Xxxxxxx Program Sample Clauses
Xxxxxxx Program. Union stewards shall mean full-time CSI employees within the same bargaining unit, who are members of and are designated by the Union to assist employees for the purposes of processing grievances and meet and confer issues. The Union shall select one xxxxxxx at the administration office bargaining unit.
A. After receiving approval of his/her CSI-designated supervisor, a xxxxxxx shall be allowed reasonable time off during working hours not in excess of an aggregate maximum of four (4) hours per month, without loss of time or pay, to investigate and present such grievances and appeals. The CSI-designated supervisor will authorize the xxxxxxx to leave his/her work whenever the supervisor determines that the xxxxxxx'x absence will not interfere with the work of the unit. Where immediate approval is not granted, the supervisor shall inform the xxxxxxx of the reasons for the denial and establish an alternate time when the xxxxxxx can reasonable be expected to be released from his/her work assignment.
B. Stewards shall have the right to serve as a representative for employees in grievance matters in accordance with the grievance and disciplinary provisions of the Agreement. No more than one (1) xxxxxxx may assist in the investigation or processing of a grievance.
C. Before performing grievance and disciplinary appeal work, the xxxxxxx will obtain the permission of his/her CSI-designated supervisor and shall report back to his/her CSI-designated supervisor when the grievance or disciplinary work is completed. Where immediate approval is not granted, the said supervisor shall inform the xxxxxxx of the reasons for the denial and establish an alternate time when the xxxxxxx can reasonably be expected to be released from his/her work assignment.
D. When a xxxxxxx desires to contact an employee, the xxxxxxx shall first contact the CSI-designated supervisor of that employee, advise of the nature of the business, and obtain release by the supervisor to meet with the employee. When, in the best judgment of the supervisor, the investigation would interfere with the work of the unit, the supervisor will notify the xxxxxxx when he/she can reasonably expect to contact the employee.
E. Stewards shall receive no overtime for time spent performing a function of a xxxxxxx.
F. Stewards shall not conduct Union business on Company time, except as specifically authorized by this Agreement. G. Stewards shall be responsible for the full and prompt performance of their CSI assigned work...
Xxxxxxx Program. 1. The appointment and management of Union Stewards is an internal Union matter.
2. Stewards shall be allowed a reasonable amount of Official Time IAW Section 6.7.
3. It is agreed that Stewards will carry out their duties in a way that does not interfere with the Agency’s ability to accomplish the mission.
4. Stewards will be available for call back if needed, and shall report to their supervisor immediately upon return.
Xxxxxxx Program. Union stewards shall mean permanent employees of a department within the same bargaining unit, who are members of and are designated by the Union to assist employees for the purposes of processing grievances. The SEIU Unit shall select up to eighty-six
Xxxxxxx Program. Union stewards shall mean regular employees of the Court within the same bargaining unit, who are members of, and are designated by, the Union to assist employees in this unit for the purposes of processing grievances. The Court Supervisory Employee Unit may select up to four
Xxxxxxx Program. Upon authorization of an employee in writing, the Board must deduct money from his/her/their pay and remit this money each pay period to a tax‐sheltered annuity program the employee elects. The employee agrees to save and hold harmless the Board from any and all liabilities of the annuity program incurred as a result of this paragraph. It is agreed that any member of the staff who wishes to participate in such a plan shall choose a plan from an approved list submitted to the Board by the Union. The list submitted by the Union shall be limited to five (5) plans which may be expanded to a maximum of eight (8) plans provided a minimum of five (5) employees wish to participate in a plan which is not on the approved list.
Xxxxxxx Program. 1. The employer agrees that the Union may appoint stewards and designate their area of representation. The Union will supply the employer, in writing, and shall maintain on a current basis a list of authorized stewards and their area of representation. Stewards will represent employees of their area in formal discussion with the supervisor concerned, about the application of personnel practices and policies, and other matters affecting general working conditions of employees in the area of representation.
2. If requested by the employee concerned, the xxxxxxx will be allowed up to eight (8) hours of official time to investigate and prepare grievances, appeals of unacceptable performance, and appeals of Adverse Actions, excluding reclassification actions. Additional time will be granted when justified to the Labor Relations Specialist (HRO-LRS). Stewards shall be granted whatever official time is needed to present a grievance or appeal to the appropriate official.
a. Stewards will not use official time for solicitation of membership, campaign for offices, distribution of literature, or other internal Union business.
b. Xxxxxxxx will obtain permission from their appropriate supervisor or his/her representative before leaving the work area, stating their purpose and where they desire to go. Permission will be granted except in emergencies or periods of unusual workloads. The xxxxxxx will be available for call back in the event of emergencies. Stewards will report to their supervisor immediately upon return. Permission will also be obtained from the supervisor of the employee being contacted. Permission will be granted except in emergencies or periods of unusual workloads.
c. Stewards and the appropriate supervisor will informally discuss items of concern, in the application of policies and this agreement, to avoid misunderstanding and deter formal complaints of either party.
d. The Union recognizes that the transfer of employees is a management function. However, the employer agrees that stewards will not be transferred or detailed more than two (2) weeks without the Union being given one (1) week notice except where the xxxxxxx initiates the transfer action, this being for the purpose of appointing a new xxxxxxx.
Xxxxxxx Program. Union stewards shall mean permanent employees within the bargaining unit, who are members of and are designated by the Union to assist employees for the purposes of processing grievances. The Unit may select up to two (2) stewards. The Union agrees to notify the District in writing of the names and titles of the xxxxxxx(s) representing employees and shall send a copy of such notice to the District Manager. Changes to the listing of stewards will be provided by the Union as they occur. Only employees named on the current list will be recognized by the District as stewards of the Union.
Xxxxxxx Program. 1. The appointment and management of Union Stewards is an internal Union matter. To the greatest extent possible, the Union will assign a qualified xxxxxxx(s) to oversee each Agency facility where bargaining unit employees are present.
2. To the greatest extent possible, Union Stewards will be assigned representational duties at their duty location. When qualified stewards are not available at one location, the Union may designate a xxxxxxx or representative from another location to oversee employment matters at the facility experiencing the xxxxxxx vacancy.
3. It is agreed that Xxxxxxxx will carry out their duties in a way that does not interfere with the Agency’s ability to accomplish the mission.
4. Stewards will be available for call back if needed and shall report to their supervisor immediately upon return.
Xxxxxxx Program. (If elected by Contractor)
A. Only those entities registered with DGS are authorized to participate as COSTARS Members in this Contract. A COSTARS Member may be either a local public procurement unit or a state-affiliated entity.
1. A “local public procurement unit” is: • Any political subdivision (local government unit), such as a municipality, school district, or commission; • Any public authority (including authorities formed under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1955 or other authorizing legislation, such as the Public Transportation Law or the Aviation Code); • Any tax-exempt, nonprofit educational institution or organization; • Any tax-exempt, nonprofit public health institution or organization; • Any nonprofit fire, rescue, or ambulance company; and • Any other entity that spends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, and construction (such as a council of governments, an area government, or an organization that receives public grant funds).
2. A state-affiliated entity is a Commonwealth authority or other Commonwealth entity that is not a Commonwealth agency. The term includes: • The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission; • The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; • The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System; • The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority; • The State Public School Building Authority; • The Pennsylvania Higher Education Facilities Authority, and • The State System of Higher Education. The term does not include any court or other officer or agency of the unified judicial system, the General Assembly and its officers and agencies, any Staterelated institution, or any Commonwealth executive or independent agencies, boards, or commissions not listed above. Statewide "row" offices, including the Auditor General, Attorney General, and State Treasurer are not State-affiliated entities under the Procurement Code. However, elements of the court system, the General Assembly, and independent agencies, boards, or commissions have been deemed eligible for COSTARS membership as entities that spend public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, and construction.
3. A complete list of local public procurement units and state-affiliated entities that have registered with DGS and that are authorized to procure items from the Contract can be found at
Xxxxxxx Program. (If elected by Contractor)
a. Only those COSTARS Purchasers registered with DGS may participate as COSTARS Purchasers in a Commonwealth contract. Several thousand COSTARS Purchasers are currently registered with DGS; therefore, the Contractor agrees to permit only to DGS- registered COSTARS members to make COSTARS purchases from this Contract.
(1) A “local public procurement unit” is: ▪ Any political subdivision; ▪ Any public authority; ▪ Any tax exempt, nonprofit educational or public health institution or organization; ▪ Any nonprofit fire, rescue, or ambulance company; and ▪ To the extent provided by law, any other entity, including a council of governments or an area government that expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, and construction.
(2) A state-affiliated entity is a Commonwealth authority or other Commonwealth entity that is not a Commonwealth agency. The term includes the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System, the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, the State Public School Building Authority, the Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority and the State System of Higher Education.
b. COSTARS Purchasers have the option to purchase from a Contract awarded under this procurement, from any DGS contract established exclusively for COSTARS Purchasers in accordance with the requirements of Section 1902, from any other cooperative procurement contracts, or from their own procurement contracts established in accordance with the applicable laws governing such procurements. The Contractor understands and acknowledges that there is no guarantee that any prospective COSTARS Purchaser will place an order under this Contract, and that it is within the sole discretion of the registered COSTARS Purchaser whether to procure from this Contract or to use another procurement vehicle.
c. DGS is acting as a facilitator for COSTARS Purchasers who may wish to purchase under this Contract. Registered COSTARS Purchasers who participate in this Contract and issue purchase orders (“POs”) to Contractors are third party beneficiaries who have the right to sue and be sued for breach of this contract without joining the Commonwealth or DGS as a party. The Commonwealth will not intervene in any action between a Contractor and a Purchaser unless substantial interests of the Commonwealth are involved.
d. Registered COSTARS Purchasers electing to partic...