Progressive Discipline Policy Sample Clauses
Progressive Discipline Policy. 1. No appropriate administrators/supervisors shall reprimand or criticize an employee in the presence of the employee’s co-workers, students, or in the presence of parents of such students or others not directly concerned. When reprimand or criticism is deemed necessary, it shall be made in a private conference, with discretion and out of public view and hearing.
2. It shall be the objective of those taking disciplinary action, and of the employees, that they handle their roles by conducting themselves through proper and professional decorum to avoid embarrassment.
3. An employee summoned to the office of a principal or appropriate administrator/supervisor, or any district-level administrator for an investigatory conference (initiation of questioning) or meeting which may lead to disciplinary action or discipline shall be advised that they have the right to Union representation or a witness of their choice. The administrator shall refrain from advising employees regarding union participation and necessity of representation for other groups, including but not limited to DCF and Law Enforcement. For matters not related to a safety issue which must be immediately addressed to mitigate further harm, if a Union representative is not available for the initially scheduled conference/meeting, the conference/meeting shall be rescheduled within a reasonable time period to a time when Union representation is available. The rescheduling shall in no circumstance result in an unreasonable delay. Employees are entitled to a fair and thorough investigation by the district or their administrator prior to receiving progressive discipline.
4. The employee shall be provided an opportunity to provide mitigation to the employer before a final recommendation is made to the Board for suspension or termination. Both mitigating and aggravating information will be considered for all disciplinary actions and may result in a lessor or more severe discipline recommendation. The employer shall comply with administrative procedures regarding the timeline and protocols for notification of discipline recommendations to the employee or his/her representative or shall result in deferral of the recommended discipline.
5. An employee who intentionally provides false information regarding another employee in the implementation of these procedures shall be subject to discipline.
6. If applicable, a civil service probationary employee may be demoted when, in the opinion of the appropriate adminis...
Progressive Discipline Policy. A progressive discipline platform exists and all administrators will be trained on this platform in order to implement it with fidelity.
Progressive Discipline Policy. Disciplinary action may include any of the following, depending on the severity of the offense and the employee’s work history:
Progressive Discipline Policy. 1. Administrators/supervisors shall not reprimand or criticize an employee in the presence of the employee’s colleagues, students, or in the presence of parents of such students. When reprimand or criticism is deemed necessary, it shall be made in a private conference, with discretion and out of public view and hearing. The following progressive steps must be followed in administering discipline, it being understood, however, that some more severe acts of misconduct may warrant circumventing the established procedure.
a. Verbal Reprimand
1. No written conference summary is placed in personnel file
2. Employees must be told that a verbal reprimand initiates the discipline process b. Written Reprimand
Progressive Discipline Policy. A. Definitions: Progressive discipline-is,thataction taken by.theBoard or its.representative.against a-- "" teacher for acts or omissions which shall include, but not to be limited to, those acts or omissions described in GroundsJor Misconduct listed below. No teacher on tenure or., continuing contract shall be disciplined or discharged without just and reasonable cause.
Progressive Discipline Policy. USD 266 has the right to discipline an employee utilizing a procedure that is progressive in application. Even though the procedure is designed to be progressive, the district reserves the right to start the discipline at any point or combine or skip steps depending on the facts of each situation and the nature of the offense. The progressive discipline process may include, but not be limited to verbal reprimand, written reprimand, final reprimand, suspension with pay, suspension without pay, nonrenewal, and termination. When an employee is recommended for non-renewal or termination, the parties shall follow the procedures outlined in Article 7.4. The employee will be asked to sign any disciplinary document indicating acknowledgment of receipt. A copy of any disciplinary document will be provided to the employee, and a copy will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. The employee will have seven (7) school days after the disciplinary action has been issued to provide a written response to the discipline. Any such response shall be attached to or included with the disciplinary documentation. Employees subject to discipline may grieve their discipline in accordance with the grievance procedure outlined in Article 9.3.
Progressive Discipline Policy. Progressive discipline procedures for professional instructional employees defined as Teachers under Michigan’s Teacher Tenure Act 4 of 1937, MCL 38.71 will follow board of education policy. Progressive discipline procedures for all other professional instructional employees are described below:
A. Definitions: Progressive discipline is that action taken by the Board or its representative against a professional instructional employee for acts or omissions which shall include, but not to be limited to, those acts or omissions described in Grounds for Misconduct listed below. No professional instructional employee on tenure or continuing contract shall be disciplined or discharged without just and reasonable cause.
Progressive Discipline Policy. A. Only the Chief of Fire or his/her designee may suspend a telecommunicator. However, all supervisors can initiate counseling sessions, oral reprimands, and written reprimands, and may recommend to the Disciplinary Board of Battalion Chiefs that a telecommunicator be suspended without pay.
B. All supervisors will make every effort to employ the progressive discipline concept when applying disciplinary action within their area of supervision.
C. The stages of progressive discipline are as follows:
1. ORAL REPRIMANDS OR COUNSELING SESSIONS should be used for first offenses, minor offenses, or as a warning to the telecommunicator. Supervisors shall keep a record of oral reprimands. When possible, the supervisor should have the telecommunicator initial the record of the oral reprimand. A copy of the reprimand or counseling form must be provided to the telecommunicator upon request.
2. WRITTEN REPRIMANDS should be used for repeated minor offenses or for more serious first offenses. The written reprimand must be discussed with the telecommunicator to ensure that the seriousness of the action is understood. Upon receipt of a written reprimand, the telecommunicator may, within five business days, forward to the Chief of the Department, an explanation of the circumstances. The Disciplinary Board of Battalion Chiefs shall review all written reprimands (see Exhibit C). Suspension without pay should be used for repeated offenses or for serious first offenses.
3. Suspensions without pay should be used for repeated offenses or for serious first offenses. All suspensions shall be processed consistent with Exhibit C.
Progressive Discipline Policy. To avoid complaints of inconsistency for subjective discipline decisions and to develop a restorative work environment for nutrition staff towards support and improvement, the Nutrition Department Management Team will follow the below protocol for addressing discipline and substandard performance: TERMINATION 48 Hour Meeting: Written Recommendation to HR for Further Discipline Up to Termination.
Progressive Discipline Policy. Progressive discipline is that action taken by the Board or its representative against a professional instructional employee for acts or omissions which shall include, but not to be limited to, those acts or omissions described in Grounds for Misconduct listed below. No professional instructional employee on tenure or continuing contract shall be disciplined or discharged without just and reasonable cause.