful Workplace Investigation is conducted, a report of findings, or a summary of the report will be shared by the Employer with the complainant and respondent nurse(s). Where a summary is provided, rather than the full report the Union may request and the Employer shall provide the rationale for the provision of a summary rather than the full report. The complainant and respondent may share the report/summary with the Union if they wish. 7A05 At the request of a nurse, the Employer shall provide, at no cost to the nurse, vaccination(s) and/or immunization(s) for occupational illness(es) in accordance with the Canadian Immunization Guide from the Laboratory Centre for Disease for Health Canada. All reasonable efforts should be made to provide immunization(s) to the nurse during their regularly scheduled work hours. 7A06 Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program - The Employer agrees to actively participate and facilitate the rehabilitation and return to work of ill, injured or disabled nurses even when they are not covered under the D & R, WCB or MPI programs. For clarity, where a nurse is waiting for a decision from D & R, WCB, or MPI and has been medically cleared to return to work, the Employer will pay for all return to work hours. It is understood that the nurse will reimburse the Employer once their claim is accepted. Any such nurse will be supernumerary in nature when reasonably possible. The Union shall be notified by the Employer if there is a request for a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program for a nurse. The Employer shall include the Union in the initial meeting with the nurse to review the provisions of the program to ensure that the work designated is within their restrictions and limitations. If required, the Employer shall schedule subsequent (progress) review(s) with the Union and the nurse and may proceed without the Union’s involvement subject to the Union’s concurrence. Where appropriate, by agreement between the Employer and the Union, job postings may be waived.

  • Work Health and Safety (a) The employer and employee acknowledge their responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012. (b) Where there is a Work Health and Safety Representative they must be elected and will carry out the tasks associated with the role of Work Health and Safety Representative set out within the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

  • OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 34.01 The parties recognize the need for a safe and healthy workplace. The Employer shall be responsible for providing safe and healthy working conditions. The Employer and Employees will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce or minimize all workplace safety hazards. Occupational health and safety education, training and instruction provided by the Employer, shall be paid at the Basic Rate of Pay, to fulfill the requirements for training, instruction or education set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation or Code. (a) There shall be an Occupational Health and Safety Committee (Committee), which shall be composed of representatives of the Employer and representatives of the Local and may include others representing recognized functional bargaining units. This Committee shall meet once a month, and in addition shall meet within 10 days of receiving a written complaint regarding occupational health or safety. An Employee shall be paid the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay for attendance at Committee meetings. A request to establish separate committees for each site or grouping of sites shall not be unreasonably denied. The Employer shall provide training at no cost to all Employees on the Committee to assist them in performing their duties on the Committee. Training shall be paid at the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay. (b) Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and shall be approved by the Employer, the Local, and other bargaining groups, referred to in (a), prior to circulation. (c) The purpose of the Committee is to consider such matters as occupational health and safety and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (d) If an issue arises regarding occupational health or safety, the Employee or the Local shall first seek to resolve the issue through discussion with the applicable immediate supervisor in an excluded management position. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, it may then be forwarded in writing to the Committee. (e) The Committee shall also consider measures necessary to ensure the security of each Employee on the Employer’s premises and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (f) (i) Should an issue not be resolved by the Committee, the issue shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A resolution meeting between the Local and the CEO, or designate(s), shall take place within 21 calendar days of the issue being referred to the CEO. The CEO or designate(s) shall reply in writing to the Local within seven (7) calendar days of the resolution meeting.

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