Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. After the payment and use of sixty-five (65) job injury days, charges shall be made against sick leave accrued, if any; and the employee may elect to use his or her accumulated vacation after sick leave accrued is exhausted.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation.
A. Whenever an employee uses either sick leave or vacation allowance and has actual work time of at least forty (40) hours in the same payroll period, the employee may choose to include:
i. Sick leave or vacation on a straight time basis in the total number of hours for which the employee received compensation; or
ii. Compensation for the actual work time without the use of vacation or sick leave.
B. Whenever an employee has accumulated vacation or sick leave credits available, the appropriate number of hours must be taken when either vacation or sick leave is taken during a payroll week.
C. If an employee has no leave time available, the requested leave is granted at the discretion of the department head in consultation with the Director of Human Resources.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. After sick leave accruals are exhausted, vacation time may be charged for absence by the employee due to illness, upon the employee’s request and written approval by the General Manager. Use of vacation time after sick leave accruals are exhausted will only be approved when request for such use is accompanied with a medical certification.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. In all cases where an employee is receiving Worker's Compensation payments, and where an employee has used his/her entire 90 working days of injury leave, sick leave may be used in an amount equal to the difference between the regular pay of the employee and his/her Worker's Compensation payments until the employee's sick leave credits expire or he/she returns to work. If all sick leave has been exhausted, an employee may elect to use accumulated vacation leave in an amount equal to the difference between the regular pay of the employee and his Worker's Compensation payments until the employee's vacation leave credits expire or he/she returns to work.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. After the payment and use of sick leave, charges shall be made against sick leave accruals, if any, and an employee may elect to use his accumulated vacation after sick leave accrual is used.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. 1. A Nurse who accumulates sick leave and vacation shall be permitted to use accumulated sick leave and vacation to supplement temporary disability payments received under the California Workers' Compensation Act.
2. Sick leave and vacation payments shall not exceed the difference between the amount payable to the Nurse under the Workers' Compensation Act and the Nurse's regular salary.
3. The additional payment made to a Nurse to provide the Nurse with full salary prior to receipt of disability payments shall be deemed an advance temporary disability payment within the Workers' Compensation Act. A Nurse who receives an advance temporary disability payment shall reimburse the University for such payment. The reimbursement is used to restore the proportionate sick leave and vacation credit as appropriate.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. 1. An employee who accrues sick leave and vacation shall be permitted to use accrued sick and/or vacation leave to supplement income received under the California Workers’ Compensation Act to reach the equivalent of his/her full salary. Sick leave and vacation payments shall be the difference between the amount payable to the employee under the Workers’ Compensation Act and the employee’s regular salary.
2. An employee shall exhaust their accrued sick leave prior to using their accrued vacation.
3. The additional payment made to an employee to provide the employee with full salary prior to receipt of disability payments shall be deemed an advance temporary disability payment within the Workers’ Compensation Act. An employee who receives advance temporary disability payment shall reimburse the University for such payment. The reimbursement is used to restore proportionate sick leave and vacation credit as appropriate.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. 1. An employee who accumulates sick leave and vacation shall be permitted to use accumulated sick leave and vacation to supplement temporary disability payments received under the California Workers' Compensation Act.
2. Sick leave and vacation payments shall be the difference between the amount payable to the employee under the Workers' Compensation Act and the Employee's regular salary.
3. The additional payment made to an employee to provide the employee with full salary prior to receipt of disability payments shall be deemed an advance temporary disability payment within the Workers' Compensation Act. An employee who receives an advance temporary disability payment shall reimburse the University for such payment. The reimbursement is used to restore the proportionate sick leave and vacation credit as appropriate.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. After sick leave accruals are exhausted, the employee’s vacation accruals will be used automatically unless the employee requests otherwise, in writing, to Human Resources. When an employee is compelled to be absent due to the illness or injury of a member of the employee's immediate family, the employee may utilize employee's sick leave for such purpose in accordance with Labor Code 233. For the purpose of this Section, the following are considered members of the employee’s immediate family: parent, brother, sister, spouse, registered domestic partner, child, parent of a spouse, or anyone residing in a household who is a dependent or relative. The employee may be required to show evidence by physician’s certification for the absence from work.
Use of Sick Leave and Vacation. After the payment and use of Contested Injuries. Charges may be made against sick leave ac- crued, if any, in any case where the City is contesting that the in- jury occurred on the job. In the event that the Industrial Commis- sion determines in favor of the employee, sick leave so charged